Масоните по дефиниција се религиозни луѓе. Сепак, тие (често пати со многу нервоза) негираат дека масонеријата е религија. Јас тврдам дека масонеријата, de facto, се поставува како над-религија (über religion). Еден од најчестите масонски одговори е дека масонеријата не е религија бидејќи не се раководи според некоја догма. Ова не е точно. Целејќи да ги опфати сите религии, масонеријата се јавува како како über religion со две основни догматски поставки: 1 верата во Големиот Архитект на Универзумот (универзална референца за Бог) и 2. постоење на живот после овоземниот. Понатаму, како и религиите, масонеријата пропишува и доктринарни правила за морално усовршување на човекот, за фундаментална вистина, апологија, доблесно заминување во „небесни ложи,“ итн.
Познатите масонски автори Albert Pike и Albert G. Mackey ја потврдуваат тезата дека масонеријата е и делува како религија.
"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion."
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 213.
“From all this we see that the altar in Masonry is not merely a convenient article of furniture, intended, like a table, to hold a Bible. It is a sacred utensil of religion, intended, like the altars of the ancient temples, for religious uses, and thus identifying Masonry, by its necessary existence in our Lodges, as a religious institution. Its presence should also lead the contemplative Mason to view the ceremonies in which it is employed with solemn reverence, as being part of a really religious worship.”
Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry p.60
Look at its ancient landmarks, its sublime ceremonies, its profound symbols and allegories -- all inculcating religious observance, and teaching religious truth, and who can deny that it is eminently a religious institution? ...Masonry, then, is indeed a religious institution; and on this ground mainly, if not alone, should the religious Mason defend it.
Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry p.619
"The religion of Freemasonry is not sectarian. It admits men of every creed within its hospitable bosom, rejecting none and approving none for his particular faith. It is not Judaism...it is not Christianity. It does not meddle with sectarian creeds or doctrines, but teaches fundamental truth...At its altar, men of all religions may kneel; to its creed, disciples of every faith may subscribe."
Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry p.641
"The Religious Doctrines of Freemasonry are very simple and self evident. They are darkened by no perplexities of sectarian theology but stand out in broad light, intelligible and acceptable by all minds, for they ask only for a belief in God and in the immortality of the soul."
Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry p.731
"The religion of Masonry is pure theism." …"The truth is that Masonry is undoubtedly a religious institution which, handed down through a long succession of ages from that ancient priesthood who first taught it, embraces the great tenets of the existence of God and the immortality of the soul."
Albert G. Mackey, Textbook of Masonic Jurisprudence, p. 95
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck -- it is a duck.