MISSING RECORDS - About a conversation between Bergamo and the secretary Fazi, where the former nominator said that was supposed to meet Moratti and Facchetti who were protesting against the bad refereeing, Auricchio Prioreschi asked why it was not likely intercepted phone call Bergamo with leaders Inter. Here is the verbatim transcript of the repartee between the defense lawyers, and Auricchio pm Narducci:
Mr. Prioreschi: "Colonel Auricchio, I quote the interception of January 5, 2005, at 14:30, between Maria Grazia Fazi and Bergamo, where the designator refers telephone calls and Moratti, who organized a dinner with Facchetti because those complaining about referees Inter, then another call of March 29, 2005 in Bergamo, which includes talks with Moratti. Now, we have tried these interlocutors between Bergamo and Inter, but we found them. You, Lieutenant Colonel Auricchio, you know why these calls are not there, since the phones were intercepted in Bergamo?.
Lt. Col. Auricchio: "I do not know why, I can not give explanations."
Narducci pm: "Is the lawyer says, but can not prove anything."
Mr. Prioreschi "Dr. Narducci, she has put all phone interception of Bergamo.
Narducci pm: "Something will escape, maybe not all phones were under control."
Auricchio: All intercepted phone calls were reported, and those that were not reported were summarized. Facchetti will call on another number. "
Casoria court: "All right, a lawyer, he does not explain."
Trofino Lawyer: "We wonder why we are interested in, well after all that came out of the process Telecom ..."
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