Lockerz, Beterz, VK, E-casting и други сајтови за "заработувачка"


DarkSide with green light
Член од
9 јануари 2006
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340 страници глупирње.
Во речникот не постои израз „ Лесно заработени пари“.
Само постои „Леко верни луѓе“ и „Леко излажени пациенти“.
Уште колку време ќе се залажувате
Член од
14 март 2010
Поени од реакции
340 страници глупирње.
Во речникот не постои израз „ Лесно заработени пари“.
Само постои „Леко верни луѓе“ и „Леко излажени пациенти“.
Уште колку време ќе се залажувате
Брат три чисти немаш, поубо чути си ;)
Лелел бе, госит имав, и не фатив на локрез :/

The Healer

Член од
19 февруари 2009
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А, бе 3000 денари е ама тешко дека ќе фатиш. Бољи на ВК да си почнев со пријатели на време, ама ете... А сè што сакам е еден мочан мјузик плеер, не можам со ова Sony Ericsson-ов К510i само 10 песни имам и цело време едни исти ми вртат, ми пукна глава! :tapp:
Член од
3 март 2010
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Congratulations on becoming a Z-Lister. You are now a member of a very exclusive group of early members. As a member of the Z-List, you will enjoy lots of benefits, including making DOUBLE PTZ every time you log in, answer dailies, invite friends, and
watch videos on PLAY!

We will introduce our new Z-List program this summer, complete with a new package of perks designed exclusively for Z-Listers. While the final package is still top secret, we can say that you'll receive a stylish and sure-to-be envied digital survival kit. We're also going to invite you to be our special guest at events and private sales starting with the launch of SHOP which we'll tell you about in the coming weeks. For now, just hang tight and enjoy your double PTZ!

Thanks for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-List status. Stay tuned as we introduce even more ways for you to earn and use PTZ.

koletheman напиша:
Congratulations on becoming a Z-Lister. You are now a member of a very exclusive group of early members. As a member of the Z-List, you will enjoy lots of benefits, including making DOUBLE PTZ every time you log in, answer dailies, invite friends, and
watch videos on PLAY!

We will introduce our new Z-List program this summer, complete with a new package of perks designed exclusively for Z-Listers. While the final package is still top secret, we can say that you'll receive a stylish and sure-to-be envied digital survival kit. We're also going to invite you to be our special guest at events and private sales starting with the launch of SHOP which we'll tell you about in the coming weeks. For now, just hang tight and enjoy your double PTZ!

Thanks for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-List status. Stay tuned as we introduce even more ways for you to earn and use PTZ.
i sea so ke bidi majca ili oprema za prezivuvanje i so se ocekuva za na leto
Член од
3 март 2010
Поени од реакции
чекај, ќе видиме. уште не се знае, честитки. :smir:
The t-shirts were a special gift for members who became Z-listers during the
first year, and only those members who make the Z-list before Friday, March 19
will receive the shirts. In the coming months, we will be announcing some
exciting new additions to the Z-list--including cool downloadable digital
product, exclusive sweepstakes and offers, and bonus shopping days.

Stay tuned to the hallway--we will announce all the info over the next few

so e ova downloadble nesto za spustanje ili ke pustat pak neso po posta

The Healer

Член од
19 февруари 2009
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Ги најавуваат некогаш, ама ретко... Дали еднаш или два пати до сега. :)
Член од
17 јануари 2009
Поени од реакции
General Redemption Update: We've heard great feedback from our members on the Spring Fling redemption and double PTZ. We want to keep making your Lockerz experience as good as it can be, so we'll be giving our members two separate redemptions this month. One will be for members in US and Canada; the other for international members. We hope this will allow all our members to redeem at the hour and time that is best for them. In order to give you more PTZ and more power when you redeem, we'll be bringing back double PTZ tomorrow!

Izgleda ke imat uste eden restok.

Aj ako mozit nekoj da doznet koga.

Kajgana Shop

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