како лекови порано разбрав дека покрај тестостерон понекогаш применувале и лоразепам а и
на крај краеви роберт хит кој неуспеа да излечи хомосексуалец(пробал со електростимулирање)бил во право и остана инспирација за низа други научници.срекен сум што ви го претставувам ова
Tipu Aziz, a neurosurgeon at the University of Oxford, speculates that better knowledge of the brain’s pleasure centers—combined with improved surgical procedures and control of electrical pulses—may make a sex chip in the brain a reality. “Lack of sexual pleasure is a huge loss in one’s life, and if one could restore that, that would enhance someone’s quality of life enormously,” Aziz remarks.
Some neuroscientists are not so sure. Morten L. Kringelbach, a researcher at Oxford who sometimes collaborates with Aziz and wrote the book The Pleasure Center (
Oxford University Press, 2008), cautions that hedonic experience may consist of an impulse corresponding to “wanting” and another that represents “liking.” To succeed as a therapy, a sex chip would have to address the challenge of switching on neural circuits that activate both impulses. In a 2008 paper in Psychopharmacology with University of Michigan at Ann Arbor psychologist Kent Berridge, Kringelbach illustrated the distinction between the two by citing an infamous case from
the 1960s, in which psychiatrist Robert Heath placed “pleasure electrodes” in the brain of a gay man code-named B-19, in part, as an attempt to “cure” his homosexuality.
The patient pressed a button compulsively to turn on an electrode that induced a desire for sex, but whether he actually enjoyed the sensation was unclear. The stimulation alone did not induce orgasm, and B-19 never expressed any real contentment while hitting the button. Kringelbach warns against similar misuses of contemporary deep-brain stimulation. “It’s important that we not get carried away by this technology,” he says. “It’s important that we not end up in another era of psychosurgeries,” referring to the mid-20th century popularity of lobotomies to treat psychiatric disorders.
Обрнете внимание дека Б-19
не само што може хомосексуалец да натера да има секс со жена...туку може и хетеросексуалец да натера со стимулациите во деловите од мозокот да има секс со друг хетеросексуалец(геј-продакшн и хомо-продакшн е можно)
оттука не би биле болести туку зависи до стимулацијата на деловите на мозокот на крај краеви сексот е 99% воден од мозокот