Македонскиот јазик од историски аспект


Стоик и Машкртник!
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27 јануари 2007
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Дело бр. 1

Стр. 301

Стр. 523

Страна xvi и пример како треба да биде дефиниран Бугарскиот јазик во однос на Македонскиот:

колекцијата погоре ќе ја надоградуваме постепено со преостаната странска стручна литература:

Преведено од словачки:

Константин пред да замине за Моравија го преведе на старо-македонски дијалект евангелието, а на својата мисија во великоморавската земја и сите преостанати литургиски текстови со помошта на Методиј.


Стоик и Машкртник!
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27 јануари 2007
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Eминентниот француски лингвист д-р Андре Вајан за македонскиот јазик:

"Поимот на словенскиот македонски е нејасен само за оној што тоа не го сака. Словенскиот македонски преставува реалност во таква мера што во XIX век суштествувал еден македонски литературен јазик, јазик на сосема мала учена литература, но на обилна народна литература; и не се работи само за документи на фолклорот какви што можат да се соберат сегде; лирската македонска песна, многу ценета во Србија и во Бугарија, преставува еден автентичен литературен жанр, со реална вредност.
Овој литературен јазик, базиран врз говори што природно се разликуваат малку меѓу себе, немаше време да се унифицира. Меѓутоа негови центри беа Скопје, Tетово, Охрид, Битола (Манастир), Воден , и.т.н. ..."

A. Vaillant, Le probleme du slave macedonian-Bulletin de la societe de lingustique de Paris, t. 39, 2 (Numero 116 ), Paris 1938.


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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..However, it should be added that in addition to the Macedonian paculiarities which go along the developing line of either the Bulgarian language or Serbo-Croation, there are also completely specific feature which do not appear in either of these two languages.
Among the more important phonetic features of this category is the developement of *b, *b > Q, e; *a i.e, o, even kj, gj < *tj, dj, which are undoubtedly very close to the Serbian Ch and Dj, but still different from them. Therefore, to the question whether the Macedonian dialects are Serbian or Bulgarian, I would answer that they are neither exclusively Serbian or Bulgarian, but rather the majority of them represent and individual type of dialect (which could also be called a Macedonian language) related closely to the two mentioned languages. The Macedonian language is between Serbian and Bulgarian, and its inclusion in only one of these languages is, from the linguistic point of view, unfounded.
M. Malecki, Z zagadnien dialaktologii macedonskiej, Rocznik Slawistyczny (Krakow), XIV (1938), p.142

The dialects of Macedonia are a part of the South Slavic group; those who speak them may, according to the circumstances, take as their common language Serbian or Bulgarian. Their dialects, differing among themselves, are not truly Serbian nor truly Bulgarian, especially if one is thinking of written Bulgarian, which is based on dialects quite far removed from the Macedonian dialects. Without doubt the simplification of the nouns is the same in Macedonia as in Bulgaria, but this is the effect of a tendency which is manifested also in the Serb ian dialects of the Balkan region. Headmasters in the Bulgarian or Bulgarized schools have, in the last third of the 19th century, taken strong action in Macedonia; and it is this which has given the Bulgarians cause to claim the country for their common language; but there was no continuous action in a language of civilization: in the middle ages influences varied depending on the political situation; and, since the Turkish conquest, the literary tradition has ceased to play an appreciable role. Thus, while the politicians have claimed the dialects of Macedonia for such or such a group, disinterested linguists cannot but reserve their opinions.

In reality these dialects do not properly belong to either the one or the other of the two groups under dispute. And, even if the linguistic data had a neatness which they do not have, any particular resemblance to another group would not be at all decisive. It is puerile to call in linguistics in questions of borders of this sort. It is politics which will decide the linguistic future of Macedonia.
A. Meillet, Les langues dans l'Europe nouvelle (Paris, 1928), pp. 132-133

This winter a Macedonian theater group, under the direction of Crnodrimski, gave guest performances in Belgrade and certain other cities of the Kingdom of Serbia. It presented original Macedonian dramas in the Macedonian language. In one word, we had attempts at a new spiritual-cultural literature and art - Macedonian. Let us not fool ourselves. What Crnodrimski presented was not jargon but a tryout of a foreign culture in another milieu, just as Chech actors give guest performances in our National Theater, or, still better, just as for example Salvini visited Belgrade with his group a few years ago. Let us leave aside for the moment the fact that Crnodrimski has two versions of his plays, that for Sofia and that for Belgrade, and realize that the very existence of his Macedonian productions tells us that we have before us the beginnings of a new, fourth, literature in the Slavic South. And we have applauded this fact!
A. Gavrilovic, "Pred chetvrtom knjizhevnoshchu (Before a Fourth Literature), Brankovo Kolo X 17, April 29, (May 12)1904, p.516

Regardless of the significant dialectal diversity, the Macedonian dialects are a unit and are noticeably distinct from the national dialects of Thrace, the Rhodope Mts., Mysia and the Balkan Mts. . . . . All of Macedonia can be divided into two dialect groups: the region to the west of the Vardar River and the southeast region of Macedonia. The second group includes also the dialects of Kostur (Castoria).

The western group is characterized by the following dialectal features: 1) three forms of the article, -ot (masc.), -ta (fem.), -to (neut.);

-ov, -va, -vo, -on, -na, -no; 2) third person singular present ending -t; 3) stress on the third syllable from the end; 4) the phraseological character of stress. The western Macedonian dialects are furhter divided into several dialect groups: Debar, Ohrid, central, Tikvesh-Mariovo, Veles-Skopje, Upper Polog and Lower Polog. Characteristic of the southeast dialects are: the pronouns on, ona, ono, oni; the preposition 505, etc.

The trying historical conditions experienced by the Macedonians have left their imprint on their culture. After the first imperialistic war (1914-1918) the greater part of Macedonia was joined to Yugoslavia. National oppression by the ruling Serbian bourgeoisie is exceptionally heavy. Serbian linguistic science, in the person of Belic, denies any right of self-determination to the Macedonian Slavs, claiming that the Macedonian Slavs are Serbs. On the other hand, Bulgarian linguistic science, which serves the purposes of Bulgarian imperialism, does not recognize the right of the Macedonians to independent national development. Southern Macedonia belongs to Greece, where there is also strong national oppression.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, vol.37, Moscow, 1938, pp.743-744

The dialects of Macedonia are a part of the South Slavic group; those who speak them may, according to the circumstances, take as their common language Serbian or Bulgarian. Their dialects, differing among themselves, are not truly Serbian nor truly Bulgarian, especially if one is thinking of written Bulgarian, which is based on dialects quite far removed from the Macedonian dialects. Without doubt the simplification of the nouns is the same in Macedonia as in Bulgaria, but this is the effect of a tendency which is manifested also in the Serb ian dialects of the Balkan region. Headmasters in the Bulgarian or Bulgarized schools have, in the last third of the 19th century, taken strong action in Macedonia; and it is this which has given the Bulgarians cause to claim the country for their common language; but there was no continuous action in a language of civilization: in the middle ages influences varied depending on the political situation; and, since the Turkish conquest, the literary tradition has ceased to play an appreciable role.
Thus, while the politicians have claimed the dialects of Macedonia for such or such a group, disinterested linguists cannot but reserve their opinions.

In reality these dialects do not properly belong to either the one or the other of the two groups under dispute. And, even if the linguistic data had a neatness which they do not have, any particular resemblance to another group would not be at all decisive. It is puerile to call in linguistics in questions of borders of this sort. It is politics which will decide the linguistic future of Macedonia.
A. Meillet, Les langues dans l'Europe nouvelle (Paris, 1928), pp. 132-133
One is truly speaking here of a nation. A nation which has its own original ethnic character, its traditions, its aspirations, its unique and specific personality.

This nation, on the very soil where it has developed and endured, where history has planted it, to which it is bound by its roots and its culture, is treated as a collection of slaves and evildoers.

La question macedonienne est-elIe si complexe que cela ?"Fe de ration Balcanique" No.51, Nov. 1, 1926, p.867

The Macedonians, who have their own separate language and indisputable ethnic originality, do not have the right to be called Macedonians.

Henri Barbusse (1873-1935) French Writer, Un peuple asservi, "Monde" No.108, June 28. 1930, p.2

Vostokov himself, concerning the question of the origin of the Old Church Slavonic language, was in favor of Macedonism, naming as its fatherland Macedonia, and therefore, said Vostokov, it could be called Macedonian. But Vostokov was never in favor of Bulgarism of this significant scholarly thesis in the narrow meaning of the word, as his opponents claimed; on the contrary, as concerns the Bulgarian tongue itself, it could have, according to Vostokov, differed from the former (Macedonian) in many important features since ancient times and we will note, on our own part, as it differs from it even now. One would expect that sooner or later Vostokov's assertion will be confirmed by the investigation not only of historical linguistic documents but also of the contemporary structure of the Slavic tongues and especially of the Slavic dialects in the supposed fatherland of Cyril and Methodius's Slavic language.
P.D. Draganov, "Nosovye glasnye zvuki v sovremennych makedonsko-slavjanskich i bolgarskich govorach" (Nasal Vowels in Contemporary Macedo-Slavic and Bulgarian Dialects), Russkij fiblogicheskij vestnik, vol. XIX, issue 10, Warsaw 1888, p.2 (reprint)


Антички Словен
Член од
2 мај 2008
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Odete na GOOGLE TRANSLATE, Napisete WORLD OF MOTHER i prevedete od English na
Hindi ...pozz do site MAKEDONCI !!!posle kliknete na ikonceto za zvuk i
slusnete ..............

Што слушате ?
Член од
20 декември 2008
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माँ की दुनिया


И „светот на мајката“ да напишеш, пак истото.


Антички Словен
Член од
2 мај 2008
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Доаѓаме до таа теза дека Маке донија е име добиено од големата божица мајка МА, Мајка.
Јазикот крие многу одговри на многу прашања од минатото.


Odete na GOOGLE TRANSLATE, Napisete WORLD OF MOTHER i prevedete od English na
Hindi ...pozz do site MAKEDONCI !!!posle kliknete na ikonceto za zvuk i
slusnete ..............

Што слушате ?

Па нормално, Грција и Бугарија да не се слушне.

Абе тоа им смета на татарланава и на сомалиските цигани.

Ние сме немале идентитет........ :tapp:

аааааааа златна атмоска бомба...
Член од
26 декември 2009
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Ме интересира чисто јазикот.

†в' имѧ ѡтьца и с'ина и с҃таго дѹха аз' самоип(л)ь раб' б҃жи полагаѫпамѧть ѡтьцѹ и матєри и братѹ на кр'стѣх' сих'• имєна ѹс'п'ших'никола раб' б҃жи ... ѣ давд' написа ... в' лѣто от' с'творєнија мирѹѕ҃• фа҃• ин'дикта ѕ҃•
† Во името на Отецот и Синот и Светиот Дух. Јас Самоил, раб Божји, правам помен на својот татко и мајка и братот на овој крст. Ова се имињата на починатиот: слуга Божји Никола, [Рипсимија и] Давид. Се напиша во годината од создавањето на светот 6501 [992/93] индикт [6].
Член од
17 март 2005
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Доаѓаме до таа теза дека Маке донија е име добиено од големата божица мајка МА, Мајка.
Јазикот крие многу одговри на многу прашања од минатото.
Не знам дали држи вода тоа објаснување. Веќе дискутирано:


Член од
17 мај 2009
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"не би било воопшто чудно стариот јазик спореден со современиот варварски воопшто да не се разликуваат" - Платон


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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„Македонска крвава свадба“ од Војдан Чернодрински
во 1900 година


"Ништо не напишав. Јас го препишав од се уште ненапишаната крвава историја на Македонија она, кое читателот ќе го прочита, а гледачот ќе го види во театарот" - Војдан Чернодрински

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