Албанците на големо почнале да шпекулираат дека Македонија ќе го повлече признавњето на Косово. Тие тоа го претставуваат како враќање на влијанието на Србија во Македонија.
Значи Србите т.е. Б92, го цитираат весникот “Коха Диторе’’, кој пак го цитира “Вечер’’ и платениот албански/косовски пулен Јануш Бугајски.
Колку е ова точно со оглед на тоа дека нема никаква изјава од Македонска страна (или има?), а го претставиле Вечер како про-владин весник?
Skopje "could rescind Kosovo recognition" 1 June 2009 | 12:46 | Source: B92, Tanjug
SKOPJE -- Macedonia could revoke its decision to recognize Kosovo after President Fatmir Sejdiu refused to visit Skopje.
This is according to an article in today's Albanian language daily Koha Ditore.
After Sejdiu recently snubbed an invitation to visit Macedonia, where he was to be greeted without the usual ceremonies reserved for heads of state, the relations between Priština and Skopje have grown cooler, claims the newspaper.
The possibility that this could escalate to Macedonia rescinding its recognition was "announced by Janusz Bugajski of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, and also by the pro-government Skopje daily Večer", says the article.
Another Albanian language daily published in Priština, Zeri, writes that the latest developments in the relations between Priština and Skopje "point to a conclusion about the return of Belgrade's influence, above all through President Boris Tadić's policy on official Skopje".
Kosovo's Albanians unilaterally declared independence in February last year, something that Serbia rejected as an illegal act of secession. Macedonia recognized the proclamation in the fall of 2008, after which its ambassador was expelled from Belgrade.