Warrior graves in Pella
New excavations at a rich ancient cemetery in northern Greece have yielded gold jewelry, bronze and iron weapons and pottery, authorities said yesterday. Archaeologists digging in part of a vast burial ground near Pella, the ancient Macedonians’ capital, unearthed 43 new graves dating from 650-279 BC, a Culture Ministry statement said. The dead included 20 warriors who had been buried in the Archaic period, between 580 and 480 BC, with bronze helmets, iron swords, daggers and spearheads. Ornaments of gold foil – specially made for funerary use – covered their mouths, eyes and chests, the statement said. (AP)
И се разбира на ова нема кој да реагира бидејќи тоа е на нивна територија. И како и многу археолошки пронајдоци од Егејска Македонија ќе заврши во музеите во Атина што подалеку од местото каде е пронајдено. Се што најдоа се однесоа........ педеришта
Warrior graves in Pella
New excavations at a rich ancient cemetery in northern Greece have yielded gold jewelry, bronze and iron weapons and pottery, authorities said yesterday. Archaeologists digging in part of a vast burial ground near Pella, the ancient Macedonians’ capital, unearthed 43 new graves dating from 650-279 BC, a Culture Ministry statement said. The dead included 20 warriors who had been buried in the Archaic period, between 580 and 480 BC, with bronze helmets, iron swords, daggers and spearheads. Ornaments of gold foil – specially made for funerary use – covered their mouths, eyes and chests, the statement said. (AP)
И се разбира на ова нема кој да реагира бидејќи тоа е на нивна територија. И како и многу археолошки пронајдоци од Егејска Македонија ќе заврши во музеите во Атина што подалеку од местото каде е пронајдено. Се што најдоа се однесоа........ педеришта