Dark Angel
Unfaithfull to life...
- Член од
- 14 јули 2006
- Мислења
- 1.081
- Поени од реакции
- 6
Само да нагласам дека MorrisonKA тргнала по убавите кривини.:helou:
Moze jas?:helou::helou::helou:I've written so many letters,
and i kept them in this box,
I never dared do mail them,
cos' I knew you'll return them to sender.
I had feelings for you, you know,
I never meant to go away,
so I locked this feelings in my heart,
and never let them again.
But now, guess what? I tried,
I dragged and pulled and pushed
with all my strength,
I had to let my feelings for you
to resurect again.
Fortune favours the brave and pure,
so I came at your door,
you opened and smiled to me,
like nothing happend before.
This was like a blessing in disguise,
in my empty life,
you and me again in this world
ready for love.
Овој текст го напишав да биде прикладен за vocal trance. Ми треба пејачка:helou: