- Член од
- 6 февруари 2005
- Мислења
- 9.722
- Поени од реакции
- 248
Si naletal na objasnuvanjeto za konzorciumi koisto se ekskluzivno nameneti za EU studenti... :wink:Bukovec напиша:Najdov link za Erasmus Mundus, ama vidi sto vika na linkov...Prva recenica odnosnoMacedalien напиша:реков Erasmus MUNDUS - запознај се повеќе :wink:
Летово две македонки коишто конкурираа на таа програма (единствените од Македонија) беа акредитирани и добија стипендија и сум многу радосен за нив
Prasanje: Koj se moze da se prijavi?
Odgovor: Studenti od 25te zemji clenki na EU
Mozam da ti potvrdam deka makedonci ima i toa mnogu vo programata Mundus :!: od koisto tie dve sto gi znam licno i personalno :wink:
By the way - eve ti citiram sto e napisano i naredniot pat procitaj do kraj :wink:
All other countries of the world (vo koisto spaga i Makedonija!!!) i nisto sporno vo toa...Who can participate?
The programme is open to:
the 25 EU Member States
the candidate countries for accession to the EU (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey)
the countries of the European Economic Area / European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)
all the other countries of the world (“third countries”)
Action 1 (see description above) is reserved to the first three categories of countries, while the beneficiaries of Action 2 (see description above) will be students and scholars coming from third countries.
Action 3 partnerships can be established between Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses selected under Action 1 and third-country higher education institutions. Action 3 scholarships for the outgoing mobility to third countries are destined to EU and EEA/EFTA graduate students and scholars participating in Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses.
Action 4 activities are open to higher education institutions and other bodies involved in higher education anywhere in the world, regardless of their participation in other Actions of the programme.
As long as the official participation of the candidate countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey) in the programme is not formalised, they will be considered third countries (this applies to Actions 1, 3 and 4). The official participation of EEA/EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) has already been formalised and they participate in the programme on the same conditions as the EU Member States.
The programme is addressed to:
Higher education institutions
Students having obtained a first degree awarded by a higher education institution
Scholars and professionals who lecture or conduce research
Staff directly involved in higher education
Other public or private bodies active in the field of higher education (only for Action 4, see description above)