more few info for beginners..
3G is an short-term for 3rd-generation. Analog cellular phones were entitled the first generation.
3G is improperly defined, but 3G enabled phones have a High speed datas and they also make streaming videos possible.
There are several different 3G technology standards. The most prevalent is UMTS, that is based on WCDMA. (WCDMA and UMTS are often used interchangeably.)
Alphanumeric Display
A display that is capable of displaying letters and numbers, but not graphics.
Bluetooth is a wireless personal area network (PAN) specification which connects phones, computers, appliances, etc. among each other over short distances without the use of wires by using low power radio frequencies.
CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access. CDMA is a type of digital wireless technology that allows large amounts of voice and data to be transmitted on the same frequency. It is a second-generation cellular technology or could be referred as 2G and is available in the United States, Pacific Asia, Canada, Latin America, etc. Most of the service providers of CDMA migrate to a high-speed data technology called '1xRTT'.
Connect Mobiles does not publish Reports or Articles on CDMA Phones
All those Phones which can switch between two different bands of frequencies are known as Dual band phones. In Europe Dual-band is usually denoted by 'GSM900/GSM1800' capable phone, while in USA it is denoted by 'GSM850/GSM1900' or in a combination of two other bands.
EDGE stands for Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution. This technology is mainly being promoted by GSM Commmunities. EDGE Technology helps in gaining faster Data Transfer.
EMS stands for Enhanced Message Service. EMS is an extension of SMS(Short Messaging Service) that enables the capability of sending of a mix of sounds, animations simple melodies, images and formatted text in form of a message to another EMS-compatible phone.
GPRS Stands for General Packet Radio Service. It is a technology that enables high-speed wireless Internet and other data communications. GPRS is often referred to be a '2.5G' technology.
GSM Stands for Global System for Mobile communications. GSM is the international digital radio standard created by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. ImEI is a unique serial number used to segregate each mobile. Every Nokia cell Phone has its IMEI Printed on the Main Unit.
Infared port (IrDA)
Infrared is a wireless technology that uses a beam of invisible light to transmit information. The utility of Infrared is somewhat similar to that of Bluetooth.
Java (J2ME)
J2ME Stands for Java 2 Micro Edition. It allows the device to run specially written applications.
Li-Ion battery
Lithium-Ion type of battery.
Li-Po battery
Lithium Polymer type of battery.
MMC Cards
MMC Cards Stands for Multi-media Cards. They are of larger size when compared to RS MMC(Reduced sized Multi-media cards)
MMS Stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. It is a further extension of SMS(Short Messaging Service) and EMS(Enhanced Messaging Service). MMS(Multi-Media Messaging Service) is designed to send multimedia extensions to messages, such as video and sound Faster.
Polyphonic Ringtones
Polyphonic ringtones have the capability to play multiple sounds simultaneously. It allows the sound output to be much more natural and realistic.
Predictive Text Input
Predictive Text Input is a technology which allows one to enter text by pressing only one key per letter. T9 is a Pedictive text input.
RS MMC stands for Reduced sized Multi-media cards. RS MMCs are smaller in size when compared to MMC(Multi-media Cards)
SIM Cards
SIM Cards stands for Subscriber Identity Module Cards. SIM Cards are smart card used in digital phones. They carry the user's identity for accessing the network and receiving calls. SIMs are also used to store Subscribers personal infromation.
SMS Stands for Short Message Service. Used for Sending simple text to another compatible phone.
Standy-by Mode
Stand-by Mode is the main screen where one can see, the option of entering the Menu, the selected Wallpaper, Network and Battery life.
T9 is a Predictive Text Input.