- Член од
- 24 февруари 2005
- Мислења
- 27.337
- Поени од реакции
- 3.062
Imeto e nesakajki taka odbrano, za polesno da se objasni relacijata!
Inaku, celata filosofija e inakva od gwneraliziraniot termin!
Vistonskiot moment e nacin na ziveenje i termin koj e pravilen e Seraph(im)!
Mislam deka bev pojasen!
P.S. Identifikacijata so nekoi nesta napisani ne znaci cekorenje!
Cekorenje po vistinskiot pat e neindetifikacija so zbor, tuku dela!
Za da se poznaes, za da te poznaat, za da se najdes i da te priznaat, treba sam prvin da se poznavas, da bides najden i priznaes!
Kako sakame da bideme, ako se somnevame?
Somnezot e nedostig na vistina vo duhot, slepilo!
Prekumernata samodoverba e nedostig na vistina vo duhot, slepilo!
Balans i verba vo vistinata e pat za dostig vo duhot!
What is a Seraphim? I don’t know how many times this question has been asked in multiple forums and by multiple people ranging from newcomers to people who have called themselves Seraphim for years. There are two things that need to be stated up front before we start discussing what a Seraphim is. The first thing is, the Seraphim’s path is a way of living, thinking, and believing. It is an individualistic path; therefore it is impossible to lay out a detailed road map and say every Seraphim does X, Y, and Z. The second thing is that we all come from very different lives, histories, and locations. Customs, beliefs, and other factors will be different from society to society, and sometimes these differences will be great. As Seraphim, we need to remember that just because something is wrong, disgusting, and etc. To us, doesn’t mean people in a different cultures don’t look at what we do and say the same thing.
As mentioned above, the life of a Seraphim is a very individualist path, however, there is a foundation which a majority of Seraphim share, whether it is openly stated or kept to private. The Seraphim Way is much like a house. Every house must have a foundation in order for the house to stand. If there is no foundation or if the foundation is faulty the house will fall. When the foundation is sturdy the house will be strong and will stand for all time. Each house has the commonality of the foundation, however, above that foundation, is where everything changes. Each house is different in its own way. Some houses are shaped differently, have different colors, are designed differently inside, and etc. Even though each house is different and unique does not mean it still does not share the same aspects in a foundation. Below you will find the foundation of a Seraphim.
Now it is known that not every Seraphim will agree with everything mentioned here. However, we feel this is what makes up the foundation of a Seraphim. As you can see there is room for interpretation and above this it is your own path, however, what you see above must be present for a Seraphim to be a Seraphim.
Inaku, celata filosofija e inakva od gwneraliziraniot termin!
Vistonskiot moment e nacin na ziveenje i termin koj e pravilen e Seraph(im)!
Mislam deka bev pojasen!
P.S. Identifikacijata so nekoi nesta napisani ne znaci cekorenje!
Cekorenje po vistinskiot pat e neindetifikacija so zbor, tuku dela!
Za da se poznaes, za da te poznaat, za da se najdes i da te priznaat, treba sam prvin da se poznavas, da bides najden i priznaes!
Kako sakame da bideme, ako se somnevame?
Somnezot e nedostig na vistina vo duhot, slepilo!
Prekumernata samodoverba e nedostig na vistina vo duhot, slepilo!
Balans i verba vo vistinata e pat za dostig vo duhot!
What is a Seraphim? I don’t know how many times this question has been asked in multiple forums and by multiple people ranging from newcomers to people who have called themselves Seraphim for years. There are two things that need to be stated up front before we start discussing what a Seraphim is. The first thing is, the Seraphim’s path is a way of living, thinking, and believing. It is an individualistic path; therefore it is impossible to lay out a detailed road map and say every Seraphim does X, Y, and Z. The second thing is that we all come from very different lives, histories, and locations. Customs, beliefs, and other factors will be different from society to society, and sometimes these differences will be great. As Seraphim, we need to remember that just because something is wrong, disgusting, and etc. To us, doesn’t mean people in a different cultures don’t look at what we do and say the same thing.
As mentioned above, the life of a Seraphim is a very individualist path, however, there is a foundation which a majority of Seraphim share, whether it is openly stated or kept to private. The Seraphim Way is much like a house. Every house must have a foundation in order for the house to stand. If there is no foundation or if the foundation is faulty the house will fall. When the foundation is sturdy the house will be strong and will stand for all time. Each house has the commonality of the foundation, however, above that foundation, is where everything changes. Each house is different in its own way. Some houses are shaped differently, have different colors, are designed differently inside, and etc. Even though each house is different and unique does not mean it still does not share the same aspects in a foundation. Below you will find the foundation of a Seraphim.
-A Seraphim knows, is, and works with and within The Force. A Seraphim studies the Force, uses, and helps the growth of the Force. A Seraphim is to be guided, influenced, and helped by the Force and also relies on the Force.
-A Seraphim follows the Seraphim code, or a code that contains the same lessons and principals of the Seraphim code.
-A Seraphim must contain the qualities found in the Truisms or Maxims. For these are the qualities that show who we are through actions and words. However they may be worded through different versions and personal interpretations these qualities still must be present in all Seraphim.
-A Seraphim works to preserve individual freedom. Freedom is the ability to choose for yourself. Countries have laws in place to protect freedoms of the individual, however at times those laws step beyond that ability. It is our duty through the Truisms to peacefully and lawfully work towards changing that, with what ability we have. To take away someone else’s choice is against what the Seraphim stand for.
-A Seraphim follows the Seraphim code, or a code that contains the same lessons and principals of the Seraphim code.
-A Seraphim must contain the qualities found in the Truisms or Maxims. For these are the qualities that show who we are through actions and words. However they may be worded through different versions and personal interpretations these qualities still must be present in all Seraphim.
-A Seraphim works to preserve individual freedom. Freedom is the ability to choose for yourself. Countries have laws in place to protect freedoms of the individual, however at times those laws step beyond that ability. It is our duty through the Truisms to peacefully and lawfully work towards changing that, with what ability we have. To take away someone else’s choice is against what the Seraphim stand for.
Now it is known that not every Seraphim will agree with everything mentioned here. However, we feel this is what makes up the foundation of a Seraphim. As you can see there is room for interpretation and above this it is your own path, however, what you see above must be present for a Seraphim to be a Seraphim.
Ne sakam da se povtoruvam, no ako ste zainteresirani, ve molam bez paushalnosti, procitsjte go tekstot vnimatelno!The sun existed before it was given a name, and it could be revered as a God, however, when the sun finally had a human name, it could be written about and communicated with others. The Jedi philosophy is just like the Sun, it existed before a popular movie gave it a name, and now that it has a name, people all over the world can share their experiences of the Jedi philosophy.