Изгубиле контакт со реалноста ако макар малку се надеваат дека може да им помине некакво примирје со т.н. европски мировници и голема ДМЗ зона... За возврат на задржување на териториите освоени досега (како некој да може да им ги одземе) и пазете го ова - 20 години невлагање на Украина во НАТО.
Не знам на што дроги се, ама изгледа јаки се.
Не гледам зошто Русија би се согласиле на ова. Дури ни ако се екстремно глупи.
However, the legitimate concern echoed by many is that Trump will make some inane offer which will be rebuffed by Putin, that will not only hurt Trump’s ego but embarrass him on the world stage, causing him to seek retaliation by threatening to go “all in” on Ukraine. After all, this was Mike Pompeo’s previously outlined vision of a Trump peace plan from earlier this year. Pompeo, who some claim is now under consideration for the Trump administration given his surprise speech at a late Trump rally a week ago, outlined his vision as being that Trump would threaten total escalation with a massive “$500 billion” dollar lend-lease program to give Ukraine everything it wants:
Trump, too, was previously quoted as threatening something similar in a 2023 Fox interview with Maria Bartiromo, so there appears at least some seed of truth to this chestnut:
The problem is, US does not have anything left to give without totally stripping down its own already depleted armed forces—as such the threat seems to strike a hollow note. But it does leave the question open: what
would Trump do upon being rebuffed by Putin?
In fact, the latest Economist piece claims Zelensky and his team ended up secretly hoping for a Trump victory for a chance at exactly this type of ‘shake up’:
Disillusioned with Biden and Jake Sullivan’s vacillating, Zelensky allegedly shifted hopes to an erratic Trump ‘ripping up the rulebook’ and springing some kind of positive surprise.
Trump’s “rumored” initial plan, however, is a prima facie mediocre and unimaginative one: Korean-style DMZ with “European troops” staged as trip-wire forces, which has animated Western crowds into flights of fancy:
In the wake of Trump’s whirlwind election victory a mad scramble has ensued to both fill positions in his administration as well as from world leaders ingratiating themselves before the grand deal-maker’s return.