Русија - смена во надворешната политика?


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Член од
28 април 2007
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Еве честитки и од Балканот.



mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
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Kaко што можам да приметам по текстот ми стојат дека се саркастични и дека не ја опеваат туку исмеваат Русија.
Не баш, Лајбах не се баш прозападно ориентирани. Рачунај единствени што имаа турнеја во Северна Кореја.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Член од
19 март 2011
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Ќе ти одговорам тука бидејќи мислам дека е посоодветна тема

Можеби бидејќи системот кај нив е по мерка на ционистите.
Тешко дека ќе се согласам на оваа тема, преголем е светот за такво нешто.

Кина е свој свет, посебна цивилизација која главно гледа навнатре, различна од другите. Тоа што политичарите ширум светот сакаат да научат од Кинезите како се контролира население и да го применат системот дома е друга работа. Кина не му наредува на никого како да живее (освен на Кинези што избегале од матицата).

Со малце ментална гимнастика може и да дадеме одговор зошто Кина нема удрено санкции на Израел.
Кина е аморална, ја интересира бизнис и да се шири економски, конфликти и санкции не и идат во прилог па побитно им е да нема застој на бродови во Црвеното Море отколку да сопрат геноцид.

За Русија е покомплицирана работата и нема сомнеж дека израелското лоби е се уште силно и дека мнгоу Израелци зборат руски.

Меѓутоа го имаш Асад кој Русија го спаси. Нормално Русија си бранеше интерес во регионот, но Сирија е непријател на Израел. Да беше Русија контролирана од ционисти како што викаш ќе го пуштеа Асад низ вода, вака Сирија и распарчана се уште е каква-таква закана за Израел. Али па да немаше израелското лоби влијание во Русија тогаш Сирија ќе добиеше соодветни ПВО системи и авијација да се одбрани од израелска агресија + да може да возврати од време на време.

А за воља на вистината руските претставници во ООН често зборат и носат одлуки против Израел. Ако не се лажам Лавров кажа дека треба да престанат да кукаат за холокаустот бидејќи тоа што они биле жртви не им дава право да бидат агресори. Ако некој треба да се жали тоа се источноевропските народи, посебно СССР/Русија.

Моментално Русија обучува ирански пилоти кои ќе ги летаат Сухоите кои (ваљда) ќе ги добие Иран. Како му иде ова во прилот на Израел?
Исто така Израел моментално му прави огромна штета на западот, цел имиџ им го сруши за тоа колку се они цивилизирани и морално супериорни.
Мене лично ме нервира тоа што цивили се оставени на цедило, а политичар без морали на ова гледа како златна шанса да му наштети на противникот.

Малце оф-топик али за време на втора светска двете страни имаат по неколку милиони заробеници - "само" 600 000 Германци умираат во советски логори, а околку 3 милиони совети/руси умираат во германски. Доволно ти кажува кој бил побрутален.

Исто така бројките на Solzhenitsyn за жртвите на комунизмот/Сталин се напумпани ко балон. Навални на 20-ти век само доста поинтелигентен.
Што не значи дека не умреле многу луѓе од глад ради глупите политики водени од идеологија и дека 10-15 милиони не прошле низ гулазите од кои 1 милион не се вратиле.
Ама тоа дека имало листи и квоти за колку луѓе да се убијат во тоа и тоа село за оваа недела се смешки искрено. Населението во СССР се зголемува по 20-30 милиона на секој нареден попис.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
Поени од реакции

After the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. and EU sanctions aimed to collapse the Russian economy.

The sanctions have failed primarily because of China's vast, increasingly advanced manufacturing base.

Read the new @bismarckanlys Brief here:


Sanctions on Russia Failed Because of Chinese ManufacturingU.S. and European sanctions aimed to collapse the Russian economy. Alongside technocratic preparation and sanctions evasion, imports of advanced manufactured goods from China neutered this strategy.
In April 2022, both the IMF and S&P Global forecasted an 8.5% annual decline in Russia's GDP.

Biden administration officials predicted that, due to the sanctions, Russia would go back to "Soviet style living standards from the 1980s."

This has obviously not happened.

Instead, Russia has become a rare live experiment in whether a major country can replace its reliance on the industrial bases of the U.S.-aligned world of North America, Europe, Japan, and South Korea with the industrial base of China.

So far, the answer seems to be yes.

Russian imports of Chinese goods have risen across nearly every category, including advanced manufactured goods, and Chinese companies have become market leaders in Russia.

Chinese exports to Russia are up 121% since 2021, compared to 29% with the rest of the world.

Specific categories show a stark picture:

Chinese car imports grew 8x, tractors 50x, trucks 9x. Household appliances are up 50% or more.

Chinese cars are now 55% of the Russian market, up from 8% in 2021. Chinese smartphone brands are now 70-95% of the Russian market.

Exports of chemicals, plastics, rubber, even footwear and clothing—all have grown, some by nearly half.

Exports of goods and components needed in military manufacturing, like ball bearings, optics, ceramics, drones, computer chips, and alumina have also all grown.

Russian trade with both China and the U.S.-aligned world continues to be underestimated due to vast sanctions evasion.

Global trade statistics are now replete with comically suspicious figures, such as that Kyrgyzstan has increased ball bearing imports from China by 2500%.

Russia's technocrats underestimated the severity of sanctions, but had been preparing for them for years.

Russia has rolled out its own domestic replacements for Visa/Mastercard and SWIFT. Financial engineering has blunted the impact of financial sanctions.

But at the end of the day, technocratic preparation or sanctions evasion would not have saved the Russian economy and war effort if there was no way to acquire key manufactured goods and components for both consumer and military uses.

China made the difference.

China offers a vast, increasingly sophisticated, full-stack alternative manufacturing base.

Because of this Western sanctions cannot collapse an economy by denying it modern goods and technology, but only increase its dependence on China, so long as China is willing.

Such an alternative did not exist as recently as 2008. But it exists enough now, apparently, to stabilize a wartime economy with 150 million people.

In aerospace or high-end chips, China is not yet a perfect substitute. But its sophistication will only grow in the future.

To read the full analysis of sanctions on Russia and Chinese manufacturing, subscribe to Bismarck Brief here:

We invite you to subscribe and join us on this ongoing exploration into the global power landscape.

Subscribe to Bismarck BriefIntelligence-grade analysis of key industries, organizations, and live players. Click to read Bismarck Brief, by Samo Burja, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
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Член од
24 април 2008
Поени од реакции

After the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. and EU sanctions aimed to collapse the Russian economy.

The sanctions have failed primarily because of China's vast, increasingly advanced manufacturing base.

Read the new @bismarckanlys Brief here:


Sanctions on Russia Failed Because of Chinese ManufacturingU.S. and European sanctions aimed to collapse the Russian economy. Alongside technocratic preparation and sanctions evasion, imports of advanced manufactured goods from China neutered this strategy.
In April 2022, both the IMF and S&P Global forecasted an 8.5% annual decline in Russia's GDP.

Biden administration officials predicted that, due to the sanctions, Russia would go back to "Soviet style living standards from the 1980s."

This has obviously not happened.

Instead, Russia has become a rare live experiment in whether a major country can replace its reliance on the industrial bases of the U.S.-aligned world of North America, Europe, Japan, and South Korea with the industrial base of China.

So far, the answer seems to be yes.

Russian imports of Chinese goods have risen across nearly every category, including advanced manufactured goods, and Chinese companies have become market leaders in Russia.

Chinese exports to Russia are up 121% since 2021, compared to 29% with the rest of the world.

Specific categories show a stark picture:

Chinese car imports grew 8x, tractors 50x, trucks 9x. Household appliances are up 50% or more.

Chinese cars are now 55% of the Russian market, up from 8% in 2021. Chinese smartphone brands are now 70-95% of the Russian market.

Exports of chemicals, plastics, rubber, even footwear and clothing—all have grown, some by nearly half.

Exports of goods and components needed in military manufacturing, like ball bearings, optics, ceramics, drones, computer chips, and alumina have also all grown.

Russian trade with both China and the U.S.-aligned world continues to be underestimated due to vast sanctions evasion.

Global trade statistics are now replete with comically suspicious figures, such as that Kyrgyzstan has increased ball bearing imports from China by 2500%.

Russia's technocrats underestimated the severity of sanctions, but had been preparing for them for years.

Russia has rolled out its own domestic replacements for Visa/Mastercard and SWIFT. Financial engineering has blunted the impact of financial sanctions.

But at the end of the day, technocratic preparation or sanctions evasion would not have saved the Russian economy and war effort if there was no way to acquire key manufactured goods and components for both consumer and military uses.

China made the difference.

China offers a vast, increasingly sophisticated, full-stack alternative manufacturing base.

Because of this Western sanctions cannot collapse an economy by denying it modern goods and technology, but only increase its dependence on China, so long as China is willing.

Such an alternative did not exist as recently as 2008. But it exists enough now, apparently, to stabilize a wartime economy with 150 million people.

In aerospace or high-end chips, China is not yet a perfect substitute. But its sophistication will only grow in the future.

To read the full analysis of sanctions on Russia and Chinese manufacturing, subscribe to Bismarck Brief here:

We invite you to subscribe and join us on this ongoing exploration into the global power landscape.

Subscribe to Bismarck BriefIntelligence-grade analysis of key industries, organizations, and live players. Click to read Bismarck Brief, by Samo Burja, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
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Значи Кинезите се главните виновници за рускиот имунитет на санкциите и ембаргата.

Русите врска немаат од економија и трговија, а најмалку па од производство, Кина е спасителот на руската економија.

Чудно како една Северна Кореја која е многу поблиску до Кина во споредба со Русија, не е подеднакво имуна на санкциите и ембаргата од западот.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
Член од
22 септември 2005
Поени од реакции

After the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. and EU sanctions aimed to collapse the Russian economy.

The sanctions have failed primarily because of China's vast, increasingly advanced manufacturing base.

Read the new @bismarckanlys Brief here:


Sanctions on Russia Failed Because of Chinese ManufacturingU.S. and European sanctions aimed to collapse the Russian economy. Alongside technocratic preparation and sanctions evasion, imports of advanced manufactured goods from China neutered this strategy.
In April 2022, both the IMF and S&P Global forecasted an 8.5% annual decline in Russia's GDP.

Biden administration officials predicted that, due to the sanctions, Russia would go back to "Soviet style living standards from the 1980s."

This has obviously not happened.

Instead, Russia has become a rare live experiment in whether a major country can replace its reliance on the industrial bases of the U.S.-aligned world of North America, Europe, Japan, and South Korea with the industrial base of China.

So far, the answer seems to be yes.

Russian imports of Chinese goods have risen across nearly every category, including advanced manufactured goods, and Chinese companies have become market leaders in Russia.

Chinese exports to Russia are up 121% since 2021, compared to 29% with the rest of the world.

Specific categories show a stark picture:

Chinese car imports grew 8x, tractors 50x, trucks 9x. Household appliances are up 50% or more.

Chinese cars are now 55% of the Russian market, up from 8% in 2021. Chinese smartphone brands are now 70-95% of the Russian market.

Exports of chemicals, plastics, rubber, even footwear and clothing—all have grown, some by nearly half.

Exports of goods and components needed in military manufacturing, like ball bearings, optics, ceramics, drones, computer chips, and alumina have also all grown.

Russian trade with both China and the U.S.-aligned world continues to be underestimated due to vast sanctions evasion.

Global trade statistics are now replete with comically suspicious figures, such as that Kyrgyzstan has increased ball bearing imports from China by 2500%.

Russia's technocrats underestimated the severity of sanctions, but had been preparing for them for years.

Russia has rolled out its own domestic replacements for Visa/Mastercard and SWIFT. Financial engineering has blunted the impact of financial sanctions.

But at the end of the day, technocratic preparation or sanctions evasion would not have saved the Russian economy and war effort if there was no way to acquire key manufactured goods and components for both consumer and military uses.

China made the difference.

China offers a vast, increasingly sophisticated, full-stack alternative manufacturing base.

Because of this Western sanctions cannot collapse an economy by denying it modern goods and technology, but only increase its dependence on China, so long as China is willing.

Such an alternative did not exist as recently as 2008. But it exists enough now, apparently, to stabilize a wartime economy with 150 million people.

In aerospace or high-end chips, China is not yet a perfect substitute. But its sophistication will only grow in the future.

To read the full analysis of sanctions on Russia and Chinese manufacturing, subscribe to Bismarck Brief here:

We invite you to subscribe and join us on this ongoing exploration into the global power landscape.

Subscribe to Bismarck BriefIntelligence-grade analysis of key industries, organizations, and live players. Click to read Bismarck Brief, by Samo Burja, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
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Санкциите над Русија најако ја удрија ЕУ :)

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