Русија - смена во надворешната политика?

The xx

Russia state-affiliated bot. ☑️
Член од
8 април 2013
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Да не цитирам цел текст. Ниту на професорот не му е јасно кој здрав експерт ги правел санкциите. Но сегашнава елита кога нема допир со реалноста. На позиции им се не најкадарните туку оние најгласните, слично како кај нас тие што гураа револуции, збир на секој џган. За свирче кои не ги бива.
Само заебана работа е, кога тогаш ќе те плесне реалноста.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Western client Media and Ukrainian Delusionists are fawning over the so called "Free Russians" launching what can only be objectively described as Suicide terror attacks against civilians in Belgorod Russia.

Its time for a dose of reality about these Neo Nazi "Heroes" that were banned and ejected from Russia due to their hateful, racist and Nazi ideology but found an enthusiastic welcome in Zelenskys NATO funded and armed Ukraine

These so called 'Ethnic Russians' styling themselves as "The Freedom of Russia Legion" and the "Russian Volunteer Corps" have been painted in Western media as "Russians looking establish a state for all to live in peace with surrounding nations", this delusional narrative ignores the fact that these self proclaimed, numerically irrelevant "Legions", who openly describe themselves as Nazis, have been volunteering themselves as cannon fodder for almost a decade while fighting alongside the morally repellent Azov, Aidar and Tornado battalions in eastern Ukraine.

These widely reviled terrorists attack civilians in Russian territories, such as the ongoing shelling and targeting of civilians in the region of Belgorod.

Lets be absolutely clear, here in Russia the vastly overwhelming sense amongst ordinary people is that these hateful societal rejects have long lost the right to call themselves Russian, its to be expected that wesgern media fails to call them out on who they really are - Nazis,

Its also unsurprising that they also fails to point out that these noble "Legions" which in reality consist of a couple of hundred disaffected racists and psychopath's, consists of representatives from the recently formed Ukrainian national guard regiment Azov, and Right Sector (both known far right racist stalwarts of the Kiev regime) and both of which coincidentally are neo-Nazi organisations that have been banned and recognised as terrorists in Russia.

Another convenient omission by the fawning medial is their widely recognised links to the Ukrainian intelligence services. So, are they really Russians? Well, the majority of those actually flying the Russian volunteer corps banner are not actually Russian at all, take Ukrainian Sonechko Batallion commander, Ruslan Kahanec, for example, this is the man who posted images on Instagram confirming that his unit attacked the Belgorod region. And what about the notorious head of the “Russian Volunteer Corps”, Denis Kapustin, a notorious neo-Nazi who is banned from entering Europe? well, he’s conveniently missing from the western media romanticising the corps that he "commands" he founded the neo-Nazi fashion label “White Rex” and helped to organise the neo-Nazi martial arts scene throughout Europe.

So the next time the Western Media tells you that noble Russians are attacking Russia, or when Spokesman for the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, states that the US does not approve of its weapons and equipment being used in attacks or operations on Russian territory,

Bear in mind what they and their client media want you to believe, bear in mind that they travel in American MaxxPro armoured vehicles and Humvees, that they carry American rifles, are paid by the CIA via their clients in Kiev and that the United states leaves its morality at the door when it chooses its allies to fight as their proxies.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Доколку му се верува на Блумберг, Русите/граѓани на Руската Федерација имаат подобар квалитет на живот денес отколку пред санкциите.

Член од
23 мај 2019
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Барав соодветна тема ама...
Заради ова,
The era of Western elites being able to exploit other nations and other peoples across the world is coming to an end, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an exclusive interview published by Rossiya 1 and RIA Novosti on Wednesday.
The president stated that over the past few centuries, the so-called “golden billion” has grown accustomed to being able to “fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money” as they have been “parasitizing” other peoples in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
”But they must understand that the vampire ball is ending,” Putin said.
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Балот на вампирите е готов

Сметам дека има доста интересен поглед на процесите кои се одвиваат на глобален план и реткост работите да се наречат со вистинските зборови.
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He added that the citizens of the aforementioned regions, which have been continuously exploited by the West over the past 500 years, have started to associate Russia’s struggle for sovereignty with “their own aspirations for sovereignty and independent development.”
At the same time, Putin noted that Western elites have a very strong desire to “freeze the current situation” and preserve the “unjust state of affairs in international affairs.”
Previously, in his keynote address to Russia’s Federal Assembly last month, Putin stated that the West, with its “colonial habits” of “igniting national conflicts all over the world,” intends to do everything it can to stall Russia’s development and turn it, as it did Ukraine, into a dying failed state.
”In place of Russia, they want a dependent, withering, dying space, where they can do whatever they want,” he said.
If you look at what China is doing right now, this all becomes very obvious. China is on the verge of “conquering the world” without firing a single shot. But this “conquest” is not based around suppression of the local populations, but rather establishing trade systems where everyone gets rich. Instead of giving out crippling loans, China invests in infrastructure in the nations they are allied with, and then partner with locals to produce and move goods across the planet. It’s the modern version of what the Chinese have always done, which is set up trading posts.

Meanwhile, the United States is attempting to force everyone under a single global system, which is represented by homosexuality. The Rainbow flag is the symbol of American neo-imperialism. Anal sex is considered by the Evil Empire to be non-negotiable. The US government sanctions countries that refuse to bow to their anal agenda. Now, the leader of the dominant traditional religion of the West is on-board with forcing this anal agenda on the entire world.

The reasons for this are not simply related to the fact that Washington, DC, is the gayest place in the world. (Although Washington is the gayest place in the world, which is not an irrelevant fact.) The reason homosexuality is so important to the Evil Empire is that in order to accept homosexuality as normative, you have to abandon every element of your traditional cultural identity. You cannot have a traditional culture, religion, or social order existing alongside normalized, publicly celebrated homosexuality. No traditional culture on earth is compatible with this. Therefore, by accepting homosexuality, a people surrenders their entire identity to the Empire. This leaves a void, which is then filled with the “culture” of America, which is based entirely on materialistic, atheistic, nihilistic, selfish and totally alienating consumerism.

Through the aggressive promotion of homosexuality, the Evil Empire based in Washington hopes to turn the whole world into a mixed mass of interchangeable peasant with no allegiance to anything other than their own material desires. This is a completely malleable population. If you have no allegiance to nation, to tradition, to religion, you are the most easily controlled human conceivable.

This is the Vampire Ball. They are attempting to turn every human on earth into food, into fuel for their infernal machine of domination. It’s a machine that eats not only flesh, but human souls.

This orgy of blood is coming to an end. Everything is all lined up now. It’s just a matter of watching the dominos fall.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Заради ова,

а неможност да најдам друга тема ке го ставам линкот до текстот овде.

Балот на вампирите е готов

Сметам дека има доста интересен поглед на процесите кои се одвиваат на глобален план и реткост работите да се наречат со вистинските зборови.
еве неколку сегменти :
Разбирливо дека Русија мора да е дел од нивниот ендгејм. Ресурсите што РФ ги има, буквално ниедна друга држава не е ни блиску до тоа.

Во целата оваа трагична (за нас жителите на планетева) приказна, најјако е тоа што западните ја имаа Русија во раце. После распадот на СССР влегоа и (барем до доаѓањето на Путин) владееа со сите концесии, фабрики и општо со ресурсите. Ама во таа нивна алчност и бахатост, прва грешка им беше не ги довршија работите во руската струкура на власт (каде сеуште останаа родољуби и добри експерти). Втора грешка им беше што толку алчно почнаа да разграбуваат се што народот толку нагло го доведоа до таква сиромаштија и просјачки стап, со што буквално му го поплочаа патот на некој како Путин најлесно можно да дојде до власт.

Не ми е само јасно дали Елцин во момент на „бистрина“ со умисла го носи Путин, или едноставно не го сметале за способен вакво нешто (целосен пресврт, и препород) да направи... Како и да е, тоа е едниственото добро нешто што може да е каже за Елцин во целото негово претседaтелство.
Последно уредено:

The xx

Russia state-affiliated bot. ☑️
Член од
8 април 2013
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Редно е да се спрема замена после него Путин.
Моја желба е Закхарова. Со 54 години и те како ќе одговара да го наследи Путин.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Автоматски споено мислење:

Редно е да се спрема замена после него Путин.
Моја желба е Закхарова. Со 54 години и те како ќе одговара да го наследи Путин.
Ако може некако да направат клон од Путин и Лавров, тоа би било добитна комбинација.

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