WoW општи муабети



ставен е нов пач на neverendless, (3.3.3a) (3.3.3 11723)
ако некој најде торент, нека прати пп,
ме зафркава апдејтот нешто


Black & White
Член од
18 септември 2008
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Vo Jugoton, tamu gi zedov za taa cena.
Член од
8 јануари 2010
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Еј со картичка ако плаќаш е 600 ден. месечно, а came card е 1000 месечно така ?


can't be touched
Член од
19 ноември 2008
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ima nekoj link od patchot 3.2.0a , thanks :D
Член од
14 декември 2008
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Шо пари е играва заедно со сите експанзии? И колку се плаќа месечно?
Член од
13 март 2009
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A warlock walks into a bar and sits down. He orders a glass of beer and starts relaxing, when all of a sudden, a paladin walks in and sits next to him. He turns to look at the warlock and says: 'Hey buddy, conjure me up something to drink,'

The warlock raises an eyebrow and looks to the paladin, clearly confused. He set his bottle down and spoke, slowly, and clearly, so as not to confuse the paladin.

'You want me to summon water? Buddy, you've got the wrong person...'

With that said, he returned to his drink. However, the paladin spoke up once again.

'Well if you can't conjure me up something to drink, can you at least conjure me up something to eat?'

The warlock sighed heavily and set his drink down, turning once again to face the paladin.

'If I can't conjure you something to drink, what makes you think I could conjure you something to eat? You clearly need a mage, now stop bothering me.'

The warlock returned to his drink, only to find the paladin nudging his shoulder.

'Oh I'm sorry,' the paladin said mockingly. 'I thought you had something to offer to someone other than yourself.'

The warlock smoothly rose from his seat, grabbed his bottle of beer, and swung it hard, smashing the paladin full in the face. The paladin collapsed on the floor amidst a shower of beer, blood, shards of glass, and shattered pride, groaning in pain. The warlock tossed the broken neck of the bottle on the floor, and smoothed his robes.

'Oh I'm sorry,' he said with a smile. 'I thought you could tank.'
Член од
7 декември 2021
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