
Konecno Sloboden...
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2 декември 2011
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Question – What if there are only mirrors and mirrors and mirrors reflecting each other?
Osho – PRABUDDHA, IT IS SO. That s precisely how it is, because all is consciousness. Consciousness is a mirror — a mirror reflecting mirrors. When your consciousness is clean, clear, unobsessed by anything, unoccupied, this is how one realizes reality. All is one — the same consciousness. And this is the beatitude, the benediction, the splendour.

Once it happened… Ramakrishna was drinking tea. A few disciples were sitting there, Vivekananda was also there, and Ramakrishna started saying ‘This cup of tea is God himself.’ NOW, this was too much for Vivekananda. He was a well-educated man, logical, rational — this looked like absolute nonsense. ‘A cup of tea… and God? Ramakrishna must be mad. Now, this is going too far.’
Just to reject the whole idea he went out — just as a protest. He didn’t say anything to Ramakrishna, but the protest was there; he simply went out. Another friend of his followed him, and they both started smoking outside the temple. And they were both laughing and joking about Ramakrishna and ‘the absurd things he sometimes says’. Now look, a cup of tea… and God? This is utter nonsense!’
While they were talking, suddenly Ramakrishna came out. They were a little embarrassed because they were smoking. Ramakrishna touched Vivekananda, and suddenly everything changed with that touch: he could see even the cigarette and the smoke as God. And for three days that consciousness persisted.
After three days he fell at Ramakrishna’s feet and said ‘I’m sorry. Everything is God. Now I know. But give me back that experience, now I don’t want to come back.’ Ramakrishna said ‘Given, it can’t be eternal. You will have to come back unless you rise to it. It was a gift. It is as if somebody is asleep and dreaming, and you shake him up, and he opens his eyes and looks at you. But his inner sleep is not complete: for a moment he wakes up, and then falls into sleep again.’
Ramakrishna said ‘It was just like that. I simply shook you up because I could see the protest, I could see that you think this is absurd.’
And it looks absurd because we don’t know what reality is. I am reflecting you, you are reflecting me, and so on and so forth. The trees are reflecting you, and you are reflecting the trees, and so on and so forth. All mirrors — in all shapes and sizes. This is a mirror palace; it consists only of mirrors because it consists only of consciousness.
The only discovery of all the Buddhas is that only consciousness is real, only consciousness is. You can call it God, you can call it enlightenment, you can call it NIRVANA, or whatsoever you choose to call it you can call it, but those are only names, differences in names.
The message is simple and clear and loud: that we all consist of pure consciousness. If you can stop the constant flow of thoughts even just for a moment, you will be able to see it.
Source – Osho Book “The Sun Rises in th Evening”


Konecno Sloboden...
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2 декември 2011
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Just think for a moment: if you have no past, who are you? Suddenly the whole edifice of the ego​
collapses. The man of power is not really powerful in his own right: he is just a vehicle for the power​
of God. He has no claims. He simply functions as a representative of the whole. He is utter freedom,​
utter joy. He knows no boundaries, he is infinite. Space and time are no more relevant to him. He is​
beyond space, beyond time.​
That is the meaning of being enlightened. Disappearing as a character, disappearing as a person,​
disappearing as an ego... and becoming one with the whole: UNIO MYSTICA. That mystic union...​
and you are no more there, and God is. And God is power.​
The bridge from necessity to power is consciousness.​

--- надополнето: 29 јуни 2012 во 08:36 ---
AWARENESS IS THE ONLY VIRTUE WITH ME REMEMBER. If you serve with awareness, it is
Good. If you serve in an unconscious way, it is bad. It is not a question of a noble cause. If you are
unconscious, even a noble cause is going to be very ignoble. It is the consciousness that you bring
to it that matters.
You can look in the history books: all kinds of mischief have continued on the earth in the name of
noble causes. Christians. Mohammedans, Hindus, have been fighting, destroying each other – for
noble causes. Communists, socialists, fascists, have been bringing more and more violence into the
world and more and more murder – for noble causes.
Do you think Adolf Hitlers cause was not noble? If it had not been noble, how could a very intelligent
race like the Germans have followed him? And remember that the Germans are one of the most
intelligent races on the world-map. This age’s four great minds who have dominated the whole
world, all have come from Germany. Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Albert Einstein
– these are the four great names of our times. They all came from the German mind, from German
How could such an intelligent people follow this stupid megalomaniac, Adolf Hitler? In the name of
a noble cause. The noble cause was: the world is in chaos and the world has to be dominated and
ruled by the noble people, by the Aryans. Do you know? – the word ’arya’ means noble. The world
has to be dominated and ruled by the noblest of the noble.
ARYA IS a Sanskrit word. It means the noblest. Now, behind the word ’noble’, Adolf Hitler was
hiding all kinds of ugly things. And thousands and thousands of intelligent people followed him,
obediently – because the cause was noble! Millions of Jews were burnt – in the name of a noble
cause – millions suffered in concentration camps. And the people who were torturing them were
not unintelligent people, were VERY efficient and intelligent people. And they were doing their duty,
obediently, for a noble cause.
What happened in Russia? Joseph Stalin, another man of the same type as Adolf Hitler, murdered
and butchered millions of people – again in the name of a noble cause: Communism has to be
established, and any sacrifice is not too much. If communism, the paradise, the classless society,
can arrive on the earth, then no sacrifice is too much.
And the same has been happening down the ages: the Christian crusades, the Mohammedan
JEHADS – wars of religion to SAVE religion. Of course, when Islam is in danger it has to be
saved, and the people who are creating the danger have to be destroyed – in the name of a noble
cause. When Christianity is in danger, then everything is allowed. And who decides when Islam is
in danger? Who decides when Christianity is in danger? Who decides who is an Aryan and who is
Jews think they are the chosen people of God, and Adolf Hitler thinks Nordics, the purest Aryans,
are the chosen people of God. Now there cannot live two people who think that they are the chosen
people of God: one has to be destroyed, the competitor has to be destroyed. Look at the whole
inhuman history of humanity and you will always find it is obedience to noble causes that has caused
immense misery, that has made the whole life of humanity a nightmare.
No. Serve only with awareness. Obey only with awareness. Obedience should NOT be for
something exterior. Obedience should be something interior. You should be able to see what is
at stake. And you will be able to say yes or no according to your own conscience. Only then can the
world become a little better, a little more human.
The people who dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – just two persons! – they
could have said no. It was so obvious that the one hundred thousand people who lived in Hiroshima
were utterly innocent – small children, women, old people. Why drop an atom bomb that would
destroy them immediately, within seconds? Within ten seconds Hiroshima was a dead city. Just ten
seconds before, it was alive. It was time... people were taking their breakfast, people were singing,
people were doing ALL kinds of things. Just a few seconds before, all was so alive. And after just a
few moments, the whole of Hiroshima was just a cemetery – all dead people.
The person who dropped the bomb could have said no, but he was obediently serving a noble cause.
What was the noble cause? – democracy. These big words are very dangerous, because behind
them you can hide anything. Now in the name of democracy, capitalism hides itself. And in the name
of equality, communism hides itself. Watch all big words, and whenever a politician uses a big word,
be aware – there must be something fishy about it.
And don’t go on following. It is better to die... if the man who was going to drop the atom bomb had
said NO, it is possible he would have been court-martialled. So what? He could have said, ”You kill
me – that seems to be a lesser evil. I would like to die” – and that would have been a noble cause!
– ”You shoot me, but I simply say no. I will not drop this atom bomb on innocent people.”
The people who were destroying poor Vietnam could have said no. And the same is continuously
repeated everywhere, all around the globe. Now it is time we should become more aware.
Obedience has been exploited. Obedience has been a very subtle strategy of the politician and the
priest. If it comes out of your awareness, if you see that this is good – not that your leaders, your
politicians, your priests, say it is good, but you feel it is good, it has to be your response – then do
it by all means. But if you see... your individual conscience has to decide. That’s my whole point:
each individual has to create his own consciousness and conscience – only then will we be able to
create a better world. Otherwise, this world is going to commit suicide within twenty-five years.
By the end of this century, this foolish idea of obedience to noble causes is going to destroy the
whole of humanity, and not only humanity – with humanity, all life on this earth, all trees, all birds, all
animals – all kinds of life. And there are millions of kinds of life on this earth. This earth is a festival.
If you go on carrying this stupid idea that has been put into your mind down the ages... throughout
the ages, you have been fed this idea with your mother’s milk: Obey! I teach you awareness. And,
of course, out of awareness a totally different kind of obedience arises. Then you say yes because
your heart says yes. and if your heart says no, then say no, and risk all for your no. That is human
A series of highly original experiments was started by Doctor Stanley Milgram. The purpose of the
experiments was to discover the limits of the average person’s obedience to authority when ordered
to inflict severe pain on an innocent victim in the interests of a noble cause.
The noble cause was education. It involved three people: the professor, who was the authority
figure in charge of the proceedings; the learner or victim; and the experimental subject, who was
asked by the professor to act as teacher and to punish the learner each time he gave the wrong
reply. Punishment was by electric shocks of growing severity, administered by the teacher on the
professor’s orders. The learner or victim was strapped into a kind of electric chair. The teacher was
seated in front of an impressive shock-generator which had a key-board of thirty switches ranging
from fifteen volts to four hundred and fifty volts. There were also verbal inscriptions on the machine
ranging from ’slight shock’ to ’intense shock’ to ’danger: severe shock’.
In fact, the whole gruesome set-up was based on make-believe: the victim was an actor, the shockgenerator
was a dummy. Only the teacher, at whom the experiment was aimed, believed in the
reality of the shocks he was ordered to administer and of the shrieks of pain and cries for mercy
uttered by the victim.
The basic procedure was as follows: the learner was given to read a long list of paired words, that
is ’blue box’, ’nice day’, ’wild duck’, etc. Then in the examination he was given one test word, for
instance, ’blue’, with four alternative answers, that is ’ink, box, sky, lamp’, and had to indicate which
was the correct answer. The teacher was instructed by the professor to administer a shock each time
the learner gave a wrong response, and moreover to move one level higher on the shock generator
each time the learner gave the wrong answer. There was a fifteen volt increment from one switch to
the next.
To make sure that the teacher was aware of what he was doing, the actor who played the role of the
learner uttered complaints which increased in stridency according to the voltage, from mild grunts
starting at seventy-five volts, in a crescendo, until at one hundred and fifty volts the victim cried out,
”Get me out of here! I won’t be in the experiment any more. I refuse to go on!”
Remember that the teacher believed that the victim too was a volunteer.
At three hundred and fifteen volts, after a violent scream, the victim reaffirmed vehemently that he
was no longer a participant. He provided no answers, but screamed in agony whenever a shock
was administered. After three hundred and thirty volts he was not heard from... yet the professor
instructed the subject to treat no answer as a wrong answer, and to continue to increase the shock
level according to the schedule. After three shocks of four hundreds and fifty volts, he called off the
How many people, in an average population, do you think would obey the command to carry on with
the task of torturing the victim to the limit of four hundred and fifty volts? The answer seems to be a
foregone conclusion: perhaps one in a thousand – a pathological sadist.
Before starting his experiments, Milgram actually asked a group of psychiatrists to predict the
outcome. With remarkable similarity, they predicted that virtually all subjects would refuse to obey
the experimenter. The consensus of the psychiatrists was that most subjects would not go beyond
one hundred and fifty volts, that is when the victim asks for the first time to be released. They
expected that only four percent would reach three hundred volts, and that only a pathological fringe
of about one in a thousand would administer the highest shock on the board.
In actual fact, over sixty percent of the subjects continued to obey the professor to the very end –
the four hundred and fifty volt limit. Remember: sixty percent.
When the experiment was repeated in Italy, South Africa and Australia. the percent of obedient
subjects was somewhat higher. In Munich it was eighty-five percent.
The act of shocking the victim does not stem from destructive urges, but from the fact that the
subjects have become integrated into a social system which is based on obedience. To prove this
point, Milgram carried on a further series of experiments in which the teacher was told that he was
free to inflict on the learner ANY shock level of his own choice on any of the trials. Though given full
opportunity, almost all subjects administered the lowest shocks, the mean shock level being fifty-four
Remember that the victim’s first mild complaint came only at seventy-five volts.
In the original experiments, when the teacher acted on orders, an average of twenty-five out of
forty subjects administered the maximum shock of four hundred and fifty volts. In the free-choice
experiment, thirty-eight out of forty did not go beyond one hundred and fifty volts – victim’s first loud
protest – and only two subjects went up to three hundred and twenty-five and four hundred and fifty
The vast majority of the subjects, far from deriving any pleasure from shocking the victim, showed
various symptoms of emotional strain and distress. Some broke into a sweat, others pleaded with the
professor to stop, or protested that the experiment was cruel and stupid. Yet two-thirds nevertheless
went on to the bitter end.
We have been taught for centuries to obey – and to obey in the noble cause is a virtue; to disobey
is a vice, is a sin. Disobeying any noble cause will create guilt in you. Obeying will make you feel
good. AND YOU may even be obeying it in spite of your own conscience. You will see the futility, the
stupidity, the cruelty of it.
The man who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima slept very well that night, and in the morning when
he was asked how he was feeling, he said, ”Perfect!” People could not believe it. They said, ”Could
you sleep in the night? One hundred thousand people have been burnt by you – could you sleep in
the night?”
He said, ”I slept VERY well, because I had done my duty. And when one does one’s duty well, one
earns a good sleep.”
Truman was the President of the United States when the atom bomb was dropped. When he was
asked, ”How do you feel?” he said, ”I feel great! A noble cause has been served – democracy has
won over fascist forces.”
Remember always: big words are very dangerous. And big words have a very hypnotic power in
them: democracy, God, religion, Bible... great words have a VERY hypnotic power over you. They
can create a great unconsciousness in you, and you can go on doing things which you would have
never even dreamt of doing without those big words.
So remember, ’noble cause’ is a very dangerous game. Who decides what is noble? Let EACH
individual decide according to his own conscience.
And why in Munich was the percentage the highest? – eighty-five percent. Because Germans are
very obedient. That has been their training, that has been their conditioning – and they have been
praised for it. That has become part and parcel of their inner mechanism.
The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission
to authority.
It is very easy to dispense with your responsibility. You can always say, ”What can I do? – I have
been ordered.” And the higher person can say he has been ordered from a higher authority, and so
on and so forth. Even the President can say, ”I have been advised by the military experts.” And so
on and on, round and round it goes. Nobody is REALLY responsible. Responsibility can always be
shoved on somebody else’s shoulders.
And a really religious person is a responsible person. He says, ”I am responsible. If I am doing
something, then I am responsible, and I have to think it over, whether to do it or not. If my
OWN awareness allows it, I will do it; otherwise, whatsoever the consequences, I AM GOING TO
So obedience is not a value to me at all, neither is disobedience a disvalue. Your own understanding
is the value. OUT of that, obedience is good; OUT of that, disobedience is also good.

Член од
25 јуни 2012
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Misery is a by-product, the shadow of the mind, the shadow of the illusory mind. Misery is a nightmare. You suffer only because you are asleep. And there is no way of escaping it while you are asleep.


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Morality does not disappear, but acquires a totally different meaning: the subordinate person
feels shame and pride depending on how adequately he has performed the actions called for
by authority. Language provides numerous terms to pinpoint this type of morality: loyalty, duty,
discipline, obedience....
Great words! Beware of them. Always beware of great words: MY country, motherland, fatherland,
church, temple. BEWARE of all great words! They can drive you into an unconscious, robotlike
This is now the greatest danger to human survival: the capacity for man to abandon his humanity,
indeed, the inevitability that he does so as he merges his unique personality into larger institutional
structures. It is not anger, violence, aggression, destructiveness, which is so dangerous, but the
greatly valued idea of OBEDIENCE.
It is ironic that the virtues of loyalty, discipline and self-sacrifice that we value so highly in the
individual are the very properties that create destructive organizational energies of war and that
blind men to malevolent systems of authority.
Remember, if we want to create a new humanity, we will have to reconsider the whole mind of man.
The past has created a a very ugly mind – of course, with beautiful labels, with beautiful painted
smiles, and behind is great animality.
My emphasis is on the individual not on the society, not on the nation, not on the religion. My
emphasis is on the individual. The individual has to be freed from all kinds of social bondages and
slaveries. That’s what sannyas is all about. Become aware... and out of your awareness, obedience
is good, disobedience is good. But it HAS to be rooted in your awareness – then everything is good.
And out of unawareness, obedience is bad, disobedience is bad.
Let me remind you: I am not telling you to be disobedient, because if it is out of unawareness, and
you say NO, it is as bad as saying yes. I am not teaching you disobedience, disorder, indiscipline. I
am not doing that kind of thing at all. I can be misunderstood. I AM being misunderstood. What I
am saying is: I am making you responsible.
The individual is TOTALLY responsible whatsoever he is doing. So you have to think, meditate, and
act out of your meditations – and whatsoever you do will be virtuous, and whatsoever you do will be
moral, and it will be a totally different kind of morality.


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There was this owner-operator of a bar who was constantly besieged with requests from his male
customers for the names of prostitutes and their whereabouts.
One day he decided it was stupid not to tap into this source of income, so he went and got a couple
of girls and installed them in a couple of rooms over the bar. Whenever a customer wanted a girl,
he merely sent them upstairs.
A couple of days after this new business began, a customer returned from upstairs very unhappy
and complained to the man about the lousy blow-job he had just had.
The owner ordered the man to follow him back upstairs, called for the three girls who were working
to gather in the bedroom, told the man to get back on the bed, turned to the girls and said, ”Okay
girls, I am going to show you HOW just ONE more time, so dammit, get it right!!”


Konecno Sloboden...
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2 декември 2011
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It is NOT like science. The scientist goes to the rose-bush – he understands, tries to understand,
analyse, experiment, with the rose. He will dissect the rose; he will find many things, but he will not
find the rose and its beauty. He will find other elements. He will find how much of it is earth, and
how much of it is water, and how much of it is air, and how much of it is sun – he will find ALL these
things. Only the rose will disappear.
He will not find one thing which was very very significant, which was really the significance of the
rose: he will not find any beauty in it. No scientist has yet found any beauty in a rose. If you talk about
beauty, he laughs – he laughs knowingly – you are talking nonsense. Beauty is not a component at
all. But you know the beauty is there, although it cannot be proved in a scientific lab. Then how do
you know the beauty?
Not by dissecting the rose, not by reading about the rose, but by participating with the rose, by
becoming one with the rose, there are moments when you become one with the rose. When the
observer disappears into the observed, when the observer is the observed and the observed is the
observer, there is a moment of deep intimacy, communion. When the poet is not standing outside
the rose but has gone inside it, when the rose is not there as an object but has penetrated the very
soul of the poet, in that meeting there arises understanding.
That understanding is not scientific knowledge – it is poetic experience.
--- надополнето: 1 јули 2012 во 13:34 ---
Уште еден виц

The scene was Elaine’s Restaurant on Second Avenue in Manhattan on a crowded Saturday night.
A stranger walked in from the street and pompously announced that, even with a blindfold on, he
could identify any wine. The challenge was immediately accepted. A dark cloth was placed over his
eyes and wine after wine was handed to him.
”Lafite-Rothschild, 1958,” he would announce. Or ”Bernkasteler Badstube, 1951.” And he was
always right.
Finally, someone handed him a glass he could not identify. He sipped and then he sipped again...
suddenly he spat it out and pulled off the blindfold. ”Hell, man! This is urine! Plain fresh urine!”
”Yes,” said a small voice in the background, ”but whose?”


Konecno Sloboden...
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2 декември 2011
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”My mother-in-law treats me with contempt,” cried Cohen to the rabbi. ”She gives me no respect.”
”How can you say that?”
”When my birthday arrives, she sends my wife a sympathy card.”
”That’s just her sense of humour.”
”When she mails us an invitation for a dinner banquet, my name is usually left out.”
”Probably an oversight.”
”When she talks to my wife, she always refers to me as ’that man’.”
”’That man’ is undoubtedly an idiomatic expression she uses.”
”When she wrote her will, she left me only one dollar.”
”You are right,” said the rabbi, ”she doesn’t like you.”

It takes so long... your so-called learned people are full of bullshit, are full of so-called knowledge
which they have gathered from books, from people, but not even an iota of eXperience. If you really
look deep into them you will find them the most stupid people on the earth. All their knowledge is
borrowed; there is no consciousness behind it. They are good computers, but the man has not yet
arrived. They are not human beings: they are machines.

A great scholar passed his neighbour, a farmer, as he was just working in the fields. He shouted at
him, ”Hey you, do your cows smoke?”
Seemingly surprised, the farmer answered, ”No! Why?”
”That’s what I thought,” replied the scholar. ”Then your stable must be burning.”

Parrots are very intelligent people.

One morning recently, a young woman got out of bed, slipped into her robe, raised the shade,
uncovered the parrot, put on the coffee pot, answered the phone and heard a masculine voice say,
”Hello, honey. My ship just hit port and I’m coming right over.”
So the young lady took the coffee pot off the stove, covered up the parrot, pulled down the shade,
took off her robe, got into bed, and heard the parrot mumble, ”Kee-rist, what a short day that was!”


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The Japanese was a long-time customer at this Greek restaurant because he had discovered that
they made especially tasty fried rice. Each evening he would come in he would order flied lice.
This always caused the Greek restaurant owner to nearly roll on the floor with laughter. Sometimes
he would have two or three friends stand nearby just to hear the Japanese customer order his ’flied
Eventually, the customer’s pride was so hurt that he took a special diction lesson just to be able to
say ’fried rice’ correctly.
The next time he went to the restaurant he said very plainly, ”Fried rice, please.”
Unable to believe his ears, the Greek restaurant owner said, Sir, would you repeat that?”
The Japanese replied, ”You heard what I said, you flucking Gleek!”
--- надополнето: 4 јули 2012 во 01:21 ---
Be the original. When you can be the original, why should you be the
carbon copy? Don’t imitate Buddha, don’t imitate Jesus, don’t imitate me – never imitate anybody!
Learn from everywhere, but never imitate. Just be yourself. You have to be only yourself. And there
is no way to know who you are beforehand. How will you decide who you are? Unless you go in and
see who you are.
So the first thing is not the effort to change – the first thing is the effort to acquaint yourself with your
own being: who is residing in you? Look at this guest who has come to you. Your body is a host...
some stranger is residing in the body, some stranger from the beyond has descended in the body.
That is you! Just look, watch, meditate, be aware of it. Drop ALL efforts to change yourself! Put
your whole energy into knowing yourself, and out of that knowing comes growth. And that growth
will bring your original face. You have to be only yourself. You have to be only that which you already
--- надополнето: 4 јули 2012 во 01:37 ---
PYTHAGORAS TALKS ABOUT TWO LAWS: the law of necessity and the law of power. The law of
necessity means living an accidental life, like a robot, like a machine. The law of necessity means
things happen to you; you are not the master, you are not conscious enough to be the master.
The law of power means things don’t happen to you: you happen to things. You are not just an
accident – you are a power. Consciousness brings power; then life is not just like a driftwood, then
life has a direction. Then life has some integrity; then life has a continuum. You have something
solid in you, and so powerful it is that you start happening to people. You have a presence. And
whatsoever you do, you do it; it is not an unconscious reaction: it is a conscious response. You are
not just at the mercy of things, events. A mastery arises in you.
That’s why in the East the sannyasin is called the swami. ’swami’ means one who has become a
master of himself, one who has passed from the law of necessity to the law of power. The law of
necessity means you are walking like a man who is asleep, stumbling here and there, falling on this
thing, on that, trying to grope in darkness. Your life will remain meaningless:... A TALE TOLD BY
AN IDIOT, FULL OF SOUND AND FURY, SIGNIFYING NOTHING. Your life will be like the gibberish
of a madman. You will not have any poetry, you will not have a song, you will not have any music
arising out of you. All that happens only when your unconsciousness disappears and you become
conscious. Meditation is the key to becoming conscious; meditation is the door to the law of power.
You are living under it....
I was reading one man’s autobiography. He says that his father was travelling and the train was late.
When he reached his destination he got out of the train but the train was so late that all the taxis had
already left. k was the middle of the night and very cold. Because he could not find a taxi, he went
into the restaurant; they were just closing, and the woman at the counter was just ready to leave.
Seeing this man, she prepared coffee for him. He drank the coffee; there was nobody else, so they
started talking. And the woman said, ”It will be difficult for you to get a taxi – why don’t you come in
my car? I will drop you on the way.”
So he went with the woman, and that’s how they fell in love with each other. And the woman became
the mother of this man who is writing the autobiography.
Now he says: ”If the train had not been late, I would not have been in the world. If a taxi had been
available, I would not have been in the world. If the woman had not invited him to go in her car, I
would not have been in the world.”
All accidental.... People are living in this unconsciousness. Your love is accidental, your hate is
accidental, your friendship, your enmity – ALL is accidental.
Stop being accidental! Gather yourself together, become a little more conscious. See what is
happening. And, slowly slowly, when you start acting out of your consciousness, you will see
tremendous power arising in you. And then your whole life will have a totally different flavour to
A story:
The eighty-year-old millionaire married a fourteen-year-old country girl. He was quite content, but
after a few weeks she told him that she was going to leave him if she did not get some love-making
real soon.
He had his chauffeured limousine take him to a high-priced specialist who studied him and then
gave him a shot of spermatozoa. ”Now look,” the doctor said. ”The only way you are going to get it
hard is to say ’beep’,and then to get it soft again you say ’beep beep’.”
”How marvellous!” the old man said.
”Yes, but I must warn you,” the doctor said, ”it is only going to work three times before you die.”
On his way home, the old man decided he was not going to live through three of them anyway, so
he decided to waste one trying it out: ”Let’s see whether it really works or not? Who knows, maybe
the doctor has just been cheating – the thing seems to be almost unbelievable.” So he said, ”Beep!”
and it did work. He had a great erection. He could not believe it – it was so fantastic. He had never
had anything like that before, even while he was young.
Satisfied, he said, ”Beep, beep,” and it was gone just the way it had come. He chuckled with delight
and anticipation.
At that moment, a little yellow Volkswagen pulled past his limousine and went ’beep’, and the car in
the opposite lane responded with ’beep, beep’.
Alert to his jeopardy, the old man instructed his chauffeur to ’speed it up’. He raced into the house
as fast as he could for his last great chance. ”Honey,” he shouted at her, ”don’t ask any questions.
Just drop your clothes and hop into the bed.”
Caught up in his excitement, she did. He undressed nervously and hurried in after her. Just as he
was climbing into the bed, he said, ”Beep,” and his tender young wife said, ”What is all this ’beep,
beep’ shit?”:pos:


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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The person who is living in a dream, is deep asleep, has a nightmare, is being tortured, is being
killed. And of course fighting, fighting back, he is very much afraid, wants somebody to save him,
and finds no way to escape. All around him are enemies with naked swords. Death seems to be
certain. Trembling, perspiring, just out of the pain of the nightmare, he awakes. Still his breathing is
not natural, still he is perspiring, trembling, but he starts laughing. There is no problem... the dream
has disappeared. All those enemies and the naked swords were not realities. He need not ask to
be saved; he need not arrange any defence. The whole thing was just a shadow world.
Once awakened the whole dream has disappeared. And in the dream he had tried every possible
way to protect himself and was finding it impossible. That’s how the case is with you, with everybody.
Anger is a shadow. You cannot be victorious by fighting with a shadow. Greed is a shadow... these
are not realities. The reality is that which will remain even when awareness has happened. And this
is the miracle: those who have known awareness have not known anything of anger or greed. Not
that they dropped them – they simply don’t find them! Once the light is there, darkness is not there.
Buddha is reported to have said when he became enlightened, the first moment of it, he smiled and
he said: ”This is unbelievable! – so I have been enlightened from the very beginning!? And all those
chains and all those imprisonments were just dreams?”
When people would ask him, ”What should we do not to be angry, or what should we do not to be
greedy, or what should we do not to be so much obsessed with sex or food?” his answer was always
the same: Be aware. Bring awareness to your life.
His disciple, Ananda, listening again and again to every kind of person – different problems, but the
prescription of the physician remains the same – became puzzled. He said, ”What is the matter
with you? They bring different kinds of illness – somebody brings greed and somebody sex and
somebody food and somebody something else – but your prescription remains the same!”
And Buddha said, ”Their illnesses are different just as people can dream different dreams.”
Here you are: if all of you, all two thousand sannyasins, fall asleep you will have two thousand
dreams. Remember, you cannot invite anybody to share your dream – it is very private – not even
your wife or your husband, nobody can share it. So two thousand people will have two thousand
dreams. But if you come to me and ask how to get rid of this dream, the medicine will remain the
same: Wake up! It is not going to be different; the prescription is going to be the same. You can
call it awareness, you can call it witnessing, you can call it remembering, you can call it meditation –
these are different names for the same medicine.
Act with more awareness.
--- надополнето: 8 јули 2012 во 07:55 ---
But you have learnt how to live without awareness. You know how to move without awareness; you
know the doors of your house, and the rooms, and you have become acquainted with all kinds of
skills.... You can drive to the office and come back, and there is no need to be aware. You can just
go on doing these things mechanically.
All sins arise out of this mechanicalness. Your life becomes a hell. Hell simply means not to be in
the present, and paradise means just to be in the present.
A young farm boy from Arkansas was sent to New York by his father to learn the undertaking
business under the tutelage of the great Frank E. Campbell.
Some months later, the father visited his son in the big city. ”Tell me,” he said, ”have you learnt
”Oh sure, Dad,” said the son. ”I have learnt a lot. And it has been very interesting.”
”What was the most interesting thing you learnt?”
The son thought for a moment and then said, ”Well, we did have one wild experience that taught me
a lesson.”
”What was that?”
”Well,” said the son, ”one day we got this phone call from the Taft Hotel. It seems that the
housekeeper had checked one of the rooms and she discovered that a man and woman had died in
their sleep on the bed and completely naked.”
”Wow!” said the father. ”What did Mr. Campbell do?”
”Well, he put on his tuxedo and he had me put on my tuxedo. Then we were driven in one of his
limousines to the Taft Hotel. The manager took us to the desk clerk who gave us the room number.
Then the manager rode up with us in the elevator. We were silent because Mr. Campbell always
believes in doing things with great dignity.”
”How marvellous!” exclaimed the father. ”Then what happened?”
”Well, we came to this room. Mr. Campbell pushed the door open with his gold-tipped cane. He,
the manager, and I walked in quietly. Sure enough, there on the bed was this naked couple lying on
their backs.”
”And then what happened?” asked the father.
”Well, Mr Campbell saw an immediate problem. The man had a large erection.”
”And then what happened?” asked the father.
”Mr. Campbell, as usual, was up to the situation. He swung his gold-tipped cane and very stylishly
whacked the prick.”
”And then what happened?” asked the father.
”Well, Dad,” said the son, ”all hell broke loose. You see, we were in the wrong room!”
That’s how it goes on and on... you ARE in the wrong room, you are always in the wrong room.
Unawareness is the name of the wrong room. And whatsoever you are doing, good or bad,
respectable or unrespectable, is ALL the same in the ultimate final analysis – because you are
in the wrong room, and in the wrong room you cannot do anything right. You can become a saint in
the wrong room, but you will remain exactly in the same room as the sinner. You can become very
moral – you may not be a thief and you may not be a rapist and you may not be a murderer – but
the ROOM is wrong and whatsoever you are, you cannot be right.
Your total state of mind has to be transformed – and that is the meaning of awareness. You are in
the past, in the future; that means you are in the mind. The mind is the name of the wrong room.
Come out of the mind! Be in the present... and when you are in the present, you are not part of the
mind. Then each act has tremendous clarity, because you are a mirror. And there is no dust on the
mirror because there is no thinking going on.
That’s all I teach here: how to be aware, how to be conscious – how to be, and without thoughts.
And then life starts changing of its own accord. I don’t teach you non-violence. Non-violence has
been taught down the ages in this country and people are not non-violent at all. In fact, it is difficult
to find more violent people anywhere else than in this country. Every day, in every possible way,
violence erupts – any excuse is enough. And buses will be burnt and people will be murdered, and
the police will have to fire. Every day! It is not news at all – it is not new, how can it be news? You
can be certain it will be happening somewhere or other in this country.
Madhura has asked a question: Why in India is there so much public violence? It is because of
the teachings of non-violence. For five thousand years people have been taught to be non-violent;
they have learnt the trick of pretending. And all that has happened is that they have repressed
their violence. They are sitting on volcanoes – any excuse, any small excuse, and the violence is
triggered. And then it goes on spreading like a wild fire.
Whenever there is a Hindu-Mohammedan riot, you can see the real faces of the people of this
country – murderous. And just a day before, the Hindu was praying in the temple and the
Mohammedan was praying in the mosque, and one was reading the Vedas and the other was
reading the Koran, and they looked so pious. Let there be a riot, and all that piousness simply
evaporates as if it had never been there, and they are ready to kill, rape.... They are ready to do
This violence erupts again and again in this country because of the teaching, a wrong teaching,
which is based on repression. Whenever you repress something, it will come up again and again.
I teach you awareness, not repression. That’s why I don’t talk about non-violence. I don’t say, ”Don’t
be violent.” I only say, ”Be alert, be aware!” Whatsoever you are doing, do it with such care, with
such meditativeness, that you are absolutely there, in it, involved; that you are not just making some
empty gestures. Your presence is there – and that very presence brings an alchemical change. You
will never repress, you will never sit on a volcano. And the more you become aware, the more your
life will attain to silence, peace, love. They are by-products of awareness.


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Dobro, se razbira deka toa se postignuva so meditacija i joga, ama prashanjeto beshe okolu toa kako da se meditira.

Dali trebe da sednam pod edno drvo i da meditiram za da postignam pogolema svesnost?
Абе ако сакаш седи и под цела шума не е тоа битно битна е твојата внатрешна состојба во моментот дали е будна или спие, било во активност било во неактивност...


Дежурен Шаман
Член од
2 февруари 2010
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Абе ако сакаш седи и под цела шума не е тоа битно битна е твојата внатрешна состојба во моментот дали е будна или спие, било во активност било во неактивност...
Дали тоа значи дека секоја (или сечија) медитација не доведува до присутност....будност.....свесност?
Дали медитацијата е единствениот „пат“ до свесноста?
Член од
3 јули 2012
Поени од реакции
Абе ако сакаш седи и под цела шума не е тоа битно битна е твојата внатрешна состојба во моментот дали е будна или спие, било во активност било во неактивност...
Epa sega, ....mi davash odgovor na krajniot rezultat, toa e rezultatot od meditacijata.
Kako da ja razbudam taa sostojba, koj e nacinot na meditacija?
Trebe da zemesh vo predvit deka nemam meditirano do sega....
I sega kako da pocnam?....Da odam pod drvo ili ..kako?

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