Johnny Cash (5 годишен помен)


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12 април 2010
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За оваа мислам деку му е најинтересн песна од неговиот последен албум:



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15 август 2008
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Yeah. Holler at ya boy
Holler at your boy. Do shit
Do remember, Holler at your boy
Go back, a few weeks on this one. Go way way back
This life aint for everyone,
But for some of us. Yeah. Life is easy
This song right here, going out a childhood mentor of mine, father John.
Touched me as a kid, i want you to know, still feeling you.
Life is easy
Jah didn't kill Johnny
He had a date with death
It was a slow train coming
And we've all got a train to catch
But Lord, take your filthy claws off the rest of my freinds.
That is, of course, if they ain't already dead.
I make no demands. I just make amends.
I make my bed and I'm a lie in it
But before I die...please...don't take anymore of my friends.
Please don't take anymore of my friends. Life is easy.
The smoke didn't kill Johnny. The drink didn't kill Johnny.
The junk didn't kill Johnny. And the women didn't kill Johnny.
Was it the road? I don't know. Was it rock and roll? I don't think so.
But God, God, God, God, God...would never...kill...Johnny Cash
He had a train to catch.
He had a date with death
And we've all got a train to catch.
Life is easy. Holler at ya boy. Life is easy.

Посветена за Џони, а кога сме веќе кај него...


Инаку добри му се преработките во Американ рекордингс, заразен бев едно време...


Телемит, Темплар, Масон, Сциентолог во целибат
Член од
30 април 2010
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Forrest Gump

Член од
12 ноември 2009
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Видеово го обожавам! Која скромност и срамежливост:pos: , покрај неповторливиот глас.

Член од
12 март 2009
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Почивај во мир голем човеку!! Каква имагинација,уникатност, какви текстови! енергија!!....ЛЕГЕНДА!, феномен!

:cuc: :cuc: :cuc:

Кој не го гледал Walk the Line, многу пропуштил!!!!!!

Само видете Хоакин Феникс колку добро го емитира, пее!

Лелелеел текстот!!!!!!! :cuc:

Лелелеел текстот!!!!!!! :cuc:
sekoja čest za golemiot Johnny Cash, no treba da dopolnam nekoj fakti, nepoznati kaj nas:
eden od "glavnite" hitovi, Ring Of Fire e cover i toa i go "zemal" na bald'skata Anita Carter ... a i ušte mnogu drugi poznati peači i peački go izvele ovoj hit

koga sme veke kaj Coverite, kralot na Coverite, Tom Jones, ima fantastičen Cover na Ring Of Fire, ušte 1967 godina,
no toa ne im prečeše na Johnny i Tom da bidat prijateli i da nastapuvaat i zaedno...

koga sme tuka, kaj country hitovite, country hitot G.G.Gras of Home, koj megu ostanatite go izveduvaše i Johnny Cash e hit na Porter Wagoner od 1965,
no veke vo 1966 mu go "zema" Tom Jones, koj od Country hitot so mala promena na ritamot napravi sosem druga pesna, pop hit, koj se iskači na vrvot na top listite na dvete strani na okeanot..
Член од
12 март 2009
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Ring of Fire" or "The Ring of Fire" is a country music song popularized by Johnny Cash and co-written by June Carter (wife of Johnny Cash) and Merle Kilgore. The single appears on Cash's 1963 compilation album, Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash. The song was originally recorded by June's sister, Anita Carter, on her Mercury Records album Folk Songs Old and New (1963) as "(Love's) Ring of Fire".

When the song failed to become a major hit for Anita, Cash recorded it his own way, adding the mariachi-style horns. This sound was later used in the song "It Ain't Me Babe", which was recorded around the same time. Mother Maybelle and the Carter sisters are prominently featured in the Cash recording singing harmony. Cash tinkered with a few of the original phrases in Anita Carter's version of the song:

Four years after the song was released, Carter and Cash were married, which Cash states helped to stop his alcohol and drug addictions. Cash's daughter Rosanne has stated, "The song is about the transformative power of love and that's what it has always meant to me and that's what it will always mean to the Cash children.

The song was recorded on March 25, 1963, and became the biggest hit of Johnny Cash's career, staying at number one on the charts for seven weeks.

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