LaVista не биди сигурен,вчера читав постови на некои страни на фановите на бритни меѓу кои имаше She still looks hot,I love her no matter what happens,I know what you're going through but I know you're strong and you can do it и слични а исто така еден фан кога видел дека бритни се шишала и тој истото го направил.Патем,мајка и не знаела дека Бритни се шишала,отишла на фризер без да и каже
Инаку..еве еден quote па вие ако сакате сложете се,ако сакате не се сложувајте,мене се исто ми се фаќа
First of all , i know a lot of people have something negative to say about Britney's behavior at this time ,and i did too! for 1 minute , then i started thinking of what would make her do something like that ....
then i realized that she is under too much pressure and too much scrutiny , leave the girl alone ...i just feel so sad because it's obvious that she is tired of all the criticism and the NOT so nice comments towards her and i think she just went off the depend .
I think we've all had a moment of pure frustration , so did she, but the problem is that she is never left in peace , and everything she does in and will be exxagerated to the MAX
A normal person would have just have a nervous breakdown , but she has lived this kinda lifestyle for a while..where paparazzi think that they own her or something
Britney , god bless you and keep ypur head up
And to everyone else...think deep before you criticize