Филмски факти и занимливости


A cold fact
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16 јуни 2007
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Green is currently used as a backdrop more than any other color because image sensors in digital video cameras are most sensitive to green, due to the Bayer pattern allocating more pixels to the green channel, this mimicks the human increased sensitivity to green light. Therefore the green camera channel contains the least "noise" and can produce the cleanest key/matte/mask. Additionally, less light is needed to illuminate green, again because of the higher sensitivity to green in image sensors. Bright green has also become favored as a blue background may match a subject's eye color or common items of clothing, such as jeans, or a dark-navy suit

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Juve Fan
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29 јули 2008
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Убава збирка на специјални ефекти кои се користат во светската кинематографија...Погледнете...

За 24 сигурно знаев дека е така праен, пошо го видов видеото пред повеќе од 5-6 месеци. Во Лос Анџелес е сниман, па праен е демек во Њу Јорк.

Во секој случај, интересно.

Here it comes



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14 ноември 2011
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Иако ова ми е апсурдно, сепак е интересно. Постои теорија дека албумот The Dark Side of the Moon од Пинк Флојд е намерно направен да се синхронизира со филмот Волшебникот од Оз. Во некои кина во Америка го пуштале филмот, а во позадина го пуштале и албумот како алтернативно аудио. Дури и на ТСМ го даваа еднаш во таква варијанта филмот. Судејќи според YouTube некои делови и звуци од албумот се поклопуваат со некои дејства и активности на карактерите во филмот, на пр. зборот which се слуша во моментот кога на екранот се појавува вештерка. Сепак, дури и Пинк Флојд имаат кажано дека теоријата е смешна и дека да сакале да го направат тоа би им требало многу време. Очигледно е обична коинциденција, но сепак е интересно.

Forrest Gump

Член од
12 ноември 2009
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Кој е што на филмскиот сет?​

Ме мрзеше да преведувам, ако ли вака го постирам...

1. Boom Operator
No, this job has nothing to do with explosives or pyrotechnics. The boom referred to is a long pole with a mic attached to it–the mic that picks up all the dialogue the actors are saying. The boom allows the mic operator to move with the action and stay out of the camera’s field of vision.

2. Armourer
Now this job does deal with explosives, of a sort. The armourer’s specialty is firearms, which, when used as a prop, requires a special handler. War movies and cops movies sometimes need several armourers to keep track of all the firearms, which, even though filled with blanks, can still be quite dangerous. (Remember Jon-Erik Hexum? Anyone? Anyone?)

3. Gaffer
Though the gaffer manages the entire electrical department, all the guys who run cables and hang lights, his main responsibility is mounting and positioning lights and lighting rigs.

4. Grip
Grips are sort of like worker bees. They do lots of different things, like moving set pieces, scenery, and pushing cameras on dollies for follow-shots. But the grip’s main job is lighting. They set up filters in front of the lights and position sun blocks to keep natural light from ruining a scene.

5. Key Grip
This guy runs the Grips dept and assists the Gaffer. He usually knows his team well and will contract out the same people for each film or production he’s hired to work on.

6. Best Boy
This guy has nothing at all to do with a wedding, unless we’re talking something like Wedding Crashers. There are two types of best boys: electrical and grip. Best boy electric is the gaffer’s assistant. A best boy grip assists the key grip.

7. Dolly Grip
A dolly grip operates the movie camera dolly. If you’ve ever wondered how cameras seem to follow actors so surreptitiously and so fluidly in some scenes, it’s because the camera is mounted on a dolly, not handheld, and pushed along a track, like a little one-car train.

8. Foley Artist
A foley artist is responsible for creating the sound effects that are added in post-production. Why Foley? Well, Jack Foley was one of the first and most famous sound effects guys in the biz.

9. Greensman
This sounds like someone who makes sure the golf course looks good before a shoot at a country club, no? It’s actually the person responsible for placing plants, flowers, shrubs, etc. in a scene.

10. Key Scenic
This guy oversees the painting dept. A key scenic designer uses painting techniques to make buildings look old, or new, or whatever is called for.

11. Lead Man
If you’re thinking this is the star of the film, you’re wrong. That’s the leading man. A lead man is in charge of the entire set crew.

12. Buyer
As the name implies, this person finds set pieces, or dressing for the set, and buys (or rents) them.

13. Set Dresser
My next-door neighbor is a set dresser who worked on a lot of well-known sitcoms. He says that when the dressers aren’t busy placing the items the buyer purchased, they’re usually hanging paintings in a room, installing TVs in a bedroom set, that sort of thing. People often confuse the set dresser with the set designer. They’re actually two very different jobs. I didn’t give Set Designer any real estate here because I figured most people can imagine what this job is all about.

14. Director of Photography
The director of photography, otherwise known in this town as the DP, oversees all the artistic aspects of the shot, meaning lighting, camera placement, etc. It’s the DP’s job to work with the Director and get his/her vision captured on camera. (Good directors are usually good DPs, but most directors have to rely on others to technically capture their vision.) The DP is also often called a Cinematographer, especially in film (DP is more common in TV)

15. The Second Assistant Camera (2nd AC)
I have left many titles off the list, because, quite frankly, we’d be here all day. But the 2nd AC is worth mentioning because he/she handles the clapperboard, or slate. Yes, he’s the guy clapping the board before each take, which allows the editors to sync up all the various camera angles/cameras later in the editing room. Also, as has been pointed out, the 2nd AC loads the film in the camera mags, unless there’s a dedicated loader in the production.

Forrest Gump

Член од
12 ноември 2009
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Сте ја вишле ли колекцијава од слики на Sam Taylor-Wood и големите актери како плачат. Кој е најуверлив во плакањето а?

Benicio del Toro

Willem Dafoe

Robert Downey Jr.

Daniel Craig

Dustin Hoffman

Ed Harris

Forest Whitaker

Gabriel Byrne

Hayden Christiansen

John Leguizamo

Jude Law

Kris Kristofferson

Laurence Fishburne

Paul Newman

Michael Madsen

Robin Williams

Tim Roth

Ryan Gosling

Steve Buscemi

Ben Stiller


Io Sono Interista

The original, one and only IoSono.
Член од
21 декември 2007
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Како да го заклучиме тоа од слика? :)
  • Ми се допаѓа
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Forrest Gump

Член од
12 ноември 2009
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Како да го заклучиме тоа од слика? :)
Па види тоа му е и финтата (ако уопште има финта). Мене лично најуверливи ми се моите омилени Steve Buscemi и Laurence Fishburne и мојот имењак Forest Whitaker . Кај Robert Downey Jr. ми е некако превише, а у колекцијава ми фали некако уше еден мој омилен глумец као да речеме Christopher Walken. Мислам оти он ќе биде најуверлив плакач.

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