Фан Клуб: Барселона

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Traumatic Playground
Член од
31 јануари 2007
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Со Мерида не е направена никаква грешка... момакот се сметаше за огромен талент, но излезе дека не е ништо повеќе од просечен играч. Наследник на Чави? Невозможно, нема да има играч како Чави долго време:smir:


Со Мерида не е направена никаква грешка... момакот се сметаше за огромен талент, но излезе дека не е ништо повеќе од просечен играч. Наследник на Чави? Невозможно, нема да има играч како Чави долго време:smir:
Во тоа се сложувам. Сакав да кажам дека Мерида има потенцијал да биде заменик на Чави и да ја наследи неговата позиција, не може да ја наследи и филозофијата на Чави и неговата игра, неговото везење по теренот, ама сепак и Мерида има прекрасно чувство за пас, барем на неколку утакмици што сум го погледал.:smir:

А, во врска со школата, една мала шега: Да не беше Ла Масиа, ни другите (читај англиските) клубови немаше да бидат тоа што се сега. :)

--- надополнето ---

Денеска, на првиот ден од ЕП У-19, Шпанија ја победи Хрватска со 2-1. Стрелец на првиот гол за Шпанија беше Тиаго Алкантара. Браво Тиаго.



Иако бил повикан, Хенрике нема да присуствува на првиот тренинг во Барса. Тој планира да остане дома, се додека не се реши неговата судбина.
Хенрике, според RAC1, ќе седи во Бразил се додека не се дознае во кој клуб ќе игра наредната сезона.


barca en el corazon !
Член од
2 јуни 2008
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Јас би го задржал Хенрике, си замина Чиги(кој што не се покажа) мислам дека треба да му се даде шанса на Хенрике да видиме тој што ќе покаже минатата сезона Пеп бираше меѓу Хенрике и Чиги а тој го одбра Чиги а оваа сезона мислам дека ќе му даде шанса на Хенрике.
Член од
18 декември 2008
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barca en el corazon !
Член од
2 јуни 2008
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Јас би го одбрал Едмилсон, само тој може да му седи на клупа на Трајко.:)


Еве шо изјави Пеп за Цеск.

Guardiola reckons his signing is difficult: “I can understand that he is an important player at Arsenal. They know that we want him. He’s a top player, young, educated here at this club and taken away from us when he was just 15”.

Pep knows his midfield needs strengthening and is looking for somebody like Xavi or Iniesta, or maybe Toure: “we’re a bit short of players in the middle”.

Изгледа ќе се земе некој среден играч. Приоритет ќе мора да е деструктивец.
Член од
21 август 2008
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Еве шо изјави Пеп за Цеск.

Guardiola reckons his signing is difficult: “I can understand that he is an important player at Arsenal. They know that we want him. He’s a top player, young, educated here at this club and taken away from us when he was just 15”.

Pep knows his midfield needs strengthening and is looking for somebody like Xavi or Iniesta, or maybe Toure: “we’re a bit short of players in the middle”.

Изгледа ќе се земе некој среден играч. Приоритет ќе мора да е деструктивец.
мора да се земи деструктивец
Член од
14 јануари 2008
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Не видов дека го има интервјуво на Пеп некој постирано. Интересни работи си кажува човекот, отворено.
П.С. Побитните работи се потцртани.


"Villa can play in the center or on the left wing. Wherever he has played, he has always scored. Villa is a player who moves well, and creates space. Let's hope he'll continue scoring and that he'll be happy here."


"We thought that signing a player just to let Alves rest every now and then wasn't right. Abidal can play as centre-back, that's why we preferred to sign Adriano. Adriano is very versatile. He is 24-25 years old, he knows the league, and has a lot of energy. A great transfer."

Holding midfielder:

"I'm not aware that we're interested in Alou Diarra as possible substitute of Touré. We're looking for someone with the profile of Touré. Or we could play Keita in that position. It will depend on the finances."

"Touré is a unique player but he wanted to leave. He is a big loss for us. We've done all we can to make him stay but I understand he wants to play more. I thank him for what he has given us and I hope that he will find what I wasn't able to give him."


"Chygrynskiy? I know I'm alone on this one but I didn't want to sell him. The president said we needed to sell for economic reasons. The sale of Chygrynskiy was needed to pay the salaries of the employees? They told me something like that. The economic criteria of the president and the club are moreimportant than my opinion. So I understand the sale of Chygrynskiy. I'm just an employee of the club. I feel part of the new structure of the sport’s area but the club made the decision. I'm a man of the club. Although it might not seem like that with people suggesting I'm deciding everything around here"

"It has been an immense pleasure to have worked with Henry. We keep good memories from his time at the club. I wish Henry all the best in New York."

Loaned players

"We plan to loan out the same players as last season. Today, I've talked with some of them."


"Will Marquez leave? That's possible. He will make the decision. I cannot guarantee him a lot of playing time."


Ibrahimovic and his agent will choose what they think is best for his future. He has to be a key player. We've talked. Last season he did very well. I didn't ask anyone to try and sell him.


I'm delighted Bojan continues and that he proved me wrong at the end of last season. I hope this year I will be able to give Bojan the playing time he deserves.


Signing Cesc would cost us a lot. And I understand that because he's important for Arsenal. If Arsenal doesn't want to negotiate for Cesc, we can't negotiate. We want Cesc, but it seems Arsenal and Madrid want him too. I don't know how things stand now.

The team and the competition

Small squad? Well, we don't have a penny left, so we can't sign new players. Maybe we'll have a couple more, plus the youth. I'm not worried about a small squad. I'm working better this way. Maybe we need something in midfield but Cesc is expensive.

Abidal could be an option as center-back. Besides, we also have some youth coming. (Keita as a Holding midfielder as mentioned above).

We need to be competitive again. We need to make ourselves small to be great again. We'll try to defeat Madrid with modesty and enthusiasm. Last season, both could have won the league. Time will judge on next season's league. 99 points vs. 98, that's a small difference. It's about details, as in the CL semis. Winning the league will again be very difficult. We will have to compete for every victory.

Barca B

I have a lot of faith in the players of the B team. Their promotion is great news. Luis Enrique and his team did an incredible job. There are great players in the B team but they are the ones who should do it now.

We will try for the B team to play before the first team so people can first go and support them.

World cup:

Not even drunk I would have believed two years ago that Pedro and Busquets would win a world cup, a trophy I don't have. We will see how the world cup will affect our players and performances. The players and I want to repeat last season. I don't feel that world cup as mine. It's exclusively the world cup of the players and the coach. It has been a long process. It's not right to exclusively link Spain's world cup win with Barça. There are many other factors involved.

Players’ international friendly

Spain friendly on 11 Aug? It wouldn't be logic since they only return from vacation 9 Aug but the federation decides. What if I'd give them two more days of holiday?

Pep and the board

"I don't know why the press always speculates I'm having a bad relationship with the president. Last year Laporta, now Rosell. The new structure has been decided by the club. The president listened to my opinion, but the club makes the decision. I don't feel left alone. Manel [Estiarte] is here, Tito, the players. And I'll keep on calling Johan when I need advice.

Contract renewal
I'm very happy and thankful to be able to continue another year. I don't make any promises, only that we will work hard. I feel more comfortable working with a short-term contract. I need to know there's a good understanding with the players. I asked the board for a one-year contract but the years don't really matter. The day I feel I can't make the team work, I leave. The president talked about the stability of a long-term contract but results are the only guarantee for stability.

There won't be a problem with my renewal this year. There are no elections, so things will be calmer. The renewal was postponed because the president had 1000 things to do. We closed a deal in few minutes. There are few clauses.
I prefer short-term contract and I'm grateful the board has respected my wish. There's no better place than here.


It would be good the president meets with Cruyff because he has been an important person in the history of the club.

Cruyff should always be linked with Barcelona. Something went wrong. Johan doesn't deserve this. He'll talk with the president.

Games Schedule

"I don't think the hours of the games will change. The television stations are deciding, they have the right to do so"

The fine

Fining me is just bad for them. The images are there. They're not saying the truth, fine or no fine. They falsified the referee reports and I guess they can't go back now.


"Mourinho? The more good players and coaches, the better for the Liga. His character? Every has his own."

Го има малце поопширно и на Тоталбарса од пред 1 саат, малце каснат пошо интервјуто е од сабајле али нема везе.

Deco & Amigos на хуманитарен натпревар во Бразил. :)



Не знам, ни познавам ваков професионалец како Пеп, кој е 102% посветен на фудбалот, не се оптеретува со противници. Плус, им дава шанса на младите. Додека овој човек е на клупата на Барса, никогаш нема ни малку да сум загрижен за иднината на најдобриот клуб во светот.. т.е. ПОВЕЌЕ ОД КЛУБ.


I am not in danger, I am the danger!
Член од
17 ноември 2008
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Изгледа сезоната во Ла Лига ја отвараме со дерби,против Валенсија :)
Ел Класико 10 коло(мислам) и за разлика од претходните години,првата се игра во Мадрид.
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