Уште малку - Dreamliner 787


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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auuuu...sto mnogu ovde AIRBUS-o-mrzci imalo!!!, da ne veruvas.....
...a be aj ne zaebaajte od koga amerikanci avioni znaele da pravat......baska site
sto im se kako taka sklepani, od Evropjani se napraeni...kako i pola amerika...:)

gleajte sto e avionce:

sto mislite kolku ke im treba na amerikancive za da napraat vakvo???? :)


It's good to be good
Член од
11 октомври 2009
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Ова ќе биде следниот успешен проект после Boeing 747-400.Airbus можеби има најголем авион но во просек не се толку квалитетни и имаат многу неоткриени грешки поради кои во последно време има многу необични несреќи.boeing одлично си ја заврши работата и авионот изгледа одлично од секој аспект.
Член од
17 март 2005
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Ushte malku...

EVERETT, Wash., Jan. 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) has completed initial airworthiness testing on the 787 Dreamliner.

This milestone will enable more crew members to take part in flights and will allow more airplanes to join the flight test program.

"This is an important step forward," said Scott Fancher, vice president and general manager of the 787 program, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "We are very pleased with the results we have achieved so far. The airplane has been performing as we expected."

"The pilots have told me the results we are seeing in flight match their expectations and the simulations we've run. That's a real tribute to Boeing's expertise and the international team that helped develop and build the airplane," said Fancher.

Flight testing will continue in the months ahead. First delivery is planned for the fourth quarter of this year.

Contact: Lori Gunter

787 Communications

Член од
2 јануари 2010
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Definitivno Boeing se podobri od Airbus!!! Od sekoja gledna tocka!!! JBG sto se Ameri,ama stvarno se dobri avionite. Sto ke se sluci ako flybywire otkaze na A320 familijata??? I ja gi obozavav... ama pokasno sfativ i nauciv nekoi raboti,sega sum definitivno za Boeing!!! Pa sto mislite,AIR FRANCE flight 447 sto mu se sluci??? Ja iskreno veruvam deka sepak e elektrikata vo prasanje!!! Nema elektrika,nema kompjuter,nema letanje :pos2:

Boeing doooobro ja obraboti domasnata zadaca pred 777,pa tek pocna so proizveduvanje na flybywire tehnologijata. barem po moe mislenje,Airbus treba uste mnogu da raboti za da go stigne nivoto na Boeing!!! :vozbud:
Член од
17 март 2005
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Boeing finalizes United's 787 order

Posted at 8:28 am by Michelle Dunlop
Herald Writer

The Boeing Co. and United Airlines have finalized an order for 25 Dreamliner jets, the companies said Thursday.

The order was announced last December, when United also said it would buy 25 of Airbus' A350s. But the deal wasn't completed until this month.

United's order for 25 Boeing 787-8 jets also includes an option to buy another 50 Dreamliners. The order is valued at $4.2 billion at list prices, which airlines rarely pay.

"Boeing and United Airlines share an 80-year partnership," said Jim Albaugh, CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "United, which launched the Boeing 777, now begins a new chapter with the 787 Dreamliner, the most technologically advanced commercial jetliner ever built."

United's order was added to Boeing's orders tally Thursday. Boeing also logged in a request from an unidentified customer for 20 737s. That brings Boeing's year-to-date order total to 55.

Boeing now has 876 orders for its 787 Dreamliner from 57 customers.


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