Турската армија чека наредба да влезе во Ирак (Курдистан)

Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Nachalnikot na generalshtabot na turskata armija general Bujujanit izjavi deka turskata vojska e spremna za prekugranichni operacii vo Severen Irak, no deka za toa e potrebna naredba od Ankara.

Ova e vtor takov odgovor vo vremetraenje od nekolku denovi na zachestenite baranja na javnosta da se vleze vo konechna bitka so
Kurdistanskata rabotnichka partija (PKK) koja ima svoi uporishta vo Severen Irak. Vojskata se povekje prenesuva oruzhje i dodatni vojnici koi sega brojat nad 30.000, vkl. oklopni edinici.

Ne se znae zoshto Turcija se dvoumi, no pretpostavuvam deka e zaradi
postoenjeto na voen sojuz na terenot megju kurdistanskiot vodach Mesud barzani i armijata na SAD. Mozhno e i Turcite da se borat zaedno so Barzani protiv PKK, no koj znae kakov odnos togash kje imaat so SAD. Inaku pred dva dena, Turcija gi obvini SAD deka 2 vojni avioni go povredile turskiot vozdushen prostor letajkji vo Severen Irak.

Paralelno so ovie aktivnosti, se vodat ogranicheni borbi so PKK vo jugoistochna Turcija zoshto PKK se povekje postavuva nagazni mini ili umishtiva vozila.



Alo bate...
Ne pipaj na teren sto ne go znaes...
Kurdite se makedoncite na toj prostor...Gi ima u Turcija,Irak,Iran,Sirija...
Ogromna teritorija...ogromna populacija...pa nemaat svoja drzava...
Amerite im pravat sranje na turcite preku niv(kurdite) posto ovie(turcite) ne slusaat.
I sekogas u oci na turistickata sezona...pravat sranje!So toa sto kampovite na PKK sega se vo severen Irak!
Nema da ima nikakva masirana voena operacija...ova e samo parada...
Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Nekolku stotici (Britancite velat nekolku iljadi) turski vojnici se vlezeni vo Kurdistan/Irak, a grbot im go chuvaat cetvrt milion vojska rasporedena na granicata.

Turcija i Iran ZEDNO ispukuvaat topovski proektili vrz Kurdistan, a site zaedno negoraat deka ova se sluchuva - i Ankara, i Teheran, i Washington.



Poznata rabota...
Turcite ke pustat komandoski edinici da gi unistat uporistata na P.K.K u Iraq.
Ovie ke si ja zavrsat besprekorno rabotata...barabar ke ispukaat tuka i tamu nekoja granata....ke zagine nekoj civil(sto uste tolku ke go zgolemi gnevot na naselenieto)
I pak se isto....bombaski napadi,mini,zasedi,snajper...
Sto ja unistuvaat 10-kratno ekonomijata na Turcija.
Ima eden pat...
Mnogu da vlozis vo kurdite(vo nivnoto obrazovanie) i da im objasnis 1000 pati ako treba...vie ste gragjani na Turkiye barabar so site drugi.
I da ulozuvas u infrastruktura i biznis (nezavisno sto PKK ke go rusi) vo taa teritorija.
I da se nadeva covek deka Bog ke bide milosliv i oni ke svatat...deka ne se tretirani kako opstestven vrag br1.
Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Otkako turskiot parlament odobri voena akcija vo Irak, cenata na naftata ripna na $89 po barel denes (18 oktomvri), a dolarot pagja li pagja.

Najgolem kjar od situacijava vo Irak ima Rusija koja obelodeni deka ima 4427 milijardi vo zlato.


libertad o muerte
Член од
27 август 2005
Поени од реакции
Nažalost izgleda da je Amerika posle svih ovih godina pustila Tursku niz vodu. Turska je bila jedan od najvažnijih stubova NATO tokom hladnog rata. Kao što znamo mnogo stvari se promenilo.

Kažem nažalost jer nestabilnost u Turskoj nama baš ništa dobro ne može da donese.

Turci su već nekoliko zadnjih godina ljuti na USA. Nalaze američko oružje kod Kurda.

Bio sam u Turskoj ove godine. Atmosfera me podsetila veoma mnogo na SFRJ. Imaju svog Tita (Ataturk, svuda njegova slika), vojska je država u državi i veoma moćna, sve u svemu neka vrsta ograničene demokratije, ne priznaju se etničke manjine kao zasebni entiteti. Međutim taj sistem je omogućio i značajan napredak Turskoj, bez većih sukoba i trzavica.

Islamisti i Kurdi međutim veoma prete ovakvom sistemu koji preko 80 godina postoji u Turskoj a čini mi se da USA namiguje i jednima i drugima, zašto - to ne znam.


libertad o muerte
Член од
27 август 2005
Поени од реакции
I da, izgleda da je Putin na kraju krajeva smirio Čečeniju tek upumpavanjem nekoliko milijardi dolara tamo.
Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Vo Kurdistan se gradi nenormalno, aerodromot sakaat da im bide vtor po toj vo Dubai, imaat golemi planovi i osnova da se razvijat, posebno zaradi izvorite na nafta. Kurdite definitivno najmnogu profitiraa so situacijata vo Irak.

Turcija izgelda deka e reshena da vleze voeno vo toj del od Irak. Pritisokot vrz vlasta vo Ankara od javnosta e pregolem za taa da ne napravi nishto, nad 100 vojnici ima zaginaa do sega. Denes Erdogan izjavuva deka prigovorite na SAD nema da ja sprechat Turcija da intervenira, mnogu pokazatelno. Eve i leshinarot Havier Solana se vmeshal, shto znachi deka ne e dobra rabotata. ;-)

Turkey: US will not stop Iraq incursion

ANKARA, Turkey - Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday that U.S. objections would not stop Turkey from crossing into Iraq to eliminate Kurdish rebels. The Turkish military said it had killed more than 30 insurgents who were poised to launch an attack on the border.

President Abdullah Gul said Turkey is running out of patience with the Kurdish separatist attacks. A steady stream of U.S.-made Turkish fighter jets roared into the skies near the Iraqi border, loaded with bombs.

The Turkish military said it had spotted a "group of terrorists" near a military outpost in the province of Semdinli close to the border with Iraq on Tuesday and fired on them with tanks, artillery and other heavy weaponry. It said the group had been preparing for an attack.

In a statement posted on its Web site, the military said the troops kept firing on the group as they escaped toward the Iraqi territory. The report increased the official number of rebels killed since Sunday to at least 64.

The Bush administration is urging Turkey not to launch an incursion that would destabilize Iraq's autonomous Kurdish north, the country's most stable region. But Erdogan said the U.S. desire to protect the north would not hinder Turkey's fight against the rebels from the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, who use mountain bases to rest, train and get supplies in relative safety before returning to Turkey to carry out attacks against government forces in the heavily Kurdish southeast.

"They (the Bush administration) might wish that we do not carry out a cross-border offensive, but we make the decision on what we have to do," Erdogan said during a visit to Romania. "We have taken necessary steps in this struggle so far, and now we are forced to take this step and we will take it."

He said that the U.S. should repay Turkish assistance for the invasion of Afghanistan with support for Turkey's struggle against the Kurdish rebels, who want autonomy in the southeast.
"Right now, as a strategic ally, the USA is in a position to support us. We have supported them in Afghanistan," he said.

An AP Television News cameraman saw two F-4 fighter jets flying low along the Iraqi border on an apparent reconnaissance mission, a day after warplanes reportedly pounded rebel positions along the border.

Separately, at least five F-16 warplanes loaded with bombs were seen taking off from a base in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, local reporters said. A batch of F-16s had took off from the same base earlier Thursday as well.

"We are totally determined to take all the necessary steps to end this threat," Gul said in Ankara before a visit by a delegation of high-level Iraqi officials.

Turkey is "expecting them to come with concrete proposals — otherwise, the visit will have no meaning," Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said.

The delegation is headed by Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul-Qader al-Obeidi and will include Minister of State for National Security Sherwan al-Waili, said Yassin Majid, an adviser to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

"The political choice will be the first solution to solve the crisis. The Iraqi government insists on dialogue and cooperation to solve the crisis," Majid said.

Iraq has promised to shut down offices used by rebel bases. But Turkey wants Iraq and U.S. forces to destroy the bases and extradite the rebel leadership to Turkey.

Turkey's top leadership has called for both an incursion and economic measures against northern Iraq if Turkey's demands are not met. The self-ruling Kurdish administration in Iraq's landlocked north relies heavily on Turkish investment and fuel imports.

Turkish troops have killed hundreds of Kurdish rebels since Jan. 1, the state-run Anatolia news agency said, citing military sources. It did not say how many Turkish soldiers have died, but about 30 troops have been killed this month alone.

On Sunday, a rebel ambush near the border killed 12 soldiers. Eight soldiers have been missing since then; the rebels say they are holding them hostage and have distributed photographs and video.

U.S., Turkish and Iraqi officials are working to free the hostages, Matthew Bryza, the U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, said at a meeting in Ankara of officials from Black Sea nations. He also said Washington has increased the level of cooperation in intelligence sharing with Turkey.

"We have improved and increased our intelligence cooperation and sharing with Turkey," Bryza said. "We know we have to achieve concrete results, we are appalled by the attack and the hostage taking. It is not acceptable."

He called the PKK "a problem for all the Black Sea community."
Turkey still seems willing to refrain from a major cross-border action until at least early next month, when it is scheduled to host foreign ministers in Istanbul to discuss Iraq.

Erdogan is expected to go to Washington afterward to meet with President Bush.

European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana urged Turkey and Iraq to find an amicable solution.
"We let them try to work out a solution between the two," Solana told reporters, adding he was ready to "help where necessary," to find a way to persuade Turkey to stay out of Iraq, which the EU and others fear could further destabilize the region.

Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
I da, izgleda da je Putin na kraju krajeva smirio Čečeniju tek upumpavanjem nekoliko milijardi dolara tamo.
Izrael zasega ima dosta vlozheno vo Kurdistan, no i drugi zemji konkuriraat.

Ona shto e nejasno e dali (i ako da, zoshto) SAD sakaat da ima konflikt vo Kurdistan so Turcija? Kurdistan e najuspeshniot del od Irak vo koj relativno nema mnogu problemi. Od druga strana pak,Turcija otvoreno ja kritikuva Amerika deka gi podgreva tenziite.

Razumna analiza upatuva deka SAD sakaat da gi instrumentaliziraat Kurdite vo Iran, kade shto tie se mnogu po broj i se bunat protiv iranskata vlast. No izgleda deka ima i nus produkt vo taa situacija i taa se preleva na Turcija. Iran i Turcija imaat javno izjaveno deka kje ja unishtat kurdskata PKK partija.

Shto se odnesuva za "Golem" Kurdistan, eve koi i se granicite na taa zemja koja bila kartite porano za da ja snema preku nokj:

Член од
19 јули 2006
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За Турција е многу опасно независен Курдистан кој може да настане ако се распадне Ирак еден ден. Во тој случај постои можност и турскиот дел да посака да се спои со ирачкиот дел.

Проблемот за турција не е лесен затоа што не можеш успешно да конролираш 15 милиони луѓе па каква сакаш армија да имаш.

Мене ситуацијата многу ме потсеќа на ситуацијата Македонија -Атина само што Курдите се многу побројни.
Член од
7 мај 2005
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Член од
23 јануари 2005
Поени од реакции
За Турција е многу опасно независен Курдистан кој може да настане ако се распадне Ирак еден ден. Во тој случај постои можност и турскиот дел да посака да се спои со ирачкиот дел.

Проблемот за турција не е лесен затоа што не можеш успешно да конролираш 15 милиони луѓе па каква сакаш армија да имаш.

Мене ситуацијата многу ме потсеќа на ситуацијата Македонија -Атина само што Курдите се многу побројни.
15 милиони ДА, ама само во турција!!! ги има над 40 милиони што не се никаде признаени.

жалните курди, јас имам другар курда е тој..... кога ќе идам кај него дома, неговите како се понашаат спрема мене тоа е нешто чудо невидено.гостопримливи како нас се. измачен народ....:(

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