Светска економска криза

Член од
12 мај 2008
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Владимир Путин и Вен Ѓијабао на една страна,Западот преку Руперт Мардок на друга страна.Во Давос годинава претставници на дури 50 земји,двојно повеќе од стандардната бројка.Главна цел и минимален оптимизам е охрабрување за послободна економија и поповолни кредити за микро и макро зделките.Кина како главен фактор на Американската Економија најавува високи 8% раст.Почнаа да се отвораат картите..
До пред некој месец ретко кој можеше да ја предвиди шемата (најголеми губитници,профитирања,смена на улогите..) на Кризата,ама веќе се јавуваат профитерите.Банкарите бележат висока заработувачка,над 18 милијарди долари,меѓутоа признаваат дека треба поголема државна контрола (воглавно се мисли на Америка).
Давос останува само подготовка и прова за престојниот Светски Финансиски Самит кој треба да се одржи за два месеца во Њујорк.

Давос, шанса и предизвик

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Давос

Во Давос почна Светскиот економски форум 2009. Рускиот премиер, Путин и неговиот кинески колега, Ѓијабао, во своите говори јасно кажаа, дека никој нема да остане поштеден од кризата. Самокритични се и некои од банкарите.

Давос е познат по чистиот воздух. Порано, ова мало место во швајцарските Алпи го посетувале луѓе кои имале проблеми со белите дробови, за да си ја повратат силата. Сега пациентот се вика: светска економија. Состојбата на болниот, според мислењето на многумина експерти кои учествуваат на Светскиот економски форум, загрижува. Џорџ Сорос, познатиот американски инвеститор, кој е постојан гостин во Давос ситуацијата ја означува како „шокантна“. Според него, проблемите се многу поголеми, отколку при економската кризата во 30. години на минатиот век. Трошоците за таа да се надмине се проценуваат на околу 1,5 билиони американски долари.
Малку оптимизам во кризни времиња
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Клаус ШвабДомаќинот, Клаус Шваб, годинешниот економски форум го оддржува под мотото „Обликување на светот по криза“. Еден од првите, кој годинава во Давос одржа говор е рускиот премиер Владимир Путин. Тој, притоа, побара корекција на курсот. „Оваа криза има многу причинители: колапсот на глобалниот финансиски систем, лош менаџмент и премала контрола од страна на државата.“, смета Путин.
Кинескиот премиер, Вен Ѓијабао, пак, подвлече дека неговата земја ќе и се спротивстави на кризата, економијата во Кина треба да забележи пораст од осум проценти. Почеток по мерка на домаќинот Клаус Шваб. Од годинешниот форум, на кој учествуваат 50 шефови на држави и влади (двојно повеќе од вообичаеното), треба да произлезе барем малку отимизам во овие тешки времиња.
Можност за дебата за финансискиот систем
Дека Давос овојпат е поинаков, смета и економистот, Стивен Роуч од американската банка Морган Стенли. „Средбите во Давос се секогаш посебни, но годинава е поинаку, се наоѓаме среде светска економска криза и тоа за учесниците е голем предизвик.“ смета Роуч.
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Курсот да се смени во нагорен тренд Сега, би можело дури и да се каже дека за прват по долги години средбата е неопходна и може да претставува нешто повеќе отколку само негување на добрите контакти и необрзувачка размената на идеи. Речиси два месеца пред Светскиот финансиски самит во Њујорк, политичарите, заедно со концерните и банкарите имаат можност да дебатираат, како во иднина треба да изгледа финансискиот систем.
Според почетокот, се чини дека дебатите ќе бидат интересни. На првите тркалезни маси, некои банкари ја признаа вината и бараат поголема државна контрола. Но, од друга страна австралискиот медиумски магнат, Руперт Мардок, потсетува: „Не смееме да изгубиме од предвид, што е она што создава благосостојба. Тоа се слободните пазари и капитализмот. Секогаш одново, кога ќе се споредат најслободните пазари во светот, со најмалку слободните, се докажува дека победуваат слободните.“ порача Мардок.

М. Витцел и М.Гетцке


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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Jebote Davos...istata pederaaana koja ne ubuta u fekaliive, sega ni objasnuva kako treba da gi jademe...
............a trebase samo spokojno da gi sledat upatstvata na Herr Marx i ranite socijalisti..( tie obrazuvanite i nerasipanite...koi gi koknaa onaka bez veza..."predvaritelno")
.."covek na coveka e volk"...moze da kaze samo GLUP, DRCEN KRETEN, po moznost EVREIN, najcesto maskiran vo Holandez ili Englez.....
....a imame moznosti i do sega veke na mars trebase da se naseluvame, frlajki veke okce na Uranovite i jupiterivite sateliti :)
......zaradi tie budaletinki od Davos i onie koi nemaat hrabrost ni da dojdat tamu..uste se prepelkame vo kal i umirame od glad, za STRESOT da ne zborime.... :)
Член од
12 мај 2008
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Маркс не предвидел 7 милијарди луѓе до 2020.А тоа влече многу нови проблеми,кои не дозволуваат да се примени во целост Неговото учење.:)
Главниот проблем допрва доаѓа.Храната и водата ќе бидат сериозен играч во земји како Индија,Бразил,Нигерија...а тоа значи нови војни.Затоа и бизнисот и улогата на златото веќе ја губат трката.На крајот на краиштата како шо веќе кажа,златото не се јаде и не се пие.

Каде почна Кризата?
Уште во 2002 година Дин Бејкер врз база на неговите анализи за цените на куќите (housing маркетот) од 1953 до 1995,беше првиот економист кој кажа дека има голем промашај во тој сектор.Проценката беше на место,дури 8 трилиони долари отидоа во неповрат кога во 1995 цените беа прилагодени да ја амортизираат инфлацијата.Тој и уште неколкумина економисти пробаа,но не успеаа да го убедат Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve во бројките.
На крајот на септември 2002,угледниот Професор Роберт Шилер од Јеил ги потврди сомнежите и кажа дека реалните цени на куќите не промениле од вредност веќе 100 години.Бејкер уште тогаш го предвиде колапсот на Фреди и Фени и најави криза во целиот хаусинг маркет бизнис во Америка вреден над 20 трилиони долари.
Или како што велат-Кога Америка ќе кивне,Светот настинува.

Obama urges stimulus bill action

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US President Barack Obama: 'The time for action is now'

US President Barack Obama has warned Congress that "the time for talk is over" on an economic stimulus bill.
The US Senate could vote on the $900bn (£600bn) package by the end of Thursday, according to Senate Majority leader Harry Reid.
Moderate senators from both parties are working to strip some spending commitments out of the legislation in order to garner bipartisan support.
Mr Obama has said he wants the stimulus package passed by 16 February.
Spending cuts
"The time for talk is over, the time for action is now," Mr Obama said in a speech at the Energy Department.
"I am calling on the members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, to rise to this moment. The scale and the scope of this plan is the right one."

Tax cuts for working families: $247bn
Job-creating investments in infrastructure and science: $165bn
Job-creating investments in health: $153bn
Job-creating investments in education and training: $138bn
Job-creating investments for an energy independent America: $82bn
Job-creating investments tax cuts for small businesses: $21bn
Helping Americans hit hard by the economic crisis: $72bn
Source: Senate Appropriations Committee
Moderate Democratic Senator Ben Nelson and his centrist Republican colleague Susan Collins have been meeting in an attempt to draw up a list of spending cuts in the hope of attracting more Republican votes in favour of the package.
Ms Collins wants the bill's $900bn pricetag reduced to $650-700bn, although Mr Obama is unlikely to favour such a large reduction.
Reducing the number of spending commitments in the bill will make it less palatable to many Democrats, however, especially in the House of Representatives.
On Wednesday, senators amended the bill to include an expanded tax credit for home-owners and softened a provision that would have ensured that only US iron, steel and manufactured goods were used in projects funded by the bill.
If approved, the bill will go to a conference committee where the differences between the versions passed by the Senate and House will be ironed out.


Зона на самракот
Член од
26 август 2007
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Vrati se Mujo iz Amerike.

Pita ga frend...

"Kako je u Americi"

"Ma pusti, oni su iza nas 20 godina" kaže Mujo.

"Kako to???" čudi se prijatelj.

"Oni još dobro žive" ispali Mujo.



Зона на самракот
Член од
26 август 2007
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U Kanadu trbuhom za kruhom
Island je među zemljama najteže pogođenima svjetskom financijskom krizom. Zapravo je bankrotirao.

Mnogi Islanđani stoga razmišljaju o napuštanju te skandinavske države te trbuhom za kruhom odlaze u Kanadu.



Член од
3 септември 2008
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Оваа криза требаше да се случи уште кон крајот на деведесетите ама тогаш империјалистичките сили го срушија комунизмот и социјализмот и си отворија нови пазари,сите стари автомобили,камиони,машини,уреди за домакинството почнаа да се откупуваат од Бугари,Руси,Македонци...па Европејците добија шанса да се подноват со нови модели а крнтиите да ги имаме ние.Потоа кризата требаше да пукне во почетокот на 2000-тата ама се случи 11 Септември и Ирак,инфалцијата и трошоците од војната ги покрија со енормното зголемување на цената на нафтата а со тоа се покачија и сите можни производи и се така одеше нагоре ама кога дојде до врвот сета таа прикриена измама мораше да пукне а со тоа и сите ние,па нека ни е честито кризата и во наредните 2 години не очекувајте подобрување...:nerv:


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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t'zi KRIZA ne e KRIZA.....:).....poveke lici na nesto drugo....
ova e samo pocetok na edno mnogu pogolemo prestruktuiranje....koe ke tece narednite 50 godini.., ako ne i 100..:)...iako zaprepastuvacki e kako toa, MNOGU GOLEMI EKONOMSKI .....IZVIKANI..."..umovi"..toa ne go svakjaat....
...vrie NOEVI na Wall Street..na primer...ko posledni budali "gazdite" mislat..t.e. ocekuvaat da se pojavat odnekade USTE POGOLEMI budali , koi ke gi kupat nivnite iluzii od assets, a tie ke si odsetaat so milijardi vo dzepovite...:)
Koga bi imale sega drzavnik i tim, kako sto gi nemame....bi mozele i da profitirame....uste mentalno i materijalno sme vo ona sto doprva doagja vo" razvieniot svet"...znaci imame prednost..:)
Член од
13 јули 2006
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t'zi KRIZA ne e KRIZA.....:).....poveke lici na nesto drugo....
ova e samo pocetok na edno mnogu pogolemo prestruktuiranje....koe ke tece narednite 50 godini.., ako ne i 100..:)...iako zaprepastuvacki e kako toa, MNOGU GOLEMI EKONOMSKI .....IZVIKANI..."..umovi"..toa ne go svakjaat....
...vrie NOEVI na Wall Street..na primer...ko posledni budali "gazdite" mislat..t.e. ocekuvaat da se pojavat odnekade USTE POGOLEMI budali , koi ke gi kupat nivnite iluzii od assets, a tie ke si odsetaat so milijardi vo dzepovite...:)
Koga bi imale sega drzavnik i tim, kako sto gi nemame....bi mozele i da profitirame....uste mentalno i materijalno sme vo ona sto doprva doagja vo" razvieniot svet"...znaci imame prednost..:)
Ми се чини дека си еден од малкуте на форумов што имаат мозок.

Само со една забелешка, дури и во светски рамки има малце луѓе што гледаат толку далеку, а на македонската политичка сцена нивниот број е рамен на нула.
Член од
12 мај 2008
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Za razlika od nastapite i govorite na nasite politicari,amerikancite kako i sekogas taka i sega trosat najmnogu energija na prezentiranje na ekonomskite planovi i predizvici.
Vecerva,Obama se obrati na Kongresot.Bese precekan kako naroden heroj,kongresmenite za vreme na negoviot govor stanaa da rakopleskaat preku 20 pati.Vistinskite predizvici i realnosta tropnaa i na negovata vrata,ama izgleda spremen gi doceka.

Obama Vows US 'Will Emerge Stronger'

WASHINGTON (Feb. 24) - President Barack Obama promised a nation shuddering in economic crisis Tuesday night that he would lead it from a dire "day of reckoning" to a brighter future, summoning politicians and public alike to shoulder responsibility for hard choices and shared sacrifice. "The time to take charge of our future is here," Obama declared, delivering his first address to a joint session of Congress.


While laying out the challenges ahead in trying to pull the U.S. out of its worst recession in decades, President Barack Obama promised that he will lead the nation from a dire "day of reckoning" to better economic times. "Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover," he said in a prime-time speech before a joint session of Congress Tuesday night.
Offering words of reassurance to an anxious nation, he declared, "Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."
"We are a nation that has seen promise and peril," he said. "Now we must be that nation again."
Cheered robustly as he entered the House chamber, Obama grinned, shook hands and kissed lawmakers and stopped for a lengthy embrace with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, back on the bench only this week after surgery for pancreatic cancer.
To deal with the current crisis, deepening each day, the president said more money will be needed to rescue troubled banks beyond the $700 billion already committed last year. He said he knows that bailout billions for banks are unpopular — "I promise you, I get it," he said — but he also insisted that was the only way to get credit moving again to households and businesses, the lifeblood of the American economy.
Along with aid for banks, he also called on Congress to move quickly on legislation to overhaul outdated regulations on the nation's financial markets.
"I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary," Obama said. "Because we cannot consign our nation to an open-ended recession."
Thinking longer-term, Obama said in a speech lacking many specifics and devoid of initiatives that both political parties must give up favored programs while uniting behind his campaign promises to build better schools, expand health care coverage and move the nation to "greener" fuel use.
Just five weeks after his inauguration, Obama addressed an ebullient Democratic congressional majority and an embattled but reinvigorated GOP minority as well as millions of anxious viewers. Despite the nation's economic worries and the lack of support for his plans from all but a few Republican lawmakers, Obama enjoys strong approval ratings across the nation.
Louisiana's young, charismatic governor, Bobby Jindal, delivering the televised GOP response, exhorted fellow Republicans to be Obama's "strongest partners" when they agree with him. But he signaled that won't happen much, calling Democrats in Congress "irresponsible" for passing the $787 billion stimulus package that Republicans have criticized as excessive and wasteful.
"The way to lead is not to raise taxes and put more money and power in hands of Washington politicians," Jindal said, according to excerpts of his remarks released by the Republican Party. "Who among us would ask our children for a loan, so we could spend money we do not have, on things we do not need?"
Jindal is considered a likely presidential contender in 2012.
Obama spoke as bad economic news continued to pile up, felt all too keenly in U.S. homes and businesses. Some 3.6 million jobs have disappeared so far in the deepening recession, which now ranks as the biggest job destroyer in the post-World War II period. Americans have lost trillions of dollars in retirement, college and savings accounts, with the stock market falling nearly half from its peak of 16 months ago.
And new polls — some with his public support rising and others with it dropping — show that the political climate can be as precarious as the economic one. Aware that his and his party's fortunes will suffer if he cannot right the economic picture, Obama sought to blend the kind of grim honesty that has become his trademark since taking office with a greater emphasis on optimism.
"The weight of this crisis will not determine the destiny of this nation," he said.
The central argument of his speech was that his still-unfolding economic revival plan has room for — and even demands — simultaneous action on a broad, expensive agenda including helping the millions without health insurance, improving education and switching the U.S. to greater dependence on alternative energy sources. This is the big lift of his young presidency: bringing the public behind what are sure to be enormous outlays on contentious issues.
His hope was to begin to persuade the country that those longer-term items on his presidential agenda are as important to the nation's economic well-being as unchoking credit and turning around unemployment numbers.
"The only way this century will be another American century is if we confront at last the price of our dependence on oil and the high cost of health care, the schools that aren't preparing our children and the mountain of debt they stand to inherit," Obama said. "That is our responsibility."
He urged lawmakers to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change by creating a cap-and-trade system of limits and pollution allowances, especially for industries such as utilities with coal burning power plants. And he said the budget he is sending to Congress on Thursday will call for $15 billion a year in federal spending to spur development of environmentally friendly but so far cost-ineffective energy sources such as wind and solar, biofuels, clean coal and more fuel-efficient vehicles.
He said his budget request also will create new incentives for teacher performance and support for innovative education programs. He asked every American to commit to completing a year or more of higher education or career training.
New in office, he wasn't charged with producing a formal State of the Union status report. But for all intents and purposes, that's what it was: a night for the president to sketch out his priorities in a setting unmatched the rest of the year.
It took nearly 15 minutes for him to make his way through a House chamber packed with lawmakers eager to welcome the nation's first black president into a Capitol built by slaves. The gallery included a special section hosted by first lady Michelle Obama in which guests were selected to serve as living symbols of the president's goals. Cramming the floor was virtually the entire leadership of the federal government, including Supreme Court justices and all but one Cabinet member, held away in case disaster struck.
Pre-speech, Wall Street was in a better mood than it had been in for days: Stocks were up after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the recession might end this year.
In contrast to many State of the Union addresses by George W. Bush, Obama did not emphasize foreign policy. He touched on his intention to chart new strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan and to forge a new image for the U.S. around the world even as he keeps up the fight against terrorism.
With the economy dominant, Obama said the mess was one he inherited. "We have lived through an era where too often, short-term gains were prized over long-term prosperity, where we failed to look beyond the next payment, the next quarter or the next election," he said.
He aimed to show he was tackling the situation with both urgency and strict oversight for how the staggering sums are being spent. The massive stimulus plan, an overhaul of the separate $700 billion bailout for the financial sector, and a $275 billion rescue for struggling homeowners are already in place, and more is on the way, Obama said.
Even as Washington pours money into the economic recovery, Obama said the budget deficit, at $1.3 trillion and ballooning, must be brought under control.
He promised he would slash it by half by the end of his term in 2013, mostly by ending U.S. combat in Iraq and eliminating some of Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy. He said his budget officials have identified a total of $2 trillion in savings over the next 10 years, also including ending education programs "that don't work" and payments to large agribusinesses "that don't need them," eliminating wasteful no-bid contracts in Iraq and spending on weapons systems no longer needed in the post-Cold War era, and rooting out waste in Medicare.
"Everyone in this chamber, Democrats and Republicans, will have to sacrifice some worthy priorities for which there are no dollars," he said. "And that includes me."
He touted his decision to end the practice of leaving Iraq and Afghanistan war spending out of the main budget. "For seven years, we have been a nation at war. No longer will we hide its price," Obama said.

E sega,narodot veruva deka demokratov ke ja ispravi rabotata.Jas ne mislam taka.Prvo i najosnovno,Klinton bese toj sto radosen od ishodot Regan-Gorbachov si gi pushti nozete poveke otkolku shto trebashe i go upropasti mortgage sektorot so nagloto paganje na cenite na nedvizninite.Fannie i Freddie trpea trpea,ama na krajot krahiraa.Bas vo periodot koga Bush beshe pri kraj na mandatot.Inaku od poodamna se shushka deka dvata giganti se ustvari "demokratski" i deka ubavo si ja zavrsija zadachata.Obama veti deka povtorno ke bidat najnaprednata ekonomija vo svetot (retko vo ovakvite govori US pretsedatel da spomnuva drugi drzavi,vo slucajov Germanija i Japonija) i deka dvojno ke gi zgolemi energetic supplies do krajot na dekadava.
Prvo,za da se oporavat fabrikite vo Detroit i Chicago se potrebni poveke od 700 bilioni,toa i on samiot go prizna.Inaku ovie dva grada se stolbovite na amerikanskata ekonomija,i popatno,se do toj stepen propadnati sto planiraat patniot trasport na stoki i materijali vo i od,da go zamenat so zeleznicki.
Kako i da e,nasiot indeks e dobar,nemame tolku investiranja za da ja osetime vistinski krizava,i seuste sme glavni igraci na Kosovo.Ke ne bide...:)
Член од
12 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
Za razlika od nastapite i govorite na nasite politicari,amerikancite kako i sekogas taka i sega trosat najmnogu energija na prezentiranje na ekonomskite planovi i predizvici.
Vecerva,Obama se obrati na Kongresot.Bese precekan kako naroden heroj,kongresmenite za vreme na negoviot govor stanaa da rakopleskaat preku 20 pati.Vistinskite predizvici i realnosta tropnaa i na negovata vrata,ama izgleda spremen gi doceka.

Obama Vows US 'Will Emerge Stronger'

WASHINGTON (Feb. 24) - President Barack Obama promised a nation shuddering in economic crisis Tuesday night that he would lead it from a dire "day of reckoning" to a brighter future, summoning politicians and public alike to shoulder responsibility for hard choices and shared sacrifice. "The time to take charge of our future is here," Obama declared, delivering his first address to a joint session of Congress.


While laying out the challenges ahead in trying to pull the U.S. out of its worst recession in decades, President Barack Obama promised that he will lead the nation from a dire "day of reckoning" to better economic times. "Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover," he said in a prime-time speech before a joint session of Congress Tuesday night.
Offering words of reassurance to an anxious nation, he declared, "Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."
"We are a nation that has seen promise and peril," he said. "Now we must be that nation again."
Cheered robustly as he entered the House chamber, Obama grinned, shook hands and kissed lawmakers and stopped for a lengthy embrace with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, back on the bench only this week after surgery for pancreatic cancer.
To deal with the current crisis, deepening each day, the president said more money will be needed to rescue troubled banks beyond the $700 billion already committed last year. He said he knows that bailout billions for banks are unpopular — "I promise you, I get it," he said — but he also insisted that was the only way to get credit moving again to households and businesses, the lifeblood of the American economy.
Along with aid for banks, he also called on Congress to move quickly on legislation to overhaul outdated regulations on the nation's financial markets.
"I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary," Obama said. "Because we cannot consign our nation to an open-ended recession."
Thinking longer-term, Obama said in a speech lacking many specifics and devoid of initiatives that both political parties must give up favored programs while uniting behind his campaign promises to build better schools, expand health care coverage and move the nation to "greener" fuel use.
Just five weeks after his inauguration, Obama addressed an ebullient Democratic congressional majority and an embattled but reinvigorated GOP minority as well as millions of anxious viewers. Despite the nation's economic worries and the lack of support for his plans from all but a few Republican lawmakers, Obama enjoys strong approval ratings across the nation.
Louisiana's young, charismatic governor, Bobby Jindal, delivering the televised GOP response, exhorted fellow Republicans to be Obama's "strongest partners" when they agree with him. But he signaled that won't happen much, calling Democrats in Congress "irresponsible" for passing the $787 billion stimulus package that Republicans have criticized as excessive and wasteful.
"The way to lead is not to raise taxes and put more money and power in hands of Washington politicians," Jindal said, according to excerpts of his remarks released by the Republican Party. "Who among us would ask our children for a loan, so we could spend money we do not have, on things we do not need?"
Jindal is considered a likely presidential contender in 2012.
Obama spoke as bad economic news continued to pile up, felt all too keenly in U.S. homes and businesses. Some 3.6 million jobs have disappeared so far in the deepening recession, which now ranks as the biggest job destroyer in the post-World War II period. Americans have lost trillions of dollars in retirement, college and savings accounts, with the stock market falling nearly half from its peak of 16 months ago.
And new polls — some with his public support rising and others with it dropping — show that the political climate can be as precarious as the economic one. Aware that his and his party's fortunes will suffer if he cannot right the economic picture, Obama sought to blend the kind of grim honesty that has become his trademark since taking office with a greater emphasis on optimism.
"The weight of this crisis will not determine the destiny of this nation," he said.
The central argument of his speech was that his still-unfolding economic revival plan has room for — and even demands — simultaneous action on a broad, expensive agenda including helping the millions without health insurance, improving education and switching the U.S. to greater dependence on alternative energy sources. This is the big lift of his young presidency: bringing the public behind what are sure to be enormous outlays on contentious issues.
His hope was to begin to persuade the country that those longer-term items on his presidential agenda are as important to the nation's economic well-being as unchoking credit and turning around unemployment numbers.
"The only way this century will be another American century is if we confront at last the price of our dependence on oil and the high cost of health care, the schools that aren't preparing our children and the mountain of debt they stand to inherit," Obama said. "That is our responsibility."
He urged lawmakers to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change by creating a cap-and-trade system of limits and pollution allowances, especially for industries such as utilities with coal burning power plants. And he said the budget he is sending to Congress on Thursday will call for $15 billion a year in federal spending to spur development of environmentally friendly but so far cost-ineffective energy sources such as wind and solar, biofuels, clean coal and more fuel-efficient vehicles.
He said his budget request also will create new incentives for teacher performance and support for innovative education programs. He asked every American to commit to completing a year or more of higher education or career training.
New in office, he wasn't charged with producing a formal State of the Union status report. But for all intents and purposes, that's what it was: a night for the president to sketch out his priorities in a setting unmatched the rest of the year.
It took nearly 15 minutes for him to make his way through a House chamber packed with lawmakers eager to welcome the nation's first black president into a Capitol built by slaves. The gallery included a special section hosted by first lady Michelle Obama in which guests were selected to serve as living symbols of the president's goals. Cramming the floor was virtually the entire leadership of the federal government, including Supreme Court justices and all but one Cabinet member, held away in case disaster struck.
Pre-speech, Wall Street was in a better mood than it had been in for days: Stocks were up after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the recession might end this year.
In contrast to many State of the Union addresses by George W. Bush, Obama did not emphasize foreign policy. He touched on his intention to chart new strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan and to forge a new image for the U.S. around the world even as he keeps up the fight against terrorism.
With the economy dominant, Obama said the mess was one he inherited. "We have lived through an era where too often, short-term gains were prized over long-term prosperity, where we failed to look beyond the next payment, the next quarter or the next election," he said.
He aimed to show he was tackling the situation with both urgency and strict oversight for how the staggering sums are being spent. The massive stimulus plan, an overhaul of the separate $700 billion bailout for the financial sector, and a $275 billion rescue for struggling homeowners are already in place, and more is on the way, Obama said.
Even as Washington pours money into the economic recovery, Obama said the budget deficit, at $1.3 trillion and ballooning, must be brought under control.
He promised he would slash it by half by the end of his term in 2013, mostly by ending U.S. combat in Iraq and eliminating some of Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy. He said his budget officials have identified a total of $2 trillion in savings over the next 10 years, also including ending education programs "that don't work" and payments to large agribusinesses "that don't need them," eliminating wasteful no-bid contracts in Iraq and spending on weapons systems no longer needed in the post-Cold War era, and rooting out waste in Medicare.
"Everyone in this chamber, Democrats and Republicans, will have to sacrifice some worthy priorities for which there are no dollars," he said. "And that includes me."
He touted his decision to end the practice of leaving Iraq and Afghanistan war spending out of the main budget. "For seven years, we have been a nation at war. No longer will we hide its price," Obama said.

E sega,narodot veruva deka demokratov ke ja ispravi rabotata.Jas ne mislam taka.Prvo i najosnovno,Klinton bese toj sto radosen od ishodot Regan-Gorbachov si gi pushti nozete poveke otkolku shto trebashe i go upropasti mortgage sektorot so nagloto paganje na cenite na nedvizninite.Fannie i Freddie trpea trpea,ama na krajot krahiraa.Bas vo periodot koga Bush beshe pri kraj na mandatot.Inaku od poodamna se shushka deka dvata giganti se ustvari "demokratski" i deka ubavo si ja zavrsija zadachata.Obama veti deka povtorno ke bidat najnaprednata ekonomija vo svetot (retko vo ovakvite govori US pretsedatel da spomnuva drugi drzavi,vo slucajov Germanija i Japonija) i deka dvojno ke gi zgolemi energetic supplies do krajot na dekadava.
Prvo,za da se oporavat fabrikite vo Detroit i Chicago se potrebni poveke od 700 bilioni,toa i on samiot go prizna.Inaku ovie dva grada se stolbovite na amerikanskata ekonomija,i popatno,se do toj stepen propadnati sto planiraat patniot trasport na stoki i materijali vo i od,da go zamenat so zeleznicki.
Kako i da e,nasiot indeks e dobar,nemame tolku investiranja za da ja osetime vistinski krizava,i seuste sme glavni igraci na Kosovo.Ke ne bide...:)

Za onie proekti koi "drzat voda" sekogas ke ima pari.Kako i da e,"nasite" banki se pretpazlivi (poprosto kazano,sekogas si naogaat pricina plus kako da pecalat na grbot na lugeto)

Каматите и понатаму ќе растат
Коментари (3)

25.02.2009 18:42
Ѓорѓи Јанчевски

Кредити се потешко ќе се даваат каматите и натаму ќе растат. Банките нема да ја олабават строгата кредитна политика поради кризата, сумираа банкарите по денешниот состанок.

„Потешко ќе се доаѓа до кредити оваа година тоа е согласно мерките на народната банка кои се поригидни од она што беше и потешко банките ќе доаѓаат до средства кои би ги пласирале автоматски тоа значи поскапување на цената на изворите“, изјави Ѓорѓи Јанчевски, директор на НЛБ-Тутунска банка.

„Ако до пред две години постоеше вишок на штедење на меѓународно ниво, денеска постои кусок на штедење, но за добрите и профитабилни одржливи проекти пари секогаш ќе има“, рече Глигор Бишев, Стопанска банка.
Сепак секоја банка според сопствена проценка ќе дели кредити.
„Ние продолжуваме да го кредитираме стопанството со истото темпо како што го правевме тоа и претходно. Меѓутоа тука ќе нагласам дека ние не сме добротворна организација, што подразбира дека ги поддржуваме клиентите коишто се добро структуирани, коишто влегуваат и се вклопуваат во нашата кредитна политика“, вели Бернард Коенинг, Охридска Банка.

Во услови на глобална криза за банкарите се очекувани оценките на монетарната власт, дека годинава е забавено кредитирањето и штедењето, состојба која ќе потрае поради неизвесноста. Од денеска прв човек на банкарското здружение е Ѓорѓи Јанчевски кој го наследува досегашниот претседател Глигор Бишев.
Kamatite seuste ke rastat zaradi namalenoto stedenje,a nikako nekoj od direktorive da dade brojka kolku toa e opadnata pobaruvackata za krediti,i kolku ke specalat so kamative.


интересно.либералите-кои се колнеа во пазарот и на неговата саморегулација сега бараат кејнијанска политика и пари:pos2::pos2::pos2: тоа е знак дека не ги бива
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Breeej ke se otkazam i od vesnici veke!!:kesa:
najdobro da vegetira covek :drk:

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