Во прилог на муабетот што го започнав во темата за Украина, овде продолжувам со постирање затоа што е врзано за Русија.
Еве го текстот на кој се повикував, во врска со Саудиска арабија и Русија. Искрено има некој претерани работи како на пример директен напад на Русија врз Саудиска арабија, но има и бајги информации, некој ги знаеме, некој не. Текстот е поголем јас постирам само дел, остатокот прочитајте го на линкот.
Текстот е Руски преведен е со yandex транслате.
In response to the murder of passengers A321 Russia will strike Saudi Arabia
Most of the Russian military operation in Syria now unhappy with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. Almost unbelievable that the terrorist attack was organized by the Turks. Despite friction between Moscow and Ankara on matters of foreign policy, our countries are very closely linked economically. In addition, the organizer of sabotage understands: there's always a chance things will come out. And killing
240 citizens in General friendly country, it is a 100 percent "Casus Belli" (Casus belli) – a pretext for war. I don't think the Turkish President
Erdogan wants to be in a state of war with the Russian Federation.
Moreover, in relations more or less decent countries there are certain rules, which to violate would not be no one under any conditions. The mass murder of non-combatant citizens of the country with you is one of them. Also totally unacceptable arrests and assassinations of foreign leaders. For example, the U.S. government hates Vladimir Putin, wants to remove him from the post of President of Russia and spends a lot of effort and money. But Putin calmly arrives in US for UN session, without fear that there he will be arrested or shot. This cannot be, because can be never. As the Americans know, and then for the lives of their own leaders will not vouch.
Another thing is Saudi Arabia. Among the decent countries it is possible to attribute a stretch, but among the "democracies" – not at all. Terry is the most absolute monarchy, where everything is decided by the kings of the dynasty of Saud. The country lives according to the laws that are not even Shariah, and according to the principle: what urine is to the monarch in the head will hurt.
All compounded by the fact that current king
Salman bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud is very old (80 years) and, as they say, is not quite adequate. And his relatives are among a ruthless lot of infighting for the throne. Who accepts in Saudi Arabia certain decisions – generally difficult to understand.
In this case the Saudis – old and the main source of continuous war of all against all in the middle East. We have scanned entrenched in Riyadh dive more and more annoying serious players in world politics. Even the US, long-term and a long-standing ally Saudi Arabia, recently began to clearly pull away from their fosterling. Painfully unpleasant, unreliable and indecent are partners. Only lazy Americans poked his nose:
"you say You fight for democracy and human rights worldwide. And your closest friends the Saudis – the crown of Tirana, which his subjects for the suprahard cut the head of infidelity, and homosexuality stone".
Recently the Saudis have become to Washington even more uncomfortable. The Americans decided zagruzhatsya with Iran and has already signed an agreement on lifting sanctions against the country. It's not like scary Sunnis-Sudam who consider Shiite Iran as its main ideological, political and economic enemy.
There is a version that does not Americans last year had convinced the Saudis to bring down oil prices in order to stick it to Russia. There is reason to believe that oil prices have dropped themselves to the Saudis, to destroy the shale oil production in the United States. And in this they succeeded. Today in America, only 37% working in shale wells, in comparison with the beginning of 2014. Companies that have invested in shale production, have suffered losses in a trillion (!) dollars and it is expected that by the end of this year banks will have to announce the cancellation of this trillion of bad debts. Experts predict that this will lead to a collapse of the US stock market, worse than it was in 2008.
As you can see, the US has less reason to continue to support the Arabian monarchy. If these reasons still left. It is believed that Washington will be only too glad if Saudi Arabia will cease to exist in its current form. If someone will help Saadam go into oblivion - America to prevent this. As a maximum, to Express verbal protest and outrage.
And even countries such as Iran, Iraq, Syria and Egypt at the funeral of the Saudi dynasty will tear three accordions, and the gravediggers will be a standing ovation.