

Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Prot·es·tant·ism (prŏt'ĭ-stən-tĭz'əm)

  1. Adherence to the religion and beliefs of a Protestant church.
  2. The religion and religious beliefs fostered by the Protestant movement.
  3. Protestants considered as a group.
One of the three major branches of Christianity, originating in the 16th-century Reformation. The term applies to the beliefs of Christians who do not adhere to Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy. A variety of Protestant denominations grew out of the Reformation. The followers of Martin Luther established the evangelical churches of Germany and Scandinavia; John Calvin and more radical reformers such as Huldrych Zwingli founded Reformed churches in Switzerland, and Calvin's disciple John Knox established a church in Scotland (Presbyterianism). Another important branch of Protestantism, represented by the Church of England and Episcopal Church, had its origins in 16th-century England and is now the Protestant denomination closest to Roman Catholicism in theology and worship. The doctrines of the various Protestant denominations vary considerably, but all emphasize the supremacy of the Bible in matters of faith and order, justification by grace through faith and not through works, and the priesthood of all believers. In the early 21st century there were nearly 350 million Protestants in the world. See also Adventist, Baptist, Society of Friends, Mennonite, Methodism.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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"Who are right, Catholics or Protestants? Is there any difference between their beliefs besides that Protestants don't consider the Pope the earthly leader of all Christians?"

The Old and New Testaments are the only sources of Christian doctrine. (Messianic Judaism refers to these by their Hebrew names, Tanakh and B'rit Chadasha ["New Covenant"])

Sources of doctrine include:

  • Certain papal declarations
  • Bishops in conjunction with the pope
  • Old Testament
  • New Testament
  • Apocrypha (some additions to the Bible)
  • Catholic Church Tradition
  • Catholic interpretation of the Bible


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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We are justified (saved) by faith alone, not by good works. Good works will result in greater rewards in the afterlife but have no effect on getting saved. This "faith" means relying on Jesus' sacrifice as full atonement for our sins and trusting in God enough to try to live as he said to live. It is not mere intellectual belief in a set of facts.

When a person gets baptized his "original sin" is forgiven and God gives him some grace. This grace enables him to do good works. God appreciates the good works and rewards them with more grace. Because the Christian has more grace, he can now do even better works. This pleases God even more, so He gives even more grace, etc.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Purgatory is totally unscriptural. Christ's sacrifice on the Cross was the only offering necessary and the only offering sufficient to provide salvation.

There are two types of punishment after death: temporal (temporary) and eternal. If a person dies with just one "mortal" sin on his soul he will be condemned to Hell for eternity. If he dies with only "venial" sins on his soul he will be sent to Purgatory, perhaps for millions of years. Purgatory is exactly like Hell except that it doesn't last forever. Eventually, the person will be released and enter heaven.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Првите се протестански!

Вторите се католички!

Зошто се врши поделба ако е една и едниствена библијата!
Едно и единствено учењето на Исус?

Која конфесија е во право?

П.С. за мене лично ниту една, но, секој со своето.
да видиме.



Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Mary had children by Joseph. Jesus' brothers are expressly named: Joseph,. James, Simon, and Jude.

Mary remained a virgin her entire life. The Greek word can mean either "brother" or "close relative." The Bible is talking about Jesus' cousins, not brothers.
Член од
31 јули 2006
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Мислам дека Лутер почнал да протестира највише ради тоа што многу од богатите луѓе и луѓе на власт плаќале за градење цркви и скапи прозорци пошто им било кажано дека на тој налин сите земни гревови ќе им бидат простени. Ова им го кажувала Католичката Црква, па дури и се „рекламирала“.

Мене ама ич не ми е гајле ни за едните ни за другите. To each his/her own......


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Prodavale i indulgencija!

T.e. sekoj onoj koj ke platel mozel da se iskupi za grevovite i da gi iskupi grevovite na drug.

Luter bil preropdbenik, no, sepak kako tvorec na moderniot germanski jazik najmnogu.

A za protestantite, pa, vidi, ne se tie vinovni sto izbegale od jatoto obiduvajki se (kako podocna mormonite i drugi), da stanat nekoi i nesto, kako i da imaat sopstveni stada za strizenje.

To each/ his own, right!


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Интересна работа:

Вистинската црква на Исус е независна кинеска протестантска црква основана во Пекинг во текот на 1917 година. Денес таа има приближно 1,5 милиони членови во 39 земји и пет континенти. Седиштето на меѓународното собрание на црквата е во Лос Анџелес, САД. Нејзината цел е да го проповеда Евангелието на сите народи, особено во Израел.
Член од
31 јули 2006
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Garfield напиша:
Prodavale i indulgencija!

T.e. sekoj onoj koj ke platel mozel da se iskupi za grevovite i da gi iskupi grevovite na drug.

Luter bil preropdbenik, no, sepak kako tvorec na moderniot germanski jazik najmnogu.

A za protestantite, pa, vidi, ne se tie vinovni sto izbegale od jatoto obiduvajki se (kako podocna mormonite i drugi), da stanat nekoi i nesto, kako i da imaat sopstveni stada za strizenje.

To each/ his own, right!
е, па, да де, тоа било дел од договорот. И мене би ми се смачило да гледам такви ствари како се одвиваат и не прават ама баш никаква смисла.

АЛИ, колку и да бил Лутер против некои ствари католичката црква што ги правеле, колку и натпревари да имале кој може поефикасно да истерува демони од опседнати луѓе - протестантите ги поддржавале католиците со нивниот Лов на Вештерки


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia officially recognizes five religious communities: Orthodox Christian, Islamic, Catholic, United Methodist and Jewish. The United Methodist Church is the only Protestant church recognized because we are the oldest and the largest Protestant church in Macedonia.

И да, и протестантите имале witch hunting!
Член од
31 јули 2006
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Трилчо, да ти објаснам овде на оваа тема (пошто за мој пост од овде ти не се слагаш, а не си постирал за да ти одговорам properly):

Инквизицијата не била у никој случај завршена пред да се појави протестанизмот. Отвори некоја друга книга која не бира на чија страна ќе застане и со историски факти ќе ти покаже дека навистина протестантите и католиците се поддржувале.

И друго - не мора да сум вештерка за да ги жалам сите жени убиени за глупости у тоа време: билкарства, бабици итн......откачи ми се зивти све почто си како некоја пицајзла


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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Short1, dokaz:

Most of us know about the English Reformation from the writings of those who triumphed, the Protestants. But to understand the English Reformation fully, we must also ask, what was it like to be a Catholic during this time of religious turmoil? The question becomes more important because recent scholars of the English Reformation have argued that the English Catholic church was not as corrupt -- nor the Protestant Reformation as pure -- as many people believe. To gain a broader grasp of this turbulent time, CHRISTIAN HISTORY invited Catholic historian Dennis Martin, a Wheaton College graduate who teaches medieval and Reformation history at Loyola University in Chicago, to offer a Catholic perspective on the English Reformation.
On May 4, 1535, in London, three Carthusian monks and one Bridgettine monk were hanged until partially conscious. Then their bellies were cut open, their intestines wrenched out and tossed on a fire, and their hearts ripped out by hand. The bodies were beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were posted at various locations throughout England. As the executioner slit open his belly, John Houghton, prior of the London Carthusian monastery, said, "O most holy Jesus, have mercy upon me in this hour." This was the punishment for treason in sixteenth-century England. Their crime? Refusal to recognize "the king, our sovereign, to be the supreme head of the Church of England afore the Apostles of Christ's Church."


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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For instance, many southern Evangelical/Baptist Christians defended and participated in the slave trade which was responsible for thousands of beatings, tortures and deaths on slave ships. They did this with Bible in hand. The Vatican (Catholic Church) always condemned of the slave trade.
By the end of the Inquisition, the Reformation was in full swing. Martin Luther, Calvin, the Church of England, other Protestant Churches and their followers were quoting Scripture while burning witches throughout England, Scotland, America, Germany and elsewhere.

Auguste Comte also writes:

  • The intolerance of Protestantism was certainly not less tyrannical than that with which Catholicism is so much reproached. (Philosophie Positive, IV, 51)


Член од
24 февруари 2005
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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]With inquisition as the whipping stick what do you hope for? Apology for Protestant Inquisition? To get that one would have to hope for admissions of it's existence this is not diversion or hijacking or a change of discussion, it is a measurement of your own whipping stick and how far that extends. What do you hope for with this lack of discussion, oh yes you are party to the lack of discussion also and lack of admission and lack of honesty. When you wave that whipping stick around wave act as if you actually have authority will you and study history unbiasly so as to be a better judge of it!

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