Проектот HAARP

Член од
8 април 2008
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Аман бре луѓе кој уште не му се верува дека ХААРП постои :uvo:

Не само што постои туку и официјален вебсајт си има:


Ај малце промучкајте со главата и низ интернетов пред да почнете да се расправате дали нешто постои или не :kesa:
зборуваме за намената негова ... покрај другото .. а не дали постои или не ...:smir:
Член од
1 септември 2009
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зборуваме за намената негова ... покрај другото .. а не дали постои или не ...:smir:
Aха пардон :kesa: иако мислам дека прочитав во некој од постовите дека некој и го оспорува постоењето.

Па што се однесува до намената, дефинитивно е способен за предизвикување на промени во времето :) а сигурно знаеме еден куп луѓе кои ги боли или глава или некој друг екстремитет :toe: кога се менува времето.

А јас имам гледано една документарна емисија за ХААРП каде објаснуваат дека со помош на резонантни фреквенции можат да предезвикуваат треперење на соодветни слоеви од земјиното тло = земјотрес


Величието е едноставно..
Член од
12 април 2009
Поени од реакции
Aха пардон :kesa: иако мислам дека прочитав во некој од постовите дека некој и го оспорува постоењето.

Па што се однесува до намената, дефинитивно е способен за предизвикување на промени во времето :) а сигурно знаеме еден куп луѓе кои ги боли или глава или некој друг екстремитет :toe: кога се менува времето.

А јас имам гледано една документарна емисија за ХААРП каде објаснуваат дека со помош на резонантни фреквенции можат да предезвикуваат треперење на соодветни слоеви од земјиното тло = земјотрес

Па токму за тоа беше и муабетот.

By Guy Cramer As political and military experts on News talk shows discuss with all seriousness, the potential for a tactical nuclear response from the U.S. for the mounting bio-terror attacks, it should be pointed out that geophysics warfare weapons such as HAARP are making nuclear retaliation obsolete. This military array in Alaska and others like it around the world have the potential to deliver an equivalent nuclear detonation to a long-range target without warning, without the missile and without the radiation. One of 12 U.S. HAARP patents is titled: U.S. Patent 4873928: Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation HAARP was constructed under the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) other wise known as "Star Wars�. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a congressionally initiated program jointly managed by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy. Using 3 gigawatts of power (3 billion watts) from a 23-acre site in Gakona, Alaska, it is considered the most powerful array on Earth. Another ability of an array such as HAARP could be used to heat radiate people within a large yet distant target, even a buried underground bunker or cave network. This would minimize public and international opposition to such a response as the effects, although not as visual as tactical nuclear detonations, provides a similar broad termination of targets. The world may not even realize anything had happened and thus large-scale enemy losses in one location without physical munitions detonations may be played down or passed off as conventional combat or Special Forces action. The trick to using such a weapon with underground targets is to find the target in the first place. The same array that may be used to deliver the effect can also be used to penetrate deep into the ground to find the target. HAARP can in effect be used for Earth-penetrating tomography, which can reveal the existence of underground installations. The HAARP complex consists of 180 towers, 72 feet in height, forming a "high-power, high frequency phased array radio transmitter". Military applications of HAARP include long-range ground penetration radar, over the horizon radar, submarine communication� The basics for Ground penetration or target neutralization is to use the antenna array to target and heat the ionosphere in the upper atmosphere to create a lens to bounce or reflect a signal off to a target of great distance. Although some distances may be to far to reach a target if it is on the other side of the globe.

smart ass

алјаска близу северен пол

Although some distances may be to far to reach a target if it is on the other side of the globe.

ова и бог не го може:nenene:
This military array in Alaska and others like it around the world have the potential to deliver an equivalent nuclear detonation to a long-range target without warning, without the missile and without the radiation
ниту на теорија низ свет комуникација со подморници со антени од овој тип.

Military applications of HAARP include long-range ground penetration radar, over the horizon radar, submarine communication


Величието е едноставно..
Член од
12 април 2009
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Само пренесов што напишале (каде има дим има и оган), можно е ние ништо и да не знаеме (како што и не знаеме) за многу работи во светов, па така и за ова.:toe:

smart ass

мене овој одговор ми е таман разгледувајќи ја темата и тој на воне

  • zaštita teritorije Amerike od neprijateljskih aviona i interkontinentalnih balističkih projektila
  • uništavanje neprijateljskih satelita
  • raspoznavanje vrsta projektila koji se približavaju američkoj teritoriji
ова....ниту е РАДАР ниту сателит(за да препознава) ниту пак има начин на кој би ја пренел енергијата па пази дури и распознавање на кој тип проектил:pos2::pos2::pos2:

  • ometanje i apsolutno onemogućavanje komunikacija na određenim područjima
за комуникацијава има посебни електронски оружја

  • menjanje hemijske strukture viših slojeva atmosfere, odnosno programiranje klime na željenom delu planete (nema više nikoga ko se ne pita; 'Šta se to dešava sa klimom? Sada znate odgovor. )
како...вели за климата...значи оно ли озонската дупка ја отворија:vozbud:

  • izazivanje zemljotresa.
за земјотреси....научниците имаат потврдено дека подземните атомски експлозии влијаат....како ова ке прави сеизмички бранови...како ке ги пренесе кај што треба

тесла не бил баба ванга(лажач) не можеш да ја предвидиш идната состојба на материјата(освен нели соконтролирани експерименти)

тесла успеал да направи безжичен пренос на енергија но иако идејата е добра сепак е нЕПРАКТИЧНА оти со зголемување на далечината се губи мокноста на енергијата и Т.Е како затоа се предвидува мнаредниве десет години да направат таков уред за полнење на мобилки и ПЦ оти во домот се близу.
конкретно овој одговор,посебно за заштитата не ми е логичен

Како тој што ќе ги употреби можностите на ХАРПОТ самиот себе ќе се заштити од нивното дејство?

Антени.....тоа таму некој во некоја вукојебина НА Аљаска сакал да гледа телевизија..па ставил една антена..не бивало..па уште една..пак јок......и така една по една.....ХАРП:vozbud:
Член од
8 април 2008
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ахх ... ако не беа Рајтеон, Воне и Смарт да не освестат ќе забегавме уште толку :tapp:

како и да е ... технологијата која ни е позната ... и технологијата која постои само за одредени институции за одредена намена не сме ни свесни за што се е способна :toe:

а игнорантни личности кои се потсмеваат на тоа и се прават наивни се само смешни :toe:


Величието е едноставно..
Член од
12 април 2009
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Не значи дека , ако не знаеме и дека не постои.:toe::toe::toe:


Абе дај идете на google> translate to macedonian не сме англичани да му се сневиди.
Член од
23 септември 2009
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tocno be raytheon deka manipulacii so mikrobranovi se mozni samo od vselenata bidejki na zemjata ima prermnogu elektromagnetni i geografski precki za nivno nesmetano sirenje
Ama HAARP zraci vo HF podracjeto a toa e od 2 do 30 MHz so maksimalna sila od od okolu 3.5 milioni vati
Sigurno ke se soglasis deka toa e ogromna kolicina elektromagnetna energija oslobodena od edna pojdovna tocka
A sto se odnesuva do rezonantnata frekfencija hm...
sekoe telo na ovaa planeta ima svoja rezonantna frekfencija i ako so nekoj nadvoresen izvor se predizvikaat vibracii vrz teloto na tocno istata frekfencija negovata kristalna resetka ke kolabira, ednostavno ke se srusi
Член од
31 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
Aха пардон :kesa: иако мислам дека прочитав во некој од постовите дека некој и го оспорува постоењето.

Па што се однесува до намената, дефинитивно е способен за предизвикување на промени во времето :) а сигурно знаеме еден куп луѓе кои ги боли или глава или некој друг екстремитет :toe: кога се менува времето.

А јас имам гледано една документарна емисија за ХААРП каде објаснуваат дека со помош на резонантни фреквенции можат да предезвикуваат треперење на соодветни слоеви од земјиното тло = земјотрес

Точно .. И јас тоа го имам слушнато и дека веќе било тестирано..Можеби цунамито што беше во Индонезија беше од таа направа..:toe:


Величието е едноставно..
Член од
12 април 2009
Поени од реакции
Море што се случува во Индискиот океан деновиве??????????

smart ass

Точно .. И јас тоа го имам слушнато и дека веќе било тестирано..Можеби цунамито што беше во Индонезија беше од таа направа..:toe:

ајде првен би било добро да разграничиме механички бран(еве ко звукот) и електромагнетенбран.....

и сега ХААРП
се замара со електромагнетни бранови
не сеизмички-овие се одговорни за земјотреси....

колку за инфо новите апарати кај заболекарите користат сеизмички бранови.

така дааа не ја бидува:toe:
Член од
8 април 2008
Поени од реакции
Море што се случува во Индискиот океан деновиве??????????
Атест на ХААРП :toe:



HAARP is part of the weapons arsenal of the New World Order under the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). From military command points in the US, entire national economies could potentially be destabilized through climatic manipulations. More importantly, the latter can be implemented without the knowledge of the enemy, at minimal cost and without engaging military personnel and equipment as in a conventional war. The use of HAARP-if it were to be applied-could have potentially devastating impacts on the World's climate.

Responding to US economic and strategic interests, it could be used to selectively modify climate in different parts of the World resulting in the destabilization of agricultural and ecological systems. It is also worth noting that the US Department of Defense has allocated substantial resources to the development of intelligence and monitoring systems on weather changes. NASA and the Department of Defense's National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) are working on "imagery for studies of flooding, erosion, land-slide hazards, earthquakes, ecological zones, weather forecasts, and climate change" with data relayed from satellites. (13)

What Is HAARP?
The official HAARP facility is located in Gakuna, Alaska. The site consists of a collection of antennae, arranged in a computer-controlled grid, known as a "phased array." A phased array has the ability to focus radio signals in a precise direction, without the necessity of turning the antennae. Modern radar systems no longer use the revolving dish that we have come to recognize. The new radar antennae, which rely on phased arrays, look more like the flat screen of a drive-in movie, speckled with small umbrella-like antennae in neat rows. The phased array in HAARP is not a radar, but it uses some of the same extremely high frequencies to focus a powerful radio beam to specific locations in the Earth's ionosphere.

The ionosphere is a layer of charged particles (or "ions") located about 60-90 kilometers above the Earth's surface. It is the layer which reflects short wave radio waves and makes it possible for a transmitter in New York to send a signal to Tokyo. Short waves may be good enough to send The Voice of America broadcasts, but they are subject to noise and static. Short wave signals lose much of their power as they travel and can even be blocked by the weather and sunspot activity.

Extremely High Frequency waves, on the other hand, are much shorter than short waves. They travel in compact, narrowly focused, beams. They do not encounter static or deteriorate from rain or clouds. Since they retain their strength over long distances, they are preferred for most point-to-point communications. Unfortunately, though, EHF waves (including microwaves) do not naturally reflect and bounce off of the ionosphere. For this reason, high frequency waves are said to propagate along the "line of sight." If you own a satellite television dish, you know that it is important for your antenna to be pointed in the direction of the satellite. This is because you are receiving extremely high frequency waves.

Eastlund's discovery involved beaming High Frequency (HF) and Extremely High Frequency (EHF) waves, of extremely high power (over a billion watts), directly at a point on the ionosphere. When this was done, the ionosphere became heated from the accumulating electrical energy. You might think of it as "cooking" the atmosphere.

The heated portion of the ionosphere expands like heated plastic and is raised to a higher altitude, causing an atmospheric "bulge." Eastlund discovered that this bulge was highly reflective to radio waves, and, because of its altitude, it could bounce high frequency radio signals to points well beyond the horizon. Even efficient ELF and microwaves signals, which normally would pass through the ionosphere into space, could be deflected without much loss of strength. He called this heated "bulge" the "lens effect."

Eastlund's first patent (US #4,686,605) was for a "method and apparatus for altering a region in the Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and or magnetosphere." His second patent described the reflection of a second signal, using the ionospheric bulge, to distant locations on the Earth's surface. Eastlund had been working with the Atlantic Richfield Company, holders of a massive reserve of natural gas under Alaska's north slope. ARCO bought Eastlund's first two patents with the understanding that this new technology would make it possible for their natural gas reserves, too expensive to be piped from Alaska, to be converted to electrical energy on the north slope, and then bounced off the heated ionosphere to customers in remote locations around the globe. Also, because Eastlund's "heaters" could elevate the Earth's ionosphere, his discovery provided the ability to control weather! Jet streams could be altered, tornadoes could be zapped and rain could be made-- anywhere and anytime-- right here and right now! But the military had other plans.

Eastlund's patents were sealed under a US Secrecy Order. The military realized that his first patent outlined the recipe for an over-the-horizon radar apparatus, capable of detecting Soviet launched ICBM's within seconds of their launch. His second patent was even more appetizing. President Ronald Regan's infamous Star Wars program had challenged the military with tall order. Their complex laser systems, nuke satellites and rail-guns didn't work. The military were years from meeting Pentagon goals. Now, unexpectedly, their prayers had been answered. Eastlund's "energy transmission system" would be turned into the ultimate "death ray."

smart ass

еве го подетално патентот и не се однесува на контрола ан времето ниту пак на детекција на ракети туку на малверзација со јоносферата и притоа со помош на сателити-не антени

Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface

United States Patent 5038664

A method for establishing a region of a high density, high energy plasma at an altitude of at least about 1500 kilometers above the earth’s surface. Circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted at a first frequency substantially parallel to an earth’s magnetic field line to excite electron cyclotron resonance heating in normally occurring plasma at an altitude of at least about 250 kilometers to generate a mirror force which lifts said plasma to said altitude of at least about 1500 kilometers. Heating is continued at a second frequency to expand the plasma to the apex of said field line whereupon at least some of the plasma is trapped and oscillates between mirror points on said lines. The plasma will be contained within adjacent field lines and will drift to form a shell of relativistic particles around a portion of the earth.
Inventors: Eastlund; Bernard J. (Spring, TX)
I claim:
1. A method for establishing a region of a plasma at an altitude of at least about 1500 km above the surface of the earth, said method comprising:
providing at least one source of circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation having a first frequency in the range of from about 1800 to about 3600 kHz;
transmitting said electromagnetic radiation from said earth’s surface substantially parallel to and along at least one of the earth’s naturally occurring and diverging magnetic field lines and focused so as to provide a power flux of about 0.1 to about 1 watt per square centimeter at an altitude of at least 250 km;
adjusting said first frequency of said electromagnetic radiation to a value which will excite a first electron cyclotron resonance within plasma which normally exists adjacent said field line at a first altitude of at least about 250 km whereby said electron cyclotron resonance causes heating and further ionization of said plasma to form a plasma having an ion energy of at least 3 ev;
continuing to excite said first electron cyclotron resonance for a time between 0.1 and 1200 seconds sufficient to cause movement of said plasma upward along said diverging magnetic field lines from said first altitude to said region at said altitude of at least about 1500 km;
providing electromagnetic radiation having a second frequency in the range of from about 20 to 1800 kHz and different from said first frequency and which will excite further electron cyclotron resonance in said plasma after it has moved to said region to further heat and to further ionize said plasma and to raise the mirror points of said plasma
; and
continuing to excite said second electron cyclotron resonance in said plasma to produce relativistic electrons in said plasma having an electron energy up to 20 million electron volts.
2. The method of claim 1 wherein the excitation of said first electron cyclotron resonance is continued for a sufficient time of about 1200 seconds to expand said plasma upward along said diverging magnetic field lines to the apex of said lines to thereby trap at least some of said plasma which causes said plasma to oscillate between magnetic mirror points on said field lines and to be further heated by stochastic heating.
3. The method of claim 2 wherein said second electron resonance is continued until the electron concentration of said trapped plasma reaches at least about 109 per cubic centimeters.
4. The method of claim 2 wherein the energy of the relativistic electrons in said trapped plasma is at least about 2 million electron volts.
5. The method of claim 4 wherein said first electron cyclotron resonance is continued until a shell of relativistic electrons is formed by natural drift of said electrons around the earth’s circumference.
6. The method of claim 5 wherein the width of said shell is at least about 100 km.
7. The method of claim 6 wherein said shell is formed as an anti-missile shield.
1. Technical Field
The present invention relates to a method for altering a selected region of plasma normally existing at a substantial altitude above the earth’s surface and more particularly relates to a method for producing a magnetically-trapped shell of high density plasma having relativistic particles therein.
2. Background Art
In the late 1950’s, it was discovered that naturally-occurring belts exist at high altitudes above the earth’s surface, and it is now established that these belts result from charged electrons and ions becoming trapped along the magnetic lines of force (field lines) of the earth’s essentially dipole magnetic field. The trapped electrons and ions are confined along the field lines between two magnetic mirrors which exist at spaced apart points along those field lines. The trapped electrons and ions move in helical paths around their particular field lines and “bounce” back and forth between the magnetic mirrors. These trapped electrons and ions can oscillate along the field lines for long periods of time
In the past several years, substantial effort has been made to understand and explain the phenomena involved in belts of trapped electrons and ions and to explore possible ways to control and use these phenomena for beneficial purposes. For example, in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, both the United States and U.S.S.R. detonated a series of nuclear devices of various yields to generate large numbers of charged particles at various altitudes, e.g., 200 kilometers (km) or greater. This was done in order to establish and study artificial belts of trapped electrons and ions. These experiments established that at least some of the extraneous electrons and ions from the detonated devices did become trapped along field lines in the earth’s magnetosphere to form artificial belts which were stable for prolonged periods of time. For a discussion of these experiments see “The Radiation Belt and Magnetosphere”, W. N. Hess, Blaisdell Publishing Co., 1968, pps. 155 et sec.
Other proposals which have been advanced for altering existing belts of trapped electrons and ions and/or establishing similar artificial belts include injecting charged particles from asatellite carrying a payload of radioactive beta-decay material or alpha emitters; and injecting charged particles from a satellite-borne electron accelerator. Still another approach is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,042,196 wherein a low energy ionized gas, e.g. hydrogen, is released from a synchronous orbiting satellite near the apex of a radiation belt which is naturally occurring in the earth’s magnetosphere to produce a substantial increase in energetic particle precipitation and, under certain conditions, produce a limit in the number of particles that can be stably trapped. This precipitation effect arises from an enhancement of the whistler-mode and ion-cyclotron mode interactions that results from the ionized gas or “cold plasma” injection.
It has also been proposed to release large clouds of barium in the magnetosphere so that photoionization will increase the cold plasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation through enhanced whistler-mode interactions.
However, in all of the above-mentioned approaches, the mechanisms involved in triggering the change in the trapped particle phenomena must be actually positioned within the affected zone, e.g., the magnetosphere, before they can be actuated to effect the desired change.
The earth’s ionosphere is not considered to be a “trapped” belt since there are few trapped particles therein. The term “trapped” herein refers to situations where the force of gravity on the trapped particles is balanced by magnetic forces rather than hydrostatic or collisional forces. The charged electrons and ions in the ionosphere also follow helical paths around magnetic field lines within the ionosphere but are not trapped between mirrors as in the case of the trapped belts in the magnetosphere, as the gravitational force on the particles is balanced by collisional or hydrostatic forces.
In recent years, a number of experiments have actually been carried out to modify the ionosphere in some controlled manner to investigate the possibility of a beneficial result. For detailed discussions of these operations see the following papers: (1) Ionospheric Modification Theory; G. Meltz and F. W. Perkins; (2) The Platteville High Power Facility; Carrol et al.; (3) Arecibo Heating Experiments; W. E. Gordon and H. C. Carlson, Jr.; and (4) Ionospheric Heating by Powerful Radio Waves; Meltz et al., all published in Radio Science, Vol. 9, No. 11, November, 1974, at pages 885-888; 889-894; 1041-1047; and 1049-1063, respectively, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. In such experiments, certain regions of the ionosphere are heated to change the electron density and temperature within these regions.

In the Elmo Bumpy Torus (EBT) device, a major controlled fusion device at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, all heating is provided by microwaves at the electron cyclotron resonance interaction. A ring of hot electrons is formed in the magnetic mirror by a combination of electron cyclotron resonance and stochastic heating. In the EBT, the ring electrons are produced with an average “temperature” of 250 kev (2.5×109 K) and a plasma beta between 0.1 and 0.4 ; see, “A Theoretical Study of Electron - Cyclotron Absorption in Elmo Bumpy Torus”, Batchelor and Goldfinger, Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 20, No. 4 (1980) pps. 403-418.
Electron cyclotron resonance heating has been used in experiments on the earth’s surface to produce and accelerate plasmas in a diverging magnetic field. Kosmahl et al. showed that power was efficiently transferred from the electromagnetic waves and that a fully ionized plasma was accelerated with a divergence angle of roughly 13 degrees. Optimum neutral gas density was 1.7×1014 per cubic centimeter; see, “Plama Acceleration with Microwaves Near Cyclotron Resonance”, Kosmahl et al., Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 38, No. 12, November, 1967, pps. 4576-4582.
It has heretofore been recognized that an intense focused beam of charged or neutral particles (e.g., plasma) can carry a potentially destructive amount of energy and is capable under certain circumstances of melting a hole in a piece of metal or of damaging even shielded electronic circuits. Recently, proposals have been set forth to exploit such particle beams is possible defense mechanisms to be used to protect against offensive missiles which may be launched by a hostile power; see “Particle-Beam Weapons”; J. Parmentola and K. Tsipis; Scientific American, April, 1979, Vol. 240, No. 4, which is incorporated herein by reference.PAZI TUKA:vozbud::vozbud:(akcelerator na satelit:vozbud:)

Атест на ХААРП :toe:




Responding to US economic and strategic interests, it could be used to selectively modify climate in different parts of the World resulting in the destabilization of agricultural and ecological systems. It is also worth noting that the US Department of Defense has allocated substantial resources to the development of intelligence and monitoring systems on weather changes. NASA and the Department of Defense's National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) are working on "imagery for studies of flooding, erosion, land-slide hazards, earthquakes, ecological zones, weather forecasts, and climate change" with data relayed from satellites. (13)
ова е повеќе од јасно па и нормално,имајќи предвид дека во САД 80% од популацијата е населена на трустно подрачје односном има ризик од земјотреси.

а за ураганите знаеме по вести.:smir:

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