Пресвртница за Украина

Дали ја оправдувате воената агресија на Русија над Украина?

  • Вкупно гласачи
Член од
16 мај 2010
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Why The EU Could End Within A Year

Germany, which has been high-and-mighty within the European Union and has imposed austerity against weaker European economies such as in Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, is now demanding that other EU member nations bail Germans out of what will soon inevitably be an energy-emergency that results from Germany’s having complied with America’s demand to not only join with America’s sanctions against Russia, but to even terminate Germany’s Nord Stream 2 Russian gas pipeline that was supposed to be increasing - instead of (as now will be the case) decreasing - Russia’s natural-gas supplies to Europe.

Germany was, until recently, the industrial motor of the EU, and therefore has the most to lose from reduced and far costlier energy-supplies; but this has now happened, and will escalate in the coming winter. As those energy supplies get reduced, energy prices will rise, then soar, and Germany’s economy will get crushed. Germany’s leaders (like in the other EU nations) complied with the American anti-Russia sanctions demands (which are based on faked ‘information’); and, as a result, the German public will soon be freezing, even while Germany will be spending astronomically higher prices for energy than it had previously been paying. The plunging energy supplies from Russia will be replaced by increased supplies from other countries (including America) whose energy is far costlier than Russia’s; and only a small fraction of those reduced supplies from Russia will be able to be replaced at all. Something will have to give, probably the EU itself, because the resultant rapidly escalating internal hostilities between EU nations — especially between Germany and the nations that it now expects to bail it out of this crisis - could blow the EU itself irrevocably apart.

This will be happening at the same time when the EU - which was extremely committed to reducing or even eliminating both nuclear and fossil fuels and especially coal - is suddenly rushing to increase greatly its use of those non-green fuel-sources, and when European voters who had placed those people into power will not like seeing their leaders turn 180 degrees now into the opposite direction, toward global warming.
Previously unanticipated new questions will inevitably become raised. Furthermore, the transitions back to fossil fuels can’t even possibly be done as fast as Europe’s leaders are promising; and, as a consequence, not only will Europeans be chilling-out and shivering during this coming winter, but their leaders will have a lot of explaining to do that can’t be explained except by admitting that they had been wrong - terribly wrong and unprepared - and this undeniable fact will cause political chaos, as the mutual recriminations about their multiple failures will embitter Europeans about the entire EU project, the project of creating one single incomprehensibly bureaucratic U.S.-satellite European mega-nation, the “European Union,” that is composed of virtually all European nations. Nostalgia about the past, of beautiful independent European nations, and bitterness about the future, of “north versus south” (etc.) in Europe, will take over, weakening the EU’s fabric, and bringing into question the entire post-WW-II cross-Atlantic alliance (subservience, actually to the Russia-hating U.S. Government), both America’s NATO and its political twin, the U.S.-dominated EU and its thousands of American servants in Brussels.

The most-recent comprehensive evaluation of the energy-needs of the EU nations is the September 2008 “Europe’s Dependence on Russian Natural Gas: Perspectives and Recommendations for a Long-term Strategy” by Richard J. Anderson of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, funded by the U.S. and German Governments. It made clear that the lowest cost and fastest-growing fuel in Europe (unless EU countries would institute polices to change this, which didn’t occur) was pipelined natural gas from Russia, and that this was especially so regarding electricity-production, industrial uses, and chemical feedstocks for plastics etc.

That’s what has happened
- Russian dominance of Europe’s energy-supplies (and industrial supplies) - and, as-of 2008, the countries that were the most dependent upon cheap Russian pipelined natural gas were (see this image there): Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Turkey, Austria, Czechia, Greece, Finland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

Presumably, those are the nations that will be especially “chilling out” this coming winter, in order to continue America’s political domination over Europe.

The supposed moral imperative that has supposedly triggered this “chilling-out” is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 as being Russia’s inevitable ultimate response to America’s coup grabbing of Ukraine in February 2014 and NATO’s insulting-to-Russia insistence that this U.S.-made new Russia-hating Ukrainian regime has a sovereign right to place American missiles on Russia’s border only a mere five-minute striking-distance to nuking Moscow - that’s the EU’s supposed moral-imperative reason to turn Russia (Europe’s cheapest energy-supplier) off as being a supplier of energy to Europe.

But, as a result of turning off Russia’s energy-spigots in Europe, the EU itself might become destroyed, and a mere has-been economically, culturally, industrially, and otherwise, just so that Europe will remain as being vassal-nations to America (its “dispensable” nations, like all the rest are), instead of to become what it always should have been, and naturally would have been - the radiant glory of the world’s largest continent: Eurasia, a Europe that includes Russia, instead of that endangers Russia.

The glory of Europe is done for, finished as what it was, and the only real question now is how fast? Oh - and WHY? Why did Europe’s leaders do this? That will be the real EU-killer question.

The Europe that was, is gone - killed by the regime in Washington DC, using its many hired agents in Europe, and their hired guns in NATO.
Можам да ти извадам исто статија на која што пишува зашто Русија ќе се распадне до крај на 2023.

Не знам како си ги сфаќате работите мило за драго без малце кликерот да вклучите и да разгледате пошироко.


Need moar drugs
Член од
25 јули 2015
Поени од реакции

Why The EU Could End Within A Year

Germany, which has been high-and-mighty within the European Union and has imposed austerity against weaker European economies such as in Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, is now demanding that other EU member nations bail Germans out of what will soon inevitably be an energy-emergency that results from Germany’s having complied with America’s demand to not only join with America’s sanctions against Russia, but to even terminate Germany’s Nord Stream 2 Russian gas pipeline that was supposed to be increasing - instead of (as now will be the case) decreasing - Russia’s natural-gas supplies to Europe.

Germany was, until recently, the industrial motor of the EU, and therefore has the most to lose from reduced and far costlier energy-supplies; but this has now happened, and will escalate in the coming winter. As those energy supplies get reduced, energy prices will rise, then soar, and Germany’s economy will get crushed. Germany’s leaders (like in the other EU nations) complied with the American anti-Russia sanctions demands (which are based on faked ‘information’); and, as a result, the German public will soon be freezing, even while Germany will be spending astronomically higher prices for energy than it had previously been paying. The plunging energy supplies from Russia will be replaced by increased supplies from other countries (including America) whose energy is far costlier than Russia’s; and only a small fraction of those reduced supplies from Russia will be able to be replaced at all. Something will have to give, probably the EU itself, because the resultant rapidly escalating internal hostilities between EU nations — especially between Germany and the nations that it now expects to bail it out of this crisis - could blow the EU itself irrevocably apart.

This will be happening at the same time when the EU - which was extremely committed to reducing or even eliminating both nuclear and fossil fuels and especially coal - is suddenly rushing to increase greatly its use of those non-green fuel-sources, and when European voters who had placed those people into power will not like seeing their leaders turn 180 degrees now into the opposite direction, toward global warming.
Previously unanticipated new questions will inevitably become raised. Furthermore, the transitions back to fossil fuels can’t even possibly be done as fast as Europe’s leaders are promising; and, as a consequence, not only will Europeans be chilling-out and shivering during this coming winter, but their leaders will have a lot of explaining to do that can’t be explained except by admitting that they had been wrong - terribly wrong and unprepared - and this undeniable fact will cause political chaos, as the mutual recriminations about their multiple failures will embitter Europeans about the entire EU project, the project of creating one single incomprehensibly bureaucratic U.S.-satellite European mega-nation, the “European Union,” that is composed of virtually all European nations. Nostalgia about the past, of beautiful independent European nations, and bitterness about the future, of “north versus south” (etc.) in Europe, will take over, weakening the EU’s fabric, and bringing into question the entire post-WW-II cross-Atlantic alliance (subservience, actually to the Russia-hating U.S. Government), both America’s NATO and its political twin, the U.S.-dominated EU and its thousands of American servants in Brussels.

The most-recent comprehensive evaluation of the energy-needs of the EU nations is the September 2008 “Europe’s Dependence on Russian Natural Gas: Perspectives and Recommendations for a Long-term Strategy” by Richard J. Anderson of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, funded by the U.S. and German Governments. It made clear that the lowest cost and fastest-growing fuel in Europe (unless EU countries would institute polices to change this, which didn’t occur) was pipelined natural gas from Russia, and that this was especially so regarding electricity-production, industrial uses, and chemical feedstocks for plastics etc.

That’s what has happened
- Russian dominance of Europe’s energy-supplies (and industrial supplies) - and, as-of 2008, the countries that were the most dependent upon cheap Russian pipelined natural gas were (see this image there): Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Turkey, Austria, Czechia, Greece, Finland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

Presumably, those are the nations that will be especially “chilling out” this coming winter, in order to continue America’s political domination over Europe.

The supposed moral imperative that has supposedly triggered this “chilling-out” is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 as being Russia’s inevitable ultimate response to America’s coup grabbing of Ukraine in February 2014 and NATO’s insulting-to-Russia insistence that this U.S.-made new Russia-hating Ukrainian regime has a sovereign right to place American missiles on Russia’s border only a mere five-minute striking-distance to nuking Moscow - that’s the EU’s supposed moral-imperative reason to turn Russia (Europe’s cheapest energy-supplier) off as being a supplier of energy to Europe.

But, as a result of turning off Russia’s energy-spigots in Europe, the EU itself might become destroyed, and a mere has-been economically, culturally, industrially, and otherwise, just so that Europe will remain as being vassal-nations to America (its “dispensable” nations, like all the rest are), instead of to become what it always should have been, and naturally would have been - the radiant glory of the world’s largest continent: Eurasia, a Europe that includes Russia, instead of that endangers Russia.

The glory of Europe is done for, finished as what it was, and the only real question now is how fast? Oh - and WHY? Why did Europe’s leaders do this? That will be the real EU-killer question.

The Europe that was, is gone - killed by the regime in Washington DC, using its many hired agents in Europe, and their hired guns in NATO.
Вакво лигавење околу некоја измислена фантазија за пропастот на ЕУ немам видено.
Откажете се од оваа илузија дека санкциите се поштетни за нас отколку за Русија.

Europe that includes Russia, instead of that endangers Russia.
Русија и се заканува на Европа, а не обратно. Тоа што им купувавме гас беше доволна соработка со нив, сега ни тоа нема да го имаат.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Анксиозност? :D

The European Union always was a CIA project, as Brexiteers discover

EU creator Jean Monnet was Roosevelt's eyes and ears in Europe. Some called him a US agent
Brexiteers should have been prepared for the shattering intervention of the US. The European Union always was an American project.
It was Washington that drove European integration in the late 1940s, and funded it covertly under the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

While irritated at times, the US has relied on the EU ever since as the anchor to American regional interests alongside NATO.
There has never been a divide-and-rule strategy.

The eurosceptic camp has been strangely blind to this, somehow supposing that powerful forces across the Atlantic are egging on British secession, and will hail them as liberators.
The anti-Brussels movement in France - and to a lesser extent in Italy and Germany, and among the Nordic Left - works from the opposite premise, that the EU is essentially an instrument of Anglo-Saxon power and 'capitalisme sauvage'.
France's Marine Le Pen is trenchantly anti-American. She rails against dollar supremacy. Her Front National relies on funding from Russian banks linked to Vladimir Putin.
Like it or not, this is at least is strategically coherent.
The Schuman Declaration that set the tone of Franco-German reconciliation - and would lead by stages to the European Community - was cooked up by the US Secretary of State Dean Acheson at a meeting in Foggy Bottom. "It all began in Washington," said Robert Schuman's chief of staff.
It was the Truman administration that browbeat the French to reach a modus vivendi with Germany in the early post-War years, even threatening to cut off US Marshall aid at a furious meeting with recalcitrant French leaders they resisted in September 1950.
Soviet tanks rumble into Prague
Soviet tanks rumble into Prague
Truman's motive was obvious. The Yalta settlement with the Soviet Union was breaking down. He wanted a united front to deter the Kremlin from further aggrandizement after Stalin gobbled up Czechoslovakia, doubly so after Communist North Korea crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded the South.
For British eurosceptics, Jean Monnet looms large in the federalist pantheon, the emminence grise of supranational villainy. Few are aware that he spent much of his life in America, and served as war-time eyes and ears of Franklin Roosevelt.
General Charles de Gaulle thought him an American agent, as indeed he was in a loose sense. Eric Roussel's biography of Monnet reveals how he worked hand in glove with successive administrations.
General Charles de Gaulle was always deeply suspicious of American motives
General Charles de Gaulle was always deeply suspicious of American motives CREDIT: ALAMY
It is odd that this magisterial 1000-page study has never been translated into English since it is the best work ever written about the origins of the EU.
Nor are many aware of declassified documents from the State Department archives showing that US intelligence funded the European movement secretly for decades, and worked aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into the project.
As this newspaper first reported when the treasure became available, one memorandum dated July 26, 1950, reveals a campaign to promote a full-fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the Central Inteligence Agency.
The key CIA front was the American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE), chaired by Donovan. Another document shows that it provided 53.5 per cent of the European movement's funds in 1958. The board included Walter Bedell Smith and Allen Dulles, CIA directors in the Fifties, and a caste of ex-OSS officials who moved in and out of the CIA.
OSSBill Donovan, legendary head of the war-time OSS, was later in charge of orchestrating the EU project

Papers show that it treated some of the EU's 'founding fathers' as hired hands, and actively prevented them finding alternative funding that would have broken reliance on Washington.
There is nothing particularly wicked about this. The US acted astutely in the context of the Cold War. The political reconstruction of Europe was a roaring success.
There were horrible misjudgments along the way, of course. A memo dated June 11, 1965, instructs the vice-president of the European Community to pursue monetary union by stealth, suppressing debate until the "adoption of such proposals would become virtually inescapable". This was too clever by half, as we can see today from debt-deflation traps and mass unemployment across southern Europe.
In a sense these papers are ancient history. What they show is that the American 'deep state' was in up to its neck. We can argue over whether Boris Johnson crossed a line last week by dredging up President Barack Obama's "part-Kenyan ancestry", but the cardinal error was to suppose that Mr Obama's trade threat had anything to do with the ordeals of his grandfather in a Mau Mau prison camp. It was American foreign policy boilerplate.
As it happens, Mr Obama might understandably feel rancour after the abuses that have come to light lately from the Mau Mau repression. It was a shameful breakdown of colonial police discipline, to the disgust of veteran officials who served in other parts of Africa. But the message from his extraordinary book - 'Dreams From My Father' - is that he strives to rise above historic grudges.
Brexiteers take comfort that Republican hopeful Ted Cruz wants a post-Brexit Britain to jump to the "front of the line for a free trade deal”, but he is merely making campaign hay. Mr Cruz will conform to Washington's Palmerstonian imperatives - whatever they may be at that moment - if he ever enters the White House.
KenyaPresident Obama's grandfather was a prisoner during the suppression of Kenya's Mau Mau revolt, a shameful episode of British colonial history

It is true that America had second thoughts about the EU once the ideological fanatics gained ascendancy in the late 1980s, recasting the union as a rival superpower with ambitions to challenge and surpass the US.
John Kornblum, the State Department's chief of European affairs in the 1990s, says it was a nightmare trying deal with Brussels. "I ended up totally frustrated. In the areas of military, security and defence, it is totally dysfunctional."
Mr Kornblum argues that the EU "left NATO psychologically" when it tried to set up its own military command structure, and did so with its usual posturing and incompetence. "Both Britain and the West would be in much better shape if Britain was not in the EU," he said.
This is interesting but it is a minority view in US policy circles. The frustration passed when Poland and the first wave of East European states joined the EU in 2004, bringing in a troupe of Atlanticist governments.
We know it is hardly a love-affair. A top US official was caught two years ago on a telephone intercept dismissing Brussels during the Ukraine crisis with the lapidary words, "fuck the EU".
Yet the all-pervading view is that the Western liberal order is under triple assault, and the EU must be propped, much as Britain and France propped up the tottering Ottoman Empire in the 19th - and wisely so given that its slow collapse led directly to the First World War.
Today's combined threats comes from Jihadi terror and a string of failed states across the Maghreb and the Levant; from a highly-militarized pariah regime in Moscow that will soon run out of money but has a window of opportunity before Europe rearms; and from an extremely dangerous crisis in the South China Sea that is escalating by the day as Beijing tests the US alliance structure.
The dangers from Russia and China are of course interlinked. It is likely - pessimists say certain - that Vladimir Putin would seize on a serious blow-up on Pacific rim to try his luck in Europe. In the eyes of Washington, Ottawa, Canberra, and those capitals around the world that broadly view Pax Americana as a plus, this is not the time for Britain to lob a stick of dynamite into Europe's rickety edifice.
The awful truth for the Leave campaign is that the governing establishment of the entire Western world views Brexit as strategic vandalism. Whether fair or not, Brexiteers must answer this reproach. A few such as Lord Owen grasp the scale of the problem. Most seemed blithely unaware until Mr Obama blew into town last week.
In my view, the Brexit camp should be laying out plans to increase UK defence spending by half to 3pc of GDP, pledging to propel Britain into the lead as the undisputed military power of Europe. They should aim to bind this country closer to France in an even more intimate security alliance. These sorts of moves would at least spike one of Project Fear's biggest guns.
The Brexiteers should squelch any suggestion that EU withdrawal means resiling from global responsibility, or tearing up the European Convention (that British-drafted, non-EU, Magna Carta of freedom), or turning our backs on the COP21 climate accords, or any other of the febrile flirtations of the movement.
It is perhaps too much to expect a coherent plan from a disparate group, thrown together artificially by events. Yet many of us who are sympathetic to the Brexit camp, who also want to take back our sovereign self-government and escape the bogus and usurped supremacy of the European Court of Justice, have yet to hear how Brexiteers think this extraction can occur without colossal collateral damage and in a manner consistent with the honour of this country.
You can quarrel with Europe, or you can quarrel with the US, but it is courting fate to quarrel with the whole democratic world at the same time.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Можам да ти извадам исто статија на која што пишува зашто Русија ќе се распадне до крај на 2023.
Да. И јас можам да ги анализирам аргументите од таквата статија што ти би ја „извадил“. Но дали ти можеш макар да ги коментираш аргументите во написот што јас ти го посочив? Пошто тоа беше поентата со написот, лично да не ги пишувам аргументите кога веќе се достапни.

Поента на дискусиите генерално е да се разменуваат факти и аргументи, и да се направи обид да се дојде до заеднички став.


Need moar drugs
Член од
25 јули 2015
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Да. И јас можам да ги анализирам аргументите од таквата статија што ти би ја „извадил“. Но дали ти можеш макар да ги коментираш аргументите во написот што јас ти го посочив? Пошто тоа беше поентата со написот, лично да не ги пишувам аргументите кога веќе се достапни.

Поента на дискусиите генерално е да се разменуваат факти и аргументи, и да се направи обид да се дојде до заеднички став.
Немаш никаков аргумент во написот. Тоа ти е истата теорија на заговор кои сите тука ја повраќаат дека санкциите се полоши за нас отколку за Русија. Ако санкциите не веруваш дека би ја донеле Русија до пропаст, тогаш аргументот не може да ти биде дека помалиот ефект на санкциите кон нас би ги донел ЕУ до пропаст.


Член од
28 март 2020
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Немаш никаков аргумент во написот. Тоа ти е истата теорија на заговор кои сите тука ја повраќаат дека санкциите се полоши за нас отколку за Русија. Ако санкциите не веруваш дека би ја донеле Русија до пропаст, тогаш аргументот не може да ти биде дека помалиот ефект на санкциите кон нас би ги донел ЕУ до пропаст.
Абе прост, САД е пред пропаст. У најмала рака не е веќе хегемонија, и кај и да е ќе треба да ги прифати новите услови на игра или да влезе у нуклеарна војна. Европа им е купи време уште некоја година за да економски прогураат пред да се распаднат тотално у граѓанска војна. Светов го огрејува сонце и се буди од многугодишна окупација а ти ради тоа што уживаш да ти даваат граитс лубриканти мислиш Западот е светиња....не е.


Need moar drugs
Член од
25 јули 2015
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Абе прост, САД е пред пропаст. У најмала рака не е веќе хегемонија, и кај и да е ќе треба да ги прифати новите услови на игра или да влезе у нуклеарна војна. Европа им е купи време уште некоја година за да економски прогураат пред да се распаднат тотално у граѓанска војна. Светов го огрејува сонце и се буди од многугодишна окупација а ти ради тоа што уживаш да ти даваат граитс лубриканти мислиш Западот е светиња....не е.
Каква граѓанска војна, ај спушти ги малце теориите на заговор. Русија е таа со највисока шанса за граѓанска војна.


Женкар, Илуватар
Член од
17 март 2014
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Така лесно да пропаѓале држави ние сега не требаше да постоиме. Кога држави како Србија преживеаа хиперинфлација, нема проблем за ЕУ. Банално е да се дискутира пропаст на држава или не знам што, може да има негодувања одредени протести за едно друго и трето ама пропаст нема да има ни таму ни таму.

Она што може да се случи во ЕУ е да дојде до криза и еден reality-check за одредени надувани цени што ги пукаат нон-стоп. И да се нарпави ресет сличен на пазарот за недвижнини во САД после 2008ма. Нема да бидне едноставно да се издржат тие 2-3 години ама на долг рок ќе бидне голема придобивката.
Нема да умрат за глад секако, само што нема да возиш бмв, мерцедес, ауди ќе возиш јонг тонг - нишо страшно. Тие земји се со нула ресурси, мира да продаваат технологија за да живеат. Технологија секој може да купи ама ресурси малце потешко. Ќе живее Европа, само како Куба што е сега.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Вакво лигавење околу некоја измислена фантазија за пропастот на ЕУ немам видено.
Откажете се од оваа илузија дека санкциите се поштетни за нас отколку за Русија.

Русија и се заканува на Европа, а не обратно. Тоа што им купувавме гас беше доволна соработка со нив, сега ни тоа нема да го имаат.
Абе без Ролекс и Мерцедес се живее, аба без храна и затоплување НЕ. Само филмајтесе вие.


Член од
28 март 2020
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Каква граѓанска војна, ај спушти ги малце теориите на заговор. Русија е таа со највисока шанса за граѓанска војна.
Не функционираат тие мантри и талисмански зборови како заговор веќе, сите се откажаа. Може пред десетина години, ама ти си бил у пелени кога ја сум објаснувал на јаврии што е теорија на заговор.


mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
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Абе без Ролекс и Мерцедес се живее, аба без храна и затоплување НЕ. Само филмајтесе вие.
ШТО ?!??!?!?! Сакаш да кажеш и Ролекс им го скинале... Трагедија у пичку матер.
Член од
30 октомври 2021
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Колку што Русија ја победи и ослободи Украина за 10 дена, толку ќе пропадне ЕУ.
Кога Русите ќе произведат квалитетна Лада и модерен компјутер, тогаш ќе пропадне и западниот свет.
Дотогаш продолжуваjте со ,,анализите,, оти ми е досадно на форумот.
Член од
3 јуни 2022
Поени од реакции
Колку што Русија ја победи и ослободи Украина за 10 дена, толку ќе пропадне ЕУ.
Кога Русите ќе произведат квалитетна Лада и модерен компјутер, тогаш ќе пропадне и западниот свет.
Дотогаш продолжуваjте со ,,анализите,, оти ми е досадно на форумот.
Лада 30 години стара оди на терени без проблем каде што 2-3x поскапи нови од модерниве брендови заглавувааат така да не знам што тропаш глупости само

Не е ладата за лгбт педерчиња со милион сензори туку е пред се практична теренска кола


Женкар, Илуватар
Член од
17 март 2014
Поени од реакции
Колку што Русија ја победи и ослободи Украина за 10 дена, толку ќе пропадне ЕУ.
Кога Русите ќе произведат квалитетна Лада и модерен компјутер, тогаш ќе пропадне и западниот свет.
Дотогаш продолжуваjте со ,,анализите,, оти ми е досадно на форумот.
Кога Германија ќе произведе кола без да увезе ефтин гас и метали од Русија - јави се…
Член од
20 септември 2008
Поени од реакции
Лада 30 години стара оди на терени без проблем каде што 2-3x поскапи нови од модерниве брендови заглавувааат така да не знам што тропаш глупости само

Не е ладата за лгбт педерчиња со милион сензори туку е пред се практична теренска кола
Оди бе како не оди,уствари повише се тресе и распаѓа од што оди,ама на вас тоа не ви е битно. Нема патос цела скапана,од опрема има само дугме за четири жмигавци,волан без серво треба да си терминатор да свртиш,амортизација нема директно те жига под ребро секоја дупка..лепота руска невидена. Рус и техника никако у иста реченица.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Кога Германија ќе произведе кола без да увезе ефтин гас и метали од Русија - јави се…
Па затоа е Германија тоа што е,а Русите им работат по фабриките.Шваба има памет а Рус голи ресурси,за да направиш нешто ти треба мозок,а ако имаш ресурс што ти го дала природата,треба само да го извадиш од земја. Цела економија им се потпира на нафта,гас и руди..до тука им е чергата.

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