US president Donald Trump will reportedly try to force Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to agree to a ceasefire with Russia by Easter, according to a report.
1.The EU will reportedly be asked to assist Ukraine in its reconstruction efforts, which may cost as much as $486billion (£392billion) over the next decade according to the
German Marshall Fund thinktank.
2. A declaration on the agreed parameters for ending the war would then be released by May 9, after which Kyiv would be asked not to extend martial law or mobilise troops.
3. Trump is also reportedly planning on continuing American support for Ukraine's military, as well as a pathway for it to join the EU by 2030.
4. But Russia would also make significant gains as the plans include lifting sanctions on Russian energy over several years, though money from special duties on energy will be used to help fund Ukraine's rebuilding efforts.
Ova definitivno zvuci kako plan koj bi mozel da e vistinit, duri od anglo-saksonski aspekt i premnogu otstapki dale na Rusija.
No vakov plan e realno poraz za Rusija dokolku se prifati.