Пресвртница за Украина

Дали ја оправдувате воената агресија на Русија над Украина?

  • Вкупно гласачи


mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
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Пресилна е медиумскатс пропаганда против АфД.

Ене и Игорче ги вика фашисти.
Уште посилна беше пропагандата пред некоја година... Поентата е што сега луѓето почнаа да ја гледаат и другата страна на паричката. Што би рекле, да ја осеќаат несигурноста и на своја кожа. Либералите тек ќе губат во Западна Европа.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Достава на најосновни потреби до најистурените позиции.
Автоматски споено мислење:

I povtorno istorijata se povtoruva.. Pobeduva zemjata koja gi ima resursite..
Тие кои ги контролираат ресурсите.
САД немаат толку ресурси колку што ги контролираат ресурсите на другите. Тука е борбата, околу ресурсите и во последно време почнуваат забрзано да ја губат контролата врз ресурсите а посебно врз фосилните горива. Петродоларот паѓа а со него и империјата Пакс Американа, ова ќе се случи не во некоја далечна иднина туку во нашиот животен век... Да се надеваме само дека нема да го уништат светот со својата надменост.


Red Devil
Член од
7 март 2012
Поени од реакции
Damage to a critical infrastructure facility was reported in Kherson

As a result of the attack, a gas pipeline ruptured and a fire broke out in the Ukrainian-controlled city of Kherson.


wanna BOMB?
Член од
11 април 2010
Поени од реакции
Damage to a critical infrastructure facility was reported in Kherson

As a result of the attack, a gas pipeline ruptured and a fire broke out in the Ukrainian-controlled city of Kherson.
Керсон гори моментално, изгледа русите рокнаа некое депо.

Не знам зошто ваква тактика одбираат русите. Разбирам дека предниот тенк се повлече бидејќи проби пат и му заврши работата, тенкови со плугови се ретки па го зачувуваат, ама транспортериве едвај дочекаа да се повлечат, дури своите си ги изгазија.
Јасно ми е дека бегаат од дронови, ама никаква поддршка не и дадоа на пешадијата.
По правило треба да отворат оган и да и дадат време на пешадијата да се распореди и да почне со префрлување. Они ги истурија ко цигански трактор на кипање и здуваа, па пешадијава се шаштиса. Ни напад развија ни штета предизвикаа, само испоумреа. Два рафала да испалеа према бредлито, многу борци ќе поживееја барем уште малку, вака бредлито се сотре.
Член од
3 март 2021
Поени од реакции
Убав документарец со превод за кој навистина ја почна војната во Украина.



mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
Поени од реакции
Керсон гори моментално, изгледа русите рокнаа некое депо.

Не знам зошто ваква тактика одбираат русите. Разбирам дека предниот тенк се повлече бидејќи проби пат и му заврши работата, тенкови со плугови се ретки па го зачувуваат, ама транспортериве едвај дочекаа да се повлечат, дури своите си ги изгазија.
Јасно ми е дека бегаат од дронови, ама никаква поддршка не и дадоа на пешадијата.
По правило треба да отворат оган и да и дадат време на пешадијата да се распореди и да почне со префрлување. Они ги истурија ко цигански трактор на кипање и здуваа, па пешадијава се шаштиса. Ни напад развија ни штета предизвикаа, само испоумреа. Два рафала да испалеа према бредлито, многу борци ќе поживееја барем уште малку, вака бредлито се сотре.
Ова е трета интерпретација на исто видео, кога ќе излезе четвртата скрос друг контркст ќе излезе.

Но гледај ги маперите и Украинските и Руските после ова видео таа територија ми се чини е Руска.
Член од
17 декември 2019
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Nema potreba Rusija da ja napagja evropa (citaj baltikot) za vreme koga nemaat vlada USA.. Dovolno e da mobiliziraat vojska i da ja postavat dolz granicite na baltockite drzavi i taka malce da gi zaplasat satanistive..


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Updated explanation of the Russian/Ukraine war. Many people are clueless about the current conflict. This thread is to help explain why and how it started.

This conflict has as much to do with Germany and the EU as it does Russia. It has nothing to do with Ukraine.

NATO was created in 1949 for two reasons. Keep Russia out and keep Germany down. Germany was the main antagonist in both world wars. NATO’s first Secretary General famously said, NATO's purpose is to "keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”
Germany and the EU were getting cozy with Russian gas. The US did not like this. It was a threat to their hegemony. It was benefitting both countries. 2014 Condoleezza Rice explains how the US needs to change this and get Germany dependent on the US.
In order to stop it the US needs to weaken Russia and kill the pipeline. A war would be the best way to do this. Many US politicians made it perfectly clear that the pipeline needed to be stopped.
2014, Orchestrate a coup in Ukraine to remove Ukraine president, Viktor Yanukovych who is friendly with Moscow and install a president friendly to the US. Send over high-ranking US officials to encourage the coup.
After a successful coup, install a US friendly government and start preparing to antagonize Russia.
You can hear some of their strategy of who they want to put into the new government by this leaked phone call between Nuland and Ukr ambassador
After the coup, citizens in Eastern Ukraine want no part of the puppet government and start a separatist movement.

2014: The US begins arming the Ukraine neo-Nazis to put down the separatist movement and starts training them to go to war with Russia.
In 2014 The EU, Ukraine and Russia signed a peace agreement to end the hostilities. Recently, German Chancellor Merkel admitted the agreement was a scam just to buy time to arm and train Ukraine to fight Russia. They had no intention of upholding their end of the agreement.Image
2016, the US begins to antagonize Russia by proclaiming Ukraine will join NATO knowing this is Russia's brightest of red lines as stated by the US ambassador in Moscow.
John McCain and Lindsay Graham make visits to Ukraine to give pep talks to the neo-Nazi Azov battalion. Telling them they will go on offense in 2017
2017 the year they are supposed to go on offense...only one problem, a problem they did not expect. Trump became president. They knew Trump wouldn't want a war. Their plans are about to fall apart. Only one solution, Trump needs to be removed by any means necessary.
The next 4 years are all about trying to get rid of Trump so their plan can proceed. They try to do it with impeachments but that didn't work. Just so conveniently COVID leaks from a US funded lab and creates a pandemic. Democrats all over the country demand mail-in-ballots.
Mysteriously Biden wins despite hardly campaigning and winning only 1 bellwether county.Image
Now with Trump gone the plan can continue. late 2019 the antagonizing escalates as NATO talks ramp up and AZOV continues shelling Russian speakers in the DonbassImage
Feb 24,2020 Russia invades to protect itself from NATO and stop the killing of Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine. The invasion now gives the Biden regime an excuse to blow up the pipeline.
Sept 26, 2020 the pipeline is blown up. The first objective is complete.Image
Late 2023, the second objective of weakening Russia is obviously failing. US begins to tell Ukraine they are running out of money. The money starts to get cut off so the Ukraine albatross is not around the neck of Biden for the upcoming election.Image
Ukr was nothing but an expendable tool to be used to try and weaken Russia and destroy the relationship that Germany and the EU were building with Russia over gas. Now Ukr is a completely destroyed country and may possibly cease to exist soon. And that is how to kill a pipeline
Автоматски споено мислење:

NORDSTREAM: American journalist Seymour Hersh claims that the United States began preparing to blow up the Nord Stream gas pipeline “weeks” before the start of the war in Ukraine.

In an article on Substack, Hersh writes that the goal may have initially been to contain Russia, but the actual timing—September 2022—shows that the sabotage was likely reoriented against Germany, which was perceived as a weak link in the coalition supporting Ukraine.

"The Americans, assigned to a secret mission in the Baltic Sea in the weeks before Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, believed the goal was to persuade Russian President Vladimir Putin not to invade. When the invasion, despite public threats to destroy the pipeline... went ahead, The American team in Norway was ordered to continue the work and find a way to complete it,” Hersh writes.

According to him, the sabotage was prepared for the end of May, but was postponed without explanation by US President Joe Biden.

"The presidential order came at the end of September. Three of the four pipeline branches were destroyed after explosive devices were set off by a low-frequency sonar device," the journalist wrote.

Biden's timing appeared to be aimed at Chancellor Scholz. Some at the CIA believed the president feared that Scholz, whose voters were hesitant to support Ukraine, might weaken in the face of the approaching winter and decide to hold his own. keeping people warm and industry thriving is more important than helping Ukraine in the fight against Russia,” Hersh said.

Previously, the United States denied the version of its involvement in undermining the flows, and European media wrote that the investigation had reached Ukraine (Kyiv also denies its involvement).

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