Пресвртница за Украина

Дали ја оправдувате воената агресија на Русија над Украина?

  • Вкупно гласачи


Драган Богдановски
Член од
17 јануари 2008
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Ќе видиме дали ќе стави вето. Нека спрема веќе говор зошто се предомисли.
Член од
13 јули 2006
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Ќе видиме дали ќе стави вето. Нека спрема веќе говор зошто се предомисли.
Прашање е и дали има можност тој да стави вето. Ми се чини се зависи од парламентот.

Иначе да видиме што велат Британците...

Член од
2 октомври 2018
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Прашање е и дали има можност тој да стави вето. Ми се чини се зависи од парламентот.

Иначе да видиме што велат Британците...

За ова зимаат плата во британско разузнавање, нешто што може практиктант во НВО да го напише?


they see you, but you don't see them!
Член од
3 јуни 2020
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Ќе видиме дали ќе стави вето. Нека спрема веќе говор зошто се предомисли.
Он си рече дека нема да стави вето ако се промени изборниот закон на Бих
Член од
17 ноември 2014
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Во Последно време врти една теорија за Хазарите и Миленко имаше емисиа ,ја за ова првпат слушам кои биле држава меѓу црно море и касписко језеро па владимир рус ја уништил и примиле хебрејство и се измешале со евреите и као зеленски бил хазар и скале да ја обноват хазарската држава и као путин не му дава и цел свет кој го контролира америка хазарската мафиа се сврти против путин и со помош на вавилонска магија за пари го контролирале свето и на крај ќе го осуделе јудеизмот и ќе преминеле во некоја друга имериска сила и така правеле со милениуми . ,колку има вистина во ова Ротшилд Рокфелер сите биле хазари финасирале војни хитлер напелеон позајмувале пари и сл iи останалае на териториа на украина и као до ден денес прават проблеми во светот
Ako trgnis od toa deka vo sekoja laga ima i vistina tobas bi rekol,
Rothschild i Rockefeller imaat sigurno debeli Pari invesirano i zatoa Zelenski Evrein e Premier i tuka e da pomaga za Kauzata.

A sega posto investiciive malce po malce im propajgast stanuvast nervozni i pravat se i seshto za da gi spasat.

Zatoa nema pregovori zatoa nema kapitulacija.

Ama koga ce vidis pravele smetka bez Krcmar.

A toa shto ginat Ukrainci i se ostalo e samo koleteralna shteta
Член од
13 јули 2006
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U.S. relieved as China appears to heed warnings on Russia

Two months after warning that Beijing appeared poised to help Russia in its fight against Ukraine, senior U.S. officials say they have not detected overt Chinese military and economic support, a welcome development in the tense U.S.-China relationship.

U.S. officials told Reuters in recent days they remain wary about China's long-standing support for Russia in general, but that the military and economic support that they worried about has not come to pass, at least for now. The relief comes at a pivotal time.

U.S. relieved as China appears to heed warnings on Russia (msn.com)


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Western officials implicitly assumed that Russia could be intimidated and eventually compelled to accept Ukraine as part of NATO. They dismissed the Kremlin’s increasingly pointed warnings that efforts to make Kyiv an Alliance asset would cross a red line that violated Russia’s security. Their assumption that Moscow would tamely accept a NATO presence inside Russia’s core security zone proved to be spectacularly wrong, and Ukraine is now paying a very high price in treasure and blood for their miscalculation.

One might hope that NATO leaders would have learned an important lesson from such a costly mistake. However, they are stubbornly ignoring a new set of ominous warnings from Moscow, and this time, the price of such tone-deaf arrogance could be utterly catastrophic. Indeed, it is creating the risk of a nuclear clash between Russia and the United States. In his first speech announcing the "special military operation" in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin warned all outside parties (clearly meaning NATO members) not to interfere. "Anyone who tries to interfere with us . . . must know that Russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences as you have never before experienced in your history."

Yet the Biden administration and other NATO governments boast about how much the Alliance is supporting Ukraine’s military resistance to Russia’s invasion. The centerpiece of the effort to this point has been a surge of weapons shipments to Ukraine, including a focus on heavier and more powerful systems. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin vows that the United States will "move Heaven and Earth" to keep arming Ukraine. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman gushes that the United States has again become the "arsenal of democracy," as it had been in World War II

The policy constitutes an extremely risky venture that could make the United States a belligerent in a perilous war. Moscow has declared on multiple occasions that convoys carrying weapons from NATO countries into Ukraine are legitimate targets of war. Putin could easily interpret the U.S.-orchestrated cascade of NATO weaponry to support Ukraine’s military resistance as unacceptable interference. The same is true of another Biden administration measure – sharing intelligence data with Kyiv, even providing Ukrainian forces with real-time targeting information. In one case, that intelligence sharing apparently enabled Ukraine to shoot down a Russian plane with several hundred troops aboard.

As they did during the prewar period, NATO countries are ignoring the warnings coming out of Moscow. Adopting a defiant stance, they instead are boosting their military aid and creating a full-fledged proxy war against Russia. The Kremlin’s warnings are becoming more strident. Putin himself recently admonished NATO members not to test Russia’s patience by continuing to escalate their support for Ukraine. Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-in chief of both RT and Sputnik and a close associate of the Russian president, stated that Russia might have little choice except to use nuclear weapons if Western policy continues on its current course.
Член од
8 мај 2013
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Супер, железната завеса се спушта.

Венецуела ги има најголемите залихи на нафта во светот, Шеврон веќе работи таму.
Како бе супер? Зарем нешто позитивно ќе излезе за сите нас ако Русија се третира како Северна Кореја?


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Many experts also say they don’t believe the Russian president would gain much advantage from the use of tactical nuclear weapons inside Ukraine—and he is considered enough of a rational actor that he would never contemplate launching nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles at the United States. But Putin has also indicated previously that he cannot accept the separation of an independent Ukraine from Russian control, writing in a July 2021 essay that such a development would be “comparable in its consequences to the use of weapons of mass destruction against us.”

Robert Gallucci, a former senior U.S. nuclear arms negotiator, said the Russian nuclear threats are a new tactic and “should be taken seriously if we were to get involved directly in conflict with Russian forces in or around Ukraine, that is, on or across the Russian border.”

Beebe, who is currently director of grand strategy at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, said he believed the outcome would most likely stretch into a volatile stalemate—but one that could well be more unstable and dangerous than much of the Cold War. “Most likely we’re going to end up in some sort of long-term unstable confrontation that divides Ukraine and divides Europe where there aren’t rules of the game,” he said. “It’s not so much a new cold war as it is a festering wound in Europe.”

Matters could get even dicier if a newly emboldened West and NATO expand their reach beyond Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East to the Indo-Pacific, as British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss suggested in a speech this week.

That in turn raises the prospect for a drawn-out global cold war with not only Russia but China as well. And it is one that could easily turn hot, Beebe said, with the United States and its allies faced off against an alliance of “a resource-rich Russia partnered with a technologically and economically powerful China.”
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Официјално Папата е теоретичар на заговор.

Член од
13 јули 2006
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Како бе супер? Зарем нешто позитивно ќе излезе за сите нас ако Русија се третира како Северна Кореја?
Русија сама се третира како Северна Кореја, иако овде сите ја перцепираат како моќен пандан на САД.

Очигледно е дека Кина е свесна за ситуацијата и не сака да има уште една огромна Северна Кореја со луд владетел обесен на нејзиниот врат.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Скептичен сум за веста но се повеќе луѓе ја објавуваат...

Автоматски споено мислење:

U.S. relieved as China appears to heed warnings on Russia

Two months after warning that Beijing appeared poised to help Russia in its fight against Ukraine, senior U.S. officials say they have not detected overt Chinese military and economic support, a welcome development in the tense U.S.-China relationship.

U.S. officials told Reuters in recent days they remain wary about China's long-standing support for Russia in general, but that the military and economic support that they worried about has not come to pass, at least for now. The relief comes at a pivotal time.

U.S. relieved as China appears to heed warnings on Russia (msn.com)
Лол Американциве сами си измислуваат победи.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Супер, железната завеса се спушта.

Венецуела ги има најголемите залихи на нафта во светот, Шеврон веќе работи таму.
Мислиш дека Венецуела ќе ја надокнади цела руска нафта во свет? Патем нели Чавез беше злобен диктатор, Мадуро исто а Гаидо беше легитимниот Претседател. Да не биде само утре приказната како Путин бил во право да спроведе хуманитарна акција во Украина.

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