Политички случувања во САД: Генерална дискусија

Дали санкциите на администрацијата на Џо Бајден, кон Русија, вродуваат со плод?

  • Вкупно гласачи
  • Гласањето е завршено на .


еврофоб и хомоскептик
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16 септември 2008
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Кушнер бил другарче со Сорос

[DOUBLEPOST=1503701853][/DOUBLEPOST]Интересно размислување од канадскиот комунист:

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deus ex machina
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30 мај 2009
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Универзитетски професор од Флорида:

Во меѓувреме во Тексас:

There Is "Eight Feet Of Water" On Houston Roads, And It's About To Get Much Worse

Aug 29, 2017 8:38 AM

Amid desperate efforts to save stranded citizens - police report over 3,000 rescues alone - and the arrival of the so-called 'cajun navy' to assist, Harvey continues to pummel Texas, paralyzing Houston as the region braces for yet more rain after the Tropical Storm recharged over warm waters and heading back in-land.

“This is, if not the largest, it has to be categorized as one of the largest disasters America has ever faced,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declared at a press conference Monday afternoon.

Houston's main water-way, Buffalo Bayou, shows over 30 inches of rain and it's about to get a lot worse. Buffalo Bayou is the main waterway that snakes through the heart of Houston, and the water levels of two reservoirs that feed into it are particularly concerning.

“The reality is the water is continuing to rise,” Mr. Turner said. “The water level along Buffalo Bayou in all likelihood will increase.”

Forecasters say Harvey will move slowly to the northeast throughout the week and shower some parts of the state with another 15 to 20 inches of rainfall by the end of Thursday. Additionally, The Post reports that certain areas to the west of Houston could see as much as 50 inches of rain by the time the storm is over — which would be the largest recorded total in Texas history.

The death toll remains unclear.

WSJ notes that on Monday evening, Mayor Sylvester Turner said three deaths in Houston had occurred during the storm but could not confirm reports that a family of six had died in their vehicle.

Authorities said they fear the death toll will rise.

Roads surrounding Houston’s Vintage and Sugar Land hospitals “have eight feet of water,” said Michael Covert, senior vice president of Catholic Health Initiatives’s Texas operations. “They have become islands of humanity.”

Citizen rescuers also jumped in to help fellow residents, using private motor boats and even kayaks to ferry stranded people to safety as thousands poured into shelters around the state.

With waters continuing to rise, some people panicked as they waited for rescue.

“They’re making it difficult for us to rescue them,” said Clyde Cain, a member of the Louisiana-based Cajun Navy rescue force. “You have people rushing the boat. Everyone wants to get in at the same time. They’re panicking. Water is rising.”

FEMA officials said they expected to see at least 30,000 people show up to shelters by the end of the slow-moving storm.

“It is imperative that we do everything possible to protect the lives and safety of people across the state of Texas as we continue to face the aftermath of this storm,” Gov. Abbott said.

President Trump will touch down in Corpus Christi, Texas, at noon Tuesday to survey the flood damage with his wife, Melania. “Protecting the lives of our people is my highest priority,” he said at a press conference Monday. “Every asset at my command is at the disposal of local officials.” ...

Meanwhile, The Post reports that FEMA Administrator Brock Long said he expects about 450,000 people will file for disaster relief, adding the agency will “be here for several years helping you guys recover.”

“There are several factors that make it worse than Katrina. For one, there is the scope of the flooding. Harris County and the surrounding areas are so saturated,” Brown told the Houston Chronicle.

“Also, the amount of damages will continue to grow. There will be mold and structural damages adding up.” Brown said when Tropical Storm Harvey finally goes away, it will leave an incredible bill for taxpayers to pick up.

“This will be unfathomably expensive for both the private sector and taxpayers,” Brown said. “This will be easily the most expensive natural disaster in American history.”

One look at this image and we suspect his unprecedented statement may still be understatement...

Член од
24 април 2008
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Универзитетски професор од Флорида:

Во меѓувреме во Тексас:

There Is "Eight Feet Of Water" On Houston Roads, And It's About To Get Much Worse

Aug 29, 2017 8:38 AM

Amid desperate efforts to save stranded citizens - police report over 3,000 rescues alone - and the arrival of the so-called 'cajun navy' to assist, Harvey continues to pummel Texas, paralyzing Houston as the region braces for yet more rain after the Tropical Storm recharged over warm waters and heading back in-land.

“This is, if not the largest, it has to be categorized as one of the largest disasters America has ever faced,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declared at a press conference Monday afternoon.

Houston's main water-way, Buffalo Bayou, shows over 30 inches of rain and it's about to get a lot worse. Buffalo Bayou is the main waterway that snakes through the heart of Houston, and the water levels of two reservoirs that feed into it are particularly concerning.

“The reality is the water is continuing to rise,” Mr. Turner said. “The water level along Buffalo Bayou in all likelihood will increase.”

Forecasters say Harvey will move slowly to the northeast throughout the week and shower some parts of the state with another 15 to 20 inches of rainfall by the end of Thursday. Additionally, The Post reports that certain areas to the west of Houston could see as much as 50 inches of rain by the time the storm is over — which would be the largest recorded total in Texas history.

The death toll remains unclear.

WSJ notes that on Monday evening, Mayor Sylvester Turner said three deaths in Houston had occurred during the storm but could not confirm reports that a family of six had died in their vehicle.

Authorities said they fear the death toll will rise.

Roads surrounding Houston’s Vintage and Sugar Land hospitals “have eight feet of water,” said Michael Covert, senior vice president of Catholic Health Initiatives’s Texas operations. “They have become islands of humanity.”

Citizen rescuers also jumped in to help fellow residents, using private motor boats and even kayaks to ferry stranded people to safety as thousands poured into shelters around the state.

With waters continuing to rise, some people panicked as they waited for rescue.

“They’re making it difficult for us to rescue them,” said Clyde Cain, a member of the Louisiana-based Cajun Navy rescue force. “You have people rushing the boat. Everyone wants to get in at the same time. They’re panicking. Water is rising.”

FEMA officials said they expected to see at least 30,000 people show up to shelters by the end of the slow-moving storm.

“It is imperative that we do everything possible to protect the lives and safety of people across the state of Texas as we continue to face the aftermath of this storm,” Gov. Abbott said.

President Trump will touch down in Corpus Christi, Texas, at noon Tuesday to survey the flood damage with his wife, Melania. “Protecting the lives of our people is my highest priority,” he said at a press conference Monday. “Every asset at my command is at the disposal of local officials.” ...

Meanwhile, The Post reports that FEMA Administrator Brock Long said he expects about 450,000 people will file for disaster relief, adding the agency will “be here for several years helping you guys recover.”

“There are several factors that make it worse than Katrina. For one, there is the scope of the flooding. Harris County and the surrounding areas are so saturated,” Brown told the Houston Chronicle.

“Also, the amount of damages will continue to grow. There will be mold and structural damages adding up.” Brown said when Tropical Storm Harvey finally goes away, it will leave an incredible bill for taxpayers to pick up.

“This will be unfathomably expensive for both the private sector and taxpayers,” Brown said. “This will be easily the most expensive natural disaster in American history.”

One look at this image and we suspect his unprecedented statement may still be understatement...

Хехе, а во 2012 година Мајкл Мур и останатите љубители на Барак Хусеин Обама и на Демократската Партија на САД велеа "фала му на бога за таа бурата (ураганот Сенди)", откако ураганот Сенди го погоди Њујорк недела дена пред одржувањето на редовните претседателски избори 2012 во САД, на кои Барак Хусеин Обама беше реизбран за втор претседателски мандат.

На мене лично Доналд Трамп не ми делува ни малку поинаков од останатите дволични ѓубриња од луѓе наречени политичари, но изгледа на многумина им станал трн во око со оглед на фактот дека толку лесно и едноставно му етикетираат вина за се` и сешто, вклучувајќи и урагани. Кој знае, можеби ако САД ги погоди земјотрес, и за тоа ќе бидат виновни жртвите на земјотресот бидејќи гласале за Трамп на редовните претседателски избори 2016 во САД.

Па ни Џорџ Буш Помладиот не успеа да привлече ваков негативен публицитет во 8 години воени и профитерски злосторства, а на Трамп од 20 јануари 2017 не му дозволуваат на раат да земе здив.

Но за волја на вистината, денешната Фејсбук-Твитер-Инстаграм-телефон генерација е не родена, туку изродена после Буш Помладиот, во негово време сеуште имаше барем некаква основна проверка на фактите пред излегување на протести или изразување на било какво незадоволство, за разлика од сега кога доволен е еден коментар на Интернет од некоја будала која од досада објавила дека Трамп го донеле на власт марсовци, за младите изроди да почнат да плукаат по Марс - планета која не ја ни виделе со свои очи, а камо ли па да стапнале на истата.
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еврофоб и хомоскептик
Член од
16 септември 2008
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Банон ја упали артилеријата



еврофоб и хомоскептик
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16 септември 2008
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20 јули 2014
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Па уште самоуверен тој од видеото, вика се концентрирале на 2020 год... Мене стварно не ми e јасно како досега не се вклучија на повисоко ниво да го решат проблемов. Раководството на државата им е доведено во неизвесност поради стотина велешки смрдеши.
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4 август 2010
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Ај некој во кратки црти, од по 3-4 реченици нека го објасни тој DACA закон што Трамп ќе го ставел во функција, а либераливе пиштат ради тоа.


Ај некој во кратки црти, од по 3-4 реченици нека го објасни тој DACA закон што Трамп ќе го ставел во функција, а либераливе пиштат ради тоа.
Не е кратко ама :

Indeed, President Trump scrapped Obama’s program sparing younger illegal immigrants from deportation on the grounds that a president does not have the power to take such action by himself. He then shifted the burden to Congress by giving it a six-month deadline to “fix” the program before it would expire. Then there is a Tweet, he wrote “Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA” which Obama could never accomplish. He then wrote: “If they can’t, I will revisit this issue!”

Nothing is ever one dimension. There are three main categories that should be distinguished.

(1) the children that were just pushed across the border alone to get under Obama’s regs. This is the group that has the far-right most upset. They should be returned. They were not brought here by parents but pushed across the border. Granted, most parents want a better life for their children. But this is not the way.

(2) students often come here for school and then get jobs and stay. This is typically those in their 20’s and they are not the ones normally sucking up tax dollars since they have to get a job to stay. This is a big segment of the group in question. They did not come illegally but had visas to enter. They then stay beyond their visa making them illegal.

(3) is the “children” who came here with their parents typically under 10 years-old and grew up here all their remaining lives. This is the group I am concerned about because this is the group that has often married Americans and had children. They have typically paid into Social Security their whole lives but never went down to swear in to get a citizenship when they often were entitled to one. Returning these people is disruptive for you are tearing apart families. Nobody considered the right of the other family members who cannot be deported.

Therefore, group (1) I have no problem deporting. That was usually the scam. We are not here to raise people’s children. The only exception should be orphans with nothing to return to. Group (2) is debatable since they are typically not children and are in their 20’s who typically found employment. Their employers should then sponsor them. Lastly, we have group (3) which should not be deported on the grounds that government has no moral right to split up families any more than they should be allowed to force a child to testify against a parent or a brother against a brother. If family does NOT come before the State, then we are no different from the Communism created by Stalin.

As I said, you can pass a law and say anyone who kills another should be sentenced to death. You can be blind and refuse to listen and determine that even killing someone who breaks into your home and threatens your family is no exception to the rule should you kill them.

It is NOT the right of the person being caught up in this, but the rights of their familymembers. We must be consistent. God and family come BEFORE Washington – PERIOD! If an American marries a person from overseas, then what happens especially if they had children? What about the human right to maintaining your family? You certainly cannot morally pass a law declaring that no American may marry someone from another country. If you simply marry a foreigner, that does NOTmake them an American citizen. They may get a Green Card, but they are not automatically a citizen and that holds true for most countries including China.

Each year, large numbers of Canadians marry U.S. citizens and a significant portion of these cross-border couples opt to build their lives in the United States rather than Canada. When it comes to taxes, the government has no problem going after Canadians who had one American parent and demanding they owe taxes to the USA despite the fact they do not live in the United States. There are known as accidental Americans to the IRS tax boys.

Canadians are also considered illegal aliens unless they apply for a K-1 visa if they want to marry an American. The period from initial filing of the K-1 petition to issuance of the K-1 visa at the U.S. Embassy in Montreal (which processes all K-1 visas in Canada) often ranges from five-to-nine months and can take a year. Worse still, your fiancé cannot visit you in the USA while the petition is pending! A pending K-1 petition shifts the scales against an applicant for entry because the government now gets the right to determine if you are allowed to marry her. If she gets caught visiting you – marriage is forbidden unless you move to Canada and she will NEVER be allow to visit again.

Those against DACA should really look closer and define what is it you are disagreeing with? Is it all “aliens” even Canadians, just Mexicans, or those from Europe, Asia, Middle East? Are you really against everyone? It might help to just narrow your focus. Define the objective? The immigration issue in the USA is totally different from the Immigration Crisis in Europe claiming refugee status without proof and looking for hand outs – not work.

It’s not a question of being a liberal bleeding heart – it one of looking at the issue in detail rather than creating a policy of one-size fits all the same as if you killed an intruder into your home in the middle of the night. It is a matter of being ethically consistent that family should come before the state. As it now stands, the government can throw your children in contempt of court for life claiming they must testify against a parent regarding even taxes.

Family MUST come before the government.

Con Artist

the man with the key
Член од
1 мај 2012
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Па уште самоуверен тој од видеото, вика се концентрирале на 2020 год... Мене стварно не ми e јасно како досега не се вклучија на повисоко ниво да го решат проблемов. Раководството на државата им е доведено во неизвесност поради стотина велешки смрдеши.
Кој проблем да решат тие од повисоко ниво? Десетина велешани се проблемот? :icon_lol:

И зошто да не биде самоуверен тој од видеото? Батето годишно си заработува колку еден просечен штабски куртон за цел живот, да не треба да се откаже случајно!? Курот ќе му го јадат.

Ова нешто не е од вчера, вакви сајтови има од пред 100 години, само сега добија медиумски публицитет бидејќи изгуби гускана, па мора да бараат дежурен кривец, као наводно Русија и мрачните сили биле виновни за поразот. Не се свесни колку очајно и патетично делуваат со ваквите теории на заговори. :LOL:
Член од
20 јули 2014
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Ова нешто не е од вчера, вакви сајтови има од пред 100 години, само сега добија медиумски публицитет бидејќи изгуби гускана, па мора да бараат дежурен кривец, као наводно Русија и мрачните сили биле виновни за поразот. Не се свесни колку очајно и патетично делуваат со ваквите теории на заговори. :LOL:
Погрешно си ме разбрал. Не барам изговор за поразот на Хилари ниту сметам дека тие десет луѓе (или колку и да се вкупно) се клучни за поразот, меѓутоа ако од ваква бедна тема се создава скандал во јавноста и фрла и најмал сомнеж врз изборниот процес, мислам дека треба да се ангажираат и да го решат проблемот.

На крај краева, домашната ситуација убаво го илустрира овој проблем. Како последица на глупости од тој тип (Сител/Курир) во државава имаме 450.000 осакатени во главата, 10 години корупција од невидени размери и информативен мрак. Затоа проблемот треба уште во зародиш да се сосече.
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13 јули 2006
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Многу профи направено

Другарми од Велес ко ми пушти screenshot од сметка со 460.000 $ на газ паднав....
Нема што видеово е пример за професионален fake news направено од голема медиумска куќа како CNN.

Фрли неколку грешни претпоставки (велешани влијаеле на изборите, креирале фејк нјус) и после носи грешни заклучоци. Плус опни мрачна криминална атмосфера и ете повод да се бомбардира Велес.

Ама џабе му е на CNN и нивната мака што не се повеќе моќни да донесат на власт еден очаен кандидат да биде американски претседател.

А во стилот на CNN и нивната мака, се вклучи и Хилари деновиве, разочарана што Берни Сандерс не и дошол на инагурацијата за кандидат?!? Абе човекот што го заеба со местени избори да и дојди да и даде поддршка?! И то човек со интегритет како Сандерс.

Ете толку и сечи на Хилари и после велешани биле криви, тврди CNN.

Con Artist

the man with the key
Член од
1 мај 2012
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Погрешно си ме разбрал. Не барам изговор за поразот на Хилари ниту сметам дека тие десет луѓе (или колку и да се вкупно) се клучни за поразот, меѓутоа ако од ваква бедна тема се создава скандал во јавноста и фрла и најмал сомнеж врз изборниот процес, мислам дека треба да се ангажираат и да го решат проблемот.

На крај краева, домашната ситуација убаво го илустрира овој проблем. Како последица на глупости од тој тип (Сител/Курир) во државава имаме 450.000 осакатени во главата, 10 години корупција од невидени размери и информативен мрак. Затоа проблемот треба уште во зародиш да се сосече.
Не реков дека ти бараш изговор за поразот, погрешно си ме разбрал. Ме интересираше каков проблем гледаш во десетина велешани со трачарски Курир/Мактел сајтови, па за да мора да се инволвираат повисоки инстанци за негово решавање.

И не е ова скандал, вакви теории на заговори се бламажа за Хилари. "Скандалот" го создаваат медиумите блиски до неа, кои очајно бараат виновници за поразот, креирајќи лажни вести за наводно влијание на Русија (преку велешаните) и мрачните сили врз изборниот процес и конечните резултати.

"Проблемот" единствено може да се реши доколку про-Хилари медиумите престанат да плачат, да прават апокалиптични репортажи од Велес и да шират смешни теории на заговор за Русија и мрачните сили.

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