Политички случувања во Израел


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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На почетокот на судирот имаше едно со слична содржина, каде израелски војници убиваат деца, ама на западниот брег ми се чини...
Толку убиени деца на палестинските територии (конлогори) има што веќе не е ни важно.
Биби излезе со изјава дека по завршувањето Газа нема да ја контролира ниту Хамас ниту Фатах!
Да тоа беше кога еден снајпер уби две деца.

Во тој контекст:

Член од
3 јуни 2022
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Од она што се гледа до сега Хамас иако храбри испадна дека се ептен слабо вооружени, џабе сите тие информации Иран ги подржувал и слично кога на дело скоро ништо од тоа. Да имаа 10% од она што го има Хезболах во Иран до сега ќе беа многу поефикасни


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Да имаа 10% од тоа што го имаат Хамас, сега Израел ќе имаше неспоредливо повеќе жртви, и војска и техника.

Автоматски споено мислење:



₪ ₪ ₪
Член од
18 октомври 2010
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Да тоа беше кога еден снајпер уби две деца.

Во тој контекст:

Истото го имаш и на другата страна кога деца пеат дека треба сите Евреи да се убијат и протераат. Таму кога се војува се војува до крај по принцип : или ние или тие .


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Автоматски споено мислење:

Истото го имаш и на другата страна кога деца пеат дека треба сите Евреи да се убијат и протераат. Таму кога се војува се војува до крај по принцип : или ние или тие .
Затоа ли убиваат толку деца, илјадници деца?
Вакви изјави (малку поинаку кажани) имаш и од официјални лица во Израел, дури и од Премиерот и од министри од Кабинетот. Знаеш, тоа има нешто поголема тежина од некои детски провокации.
Член од
3 јуни 2022
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Гнасиве малтретираат, угнетуваат, тепаат се по ред па дури и новинари



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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This might be the best explanation I heard for "why Oct 7" and, surprisingly, it comes from Ami Ayalon, former head of the Shin Bet, Israel's secret service, and commander-in-chief of the Navy.

Here what he says (this is the first video, there are a couple more below which you'll really want to watch):

He says the "most important cause [of Oct 7]" was "the political paradigm", whereby Israel's policy was "divide and rule", meaning Israel "had to make sure Palestinians would not have a unified leadership" and could therefore always say "nobody to talk with, nothing to talk about". Concretely "in order to do it [Israel] had to make sure Hamas would go on controlling Gaza and the Palestinian authority the West bank", and incite them to "fight each other". This is why Israel "enhanced and assisted Hamas, transferred money, etc."

As a result of all this Hamas "got the Palestinians' support" because "they became the only administration who fought against the Israeli occupation and for the purpose of Palestinian freedom" while Fatah and the Palestinian authority became perceived as "Israeli collaborators". In his assessment "between 70 to 80% of the Palestinians are supporting Hamas, only because Hamas is perceived as the one who fight for [their] freedom."

He says Israel completely misunderstood the situation before Oct 7 because it measures "hardware" whilst Hamas measures "software", meaning that after every fight between Israel and the Palestinians, success for Israel is measured in "losses in human life, in military installations, in military infrastructure" whereas what Hamas measures is "the support of the people." As an illustration he says that in May 2021 - when there was fighting during 2 weeks and around 300 Palestinians were killed (to 17 on the Israeli side) - Israel thought that Hamas "suffered a huge loss and a huge military defeat" but from Hamas's standpoint it was "a huge victory" because this led to Hamas, for the first time, getting "more than 50% of the support from the Palestinian people."

He says another key cause was "the new Middle-East [plan] presented by Biden" because "Palestinians were not mentioned".

To him this was a major mistake because "the Palestinians see themselves as a people, a nation" and this made them "feel alone and abandoned". As a result the Palestinians "chose the Samson option" because "they felt that they had nothing to lose and this was the only way for them to show to the world 'you will not be able to create stability in this region if you will bypass Palestinians.'" He concludes: "the tragedy is that they succeeded".
This part is absolutely extraordinary: he compares Israel's current strategy to that of "ISIS and Al Qaeda".

He says many people in the current Israeli leadership set as a "political goal" to "create a human disaster in Gaza because from the chaos we shall start again." He says "this is exactly the theory of the most radical, fundamental Muslim organizations; this is exactly the theology and the strategy of ISIS and of Al Qaeda."

Remember the Netanyahu government's talking point that "Hamas is ISIS"? Here we have the former head of the Shin Bet actually saying that the current Israeli government is ISIS. Quite something!
Lastly, what's the solution here according to him?

He believes there is no other option than the two-state solution, because "this is the only way for us to be safer without losing our identity".

He says the current events actually make it more likely because Oct 7 made it become "a global issue" and "the only thing that all the global players agree is on the concept of two states: America, Europe, Russia, China, the Arab peace initiators, all of them understand."

He says before Oct 7 "it didn't matter because Palestinians didn't exist [figuratively]" but now because "it create instability everywhere in the Middle-East and influences the confrontation between America and China", solving things has become an imperative.

He actually begs great powers to impose a two-state solution: "I really hope that someone will put it on the table."
So to summarize he places the blame for Oct 7 squarely on Israel and the US because, in a nutshell, 1) the "Israeli occupation" continues and Israel propped up Hamas as the only political player "who fight for [Palestinian] freedom" and 2) Biden's new Middle-East plan completely ignored the Palestinians which effectively provided the match to light the powder keg as it gave Palestinians a sense of urgency and a feeling they "had nothing to lose".

He's also extremely critical - that's an understatement - of the current Israeli strategy because he compares it to that of ISIS and al Qaeda. To him the only solution if the two-state solution and therefore an end of the Israeli occupation.
By the way, this is the source video (which is worth watching in full):



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Автоматски споено мислење:

Complicit Silence: How the MSM Masks Gaza's Genocide

In the labyrinth of global narratives, the truth about Gaza's heartbreaking plight whispers in the shadows, unheard, unheeded. The American media complex, a colossus in the realm of global storytelling, stands suspiciously silent. The whispers of genocide, a word heavy with the burden of history, hover over Israel's actions in Gaza. Yet, these whispers drift like ghosts through the corridors of American newsrooms, unacknowledged spectres in a narrative tightly controlled.

Why this silence? Is it ignorance or something more calculated? The portrayal of Gaza's suffering is often sanitized, the language meticulously chosen to veil the stark reality. Terms like 'evacuations' and 'self-defence' are masterfully employed, painting a picture far removed from the harsh strokes of reality. This is not mere oversight; it is a deliberate act of narrative control, a refusal to give voice to the unspeakable suffering unfolding in the Gaza Strip.

The term 'genocide' is not wielded lightly. Its weight is immense, its implications profound. Yet, the situation in Gaza begs the question: are we witnessing this gravest of crimes unfold before our eyes? The silence of the media is not just a failure of journalism; it is a complicit act, a tacit endorsement of the horrors unravelling.

The definition of genocide, as laid out in the 1948 Genocide Convention, is clear and unambiguous. It describes acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. The acts in Gaza – the killings, the mental trauma, the oppressive living conditions – do they not align eerily with this definition? The reluctance to use the term 'genocide' is not just a semantic choice; it is a reflection of a deeper, more disturbing reality.

In a world where traditional media falters, the law remains a beacon of faint hope. Organizations like the Center for Constitutional Rights are not just fighting a legal battle; they are waging a war for truth. Their lawsuit against the Biden administration is a bold statement, a challenge to the narrative that has been carefully curated and maintained.

The legal arguments are compelling. The allegations of complicity in genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity are not baseless accusations but grounded in international law. The efforts to bring these issues to Congress, to hold the U.S. accountable for its support of Israel, are more than legal maneuvers; they are acts of moral courage.

In this narrative war, reality is often the first casualty. Accusations of anti-Semitism are weaponized, used to silence and discredit those who dare to speak out against the atrocities in Gaza. The irony is bitter – those advocating for peace and justice are labeled as promoters of hate, while the real hatred, the systematic oppression of Palestinians, is glossed over and excused.

This distortion of reality is not just a failure of media; it is a failure of humanity. It reveals a world unwilling to face uncomfortable truths, a world where the narrative is controlled by the powerful, and the voices of the oppressed are drowned out by the clamour of propaganda. The battle for Gaza is not just a battle of bombs and bullets; it is a battle of narratives, a battle for the very soul of truth.

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1897 Fighter
Член од
29 декември 2007
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Магично, но вистинито..Почнаа и мртви да оживуваат..


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