Одговори на лагите на Бакојани WSJ (не е шега!)

Член од
17 март 2005
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Lazhe kuchkata deka sme vodele neprijatelska propaganda protiv Grcija. Se shto Grcija pravi, nas ni go svaluva.

Site onie shto mozhat da ja pobijat KRATKO i JASNO,tochka po tochka, pishuvajte tuka:


Zboruvajte za Makedonskoto malcinstvo, za nepochituvanje na chovechki prava na onie koi se proterani od grcija, za Vremenskiot Dogovor od 1995 koi tie go krshat - posebno delot za NATO, NO NEMOJTE ZA ISTORIJA.


Too weird to live, too rare to die
Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Добро, а како се оставаат коментари???


Член од
17 јули 2007
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Izgleda treba da se pretplatis na vesnikot pa da bides clen.


Ха, добра реклама му направи на Обама, ги нас’ска грчиштата во САД да гласаат за него... Кој знае што очекува од него ако недај боже ги добие изборите.

Како може да се фали дека се најстара членка на НАТО. Па треба да се скрие од срам. Имаат пет пати побројна популација (заедно со беломорските Македонци), а ист број на војници во странски мисии.

И што не се осмели да го спомне Букурешт 1913...?

Кучка елинска.


Член од
31 октомври 2007
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Ха, добра реклама му направи на Обама, ги нас’ска грчиштата во САД да гласаат за него... Кој знае што очекува од него ако недај боже ги добие изборите.

Како може да се фали дека се најстара членка на НАТО. Па треба да се скрие од срам. Имаат пет пати побројна популација (заедно со беломорските Македонци), а ист број на војници во странски мисии.

И што не се осмели да го спомне Букурешт 1913...?

Кучка елинска.
Zosto se umni, zosto da ginat grci za tugji interesi.
Nie gi prajkame nashite vojnici za da vlezime sto podlaboko u gzot vo amerika, a mozat amerikancite da gi podrzavat turcite protiv kurdite a takvii operaci nemame nie pravo.:tapp:


Член од
17 јули 2007
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Znae li nekoj email na Milosovski ili na premierot bidejki na ova treba da se odgovori.


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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Абе ова Грциве крај немаат, на Википедиа што напишале пазете хехе

И го лупнале текстов за извор:

Смешки, значи колку е лесно да правиш пропаганда по викиморонија, чудо едно.
Член од
1 август 2007
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Greek Nationalistic Paranoia

Медицинската наука има веке нагледен пример за "европска" државна националистическа параноjа - денешната грчка "демокрација"!

Source: Definitions from The Online Plain Text English Dictionary (US Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. 1913):
A chronic form of insanity characterized by very gradual impairment of the intellect, systematized delusion, and usually by delusious of persecution or mandatory delusions producing homicidal tendency. In its mild form paranoia may consist in the well-marked crotchetiness exhibited in persons commonly called "cranks." Paranoiacs usually show evidences of bodily and nervous degeneration, and many have hallucinations, esp. of sight and hearing.
Source: Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
a term used to describe behavior characterized by well-systematized delusions of persecution, delusions of grandeur, or a combination of the two. There are several disorders in which paranoia may occur: see delusional disorder, shared psychotic disorder, paranoid personality, and paranoid schizophrenia.
Source: English dictionary of medical terms
a psychotic disorder marked by persistent delusions of persecution or delusional jealousy and behaviour like that of the paranoid personality, such as suspiciousness, mistrust, and combativeness. It differs from paranoid schizophrenia, in which hallucinations or formal thought disorder are present, in that the delusions are logically consistent and that there are no other psychotic features. The designation in DSM III-R is delusional (paranoid) disorders, with five types : persecutory, jealous, erotomanic, somatic, and grandiose.
Source: The On-line Medical Dictionary
A psychotic disorder marked by persistent delusions of persecution or delusional jealousy and behaviour like that of the paranoid personality, such as suspiciousness, mistrust and combativeness.
It differs from paranoid schizophrenia, in which hallucinations or formal thought disorder are present, in that the delusions are logically consistent and that there are no other psychotic features.
The designation in DSM III R is delusional (paranoid) disorders, with five types: persecutory, jealous, erotomanic, somatic and grandiose.
Origin: Gr. Madness, delirium, from noein = to think
(18 Nov 1997)
See also:
1.) Relating to or affected with paranoia.
2.) One who is suffering from paranoia.
(05 Mar 2000)
paranoia originaria
A form occurring in children.
Paranoia querulans, a morbid state characterised by discontent and the disposition to complain of imaginary slights.
Synonym: litigious paranoia.
(05 Mar 2000)
1.) Relating to or characterised by paranoia.
2.) Having delusions of persecution.
(05 Mar 2000)
paranoid behaviour
Behaviour exhibited by individuals who are overly suspicious, but without the constellation of symptoms characteristic of paranoid personality disorder or paranoid type of schizophrenia.
(12 Dec 1998)
Source: <http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?tocId=9374554&query=paranoia&ct=>
Mental disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, usually without hallucinations. Paranoia was formerly classified as a distinct psychosis but is now generally treated as one of several varieties of schizophrenia or, in milder cases, of personality disorder. The paranoid person generally suffers from exaggerated self-reference, a tendency to construe independent events and acts as pertaining to him- or herself.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved
1.) A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.
2.) Extreme, irrational distrust of others.
Source: The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
1.) A psychotic disorder characterized by systematized delusions, especially of persecution or grandeur, in the absence of other personality disorders.
2.) Extreme, irrational distrust of others.
Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
1 : a psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations
2 : a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others
Source: Encarta® World English Dictionary, North American Edition
1.) distrust: extreme and unreasonable suspicion of other people and their motives
2.) psychiatry psychiatric disorder: a psychiatric disorder involving systematized delusion, usually of persecution
[Early 19th century. From Greek, “unreason,” literally “out of one’s mind,” from nous “mind.”]
Source: Compact Oxford English Dictionary
1.) a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance.
2.) unjustified suspicion and mistrust of others.

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