Скандалалозно, како можеше да се случи ваков пропуст ( преведено од Албански со чичко гугл)
Kosovar detainees, among them Bajram Elshani was tortured brutally by Macedonian special forces. Elshani's teeth were broken and the iron rod shot through the head and legs
. Torrturat were seen and no one reacts. So said the Journal, his lawyer, Nasser Rauf.
Torture committed during transport and transfer from prison to Skopje where tw Court held hearings on Thursday Kumanovo group that clashed with the Macedonian police on 9 and 10 May 2015 in the neighborhood of the mighty in Kumanovo. Rauf lawyer says his clients have no medical treatment and was tortured in the most brutal form of Macedonian special units.
"The brutality done during transport, Kosovar detainees are maltreated in the most bestial of Macedonian special forces people who are disguised. Well these are mistreated un that I represent are mistreated. I mock without reason when members of the special unit of the prison brought before the Court. I saw Bajram Elshani that have hurt the teeth while my client Ibrahim Miftari have another hit on the leg. Prisoners have signs of torture on the body. Will make up the letter with which the judge will request that the measures that it be terminated, "said the lawyer Zhurnal, Naser Rauf. (Am)
директен извор лајно прес http://lajmpress.com/specijallcat-maqedonas-ia-kane-thyer-dhembet-njerit-prej-grupit-te-kumanoves/