Најубава метал балада


i4 ne mi 4ue
Член од
27 ноември 2009
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In a darkened room
Beyond the reach of God's faith
Lies the wounded, the shattered
remains of love betrayed
And the innocense of a child is bought
and sold
In the name of the damned
The rage of the angels left silent
and cold

Forgive me please for I know not
what I do
How can I keep inside the hurt
I know is true

Tell me when the kiss of love
becomes a lie
That bears the scar of sin too deep
To hide behind this fear of running
unto you
Please let there be light
In a darkened room

All the precious times have been put
to rest again
And the smile of the dawn
Brings tainted lust singing my requiem
Can I face the day when I'm tortured
in my trust
And watch it crystalize
While my salvation crumples to dust

Why can't I steer the ship before
it hits the storm
I've fallen to the sea but still
I swim for shore

Tell me when the kiss of love
becomes a lie
That bears the scar of sin too deep
To hide behind this fear of running
unto you
Please let there be light
In a darkened room

Mrs. Vedder

red cloud at sundown
Член од
12 февруари 2009
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Моите повеќепати спомнати Voice of the soul - Death и Hope leaves - Opeth...Ги додавам и Soothsayer - Buckethead, Come clarity - In Flames, Patterns in the ivy - Opeth, Cemetery gates - Pantera, Planet caravan - Pantera, One - Metallica, The Unforgiven - Metallica, Crimson Glory - Lost reflections...
Првите две ми остануваат врв, а коа ќе се сетам на повеќе ќе додадам.

Opsessive fangirl

Безнадежен интелектуалец.
Член од
14 декември 2009
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Нема врска,и самиот можеш да процениш дека песнава не е балада...:)
еве ти една балада па направи разлика

Да, дефинитивно една од подобрите балади :) И Come Clarity од In Flames спаѓа тука :)

Моментално ми текна на Slipknot-Snuff
Нетипична песна за бенд како Слипнот, ама многу срцепателна :/
Член од
3 јули 2008
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Има многу убави метал балади, но кога ја видов темава, прво на оваа ми текна:


Фаличниот Ром
Член од
31 октомври 2009
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The Ministry Of Lost Souls-Dream Theater

The water's edge
Is where she waits
Lost souls still wandering
Meant to die
But she's stuck not crossing over

The other side
Is where he waits
His spirit reaching out
Meant to save
But she's too scared to take his hand

Living in a world without you
(Drowning in the past)
Is living in no world at all
So now I call on you...

Remember me? I gave you life
You would not take it
Your suffering was all in vain
It's almost over now
Don't turn your back on paradise

Feeling scared, she's prepared
To give up everything
She can't stand to feel
Like half of her is fading

He will choose the only way
To rid her of her pain
Take her soul now
The decision has been made

Living in a world without love
(A burden to my soul)
Is living in a worthless world
So I will call on you...

Remember me? I gave you life
You would not take it
Your suffering was all in vain
It's almost over

Remember me? You were so young
How could I tell you?
Remember me? I am the one
Who saved your life that night

I was the one who would not abandon you
Even in death I was the one who would not leave you
I used my freedom to protect you
And all the while direct you
Do you remember me this time?
Even in death I gave you life
I gave you life!

I wanted to
Deserve a place
A place beside you
This time when I reached out my hand
It reached all the way to heaven

Remember me? I gave you life
You would not take it
Your suffering was all in vain
It's almost over now
It's almost over now

It's time
I release you from this life
Don't turn your back on paradise


Јас во најубави (за мене) би ги ставил:

Avantasia - Anywhere
Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God
Dragonforce - Starfire , Trail of Broken Hearts
Hammerfall - Always will be, Never Ever
Sonata Arctica - Last Drop Falls, Letter to Dana, Replica
Stratovarius - 4000 Rainy Nights


Witch of Portobello
Член од
24 март 2009
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Moжеби Nightwish не е толку за трошење калории ама најубави балади не само у метал свет него у цел музички свет праваат!

Kajgana Shop

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