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- 13 август 2006
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Најдобрите ромови за Samsung Galaxy i9000.
Aјде да направиме една мега тема во врска со ромови и модување кај најкористениот телефон во нашава држава од GSM манијаците.
Кој ром го користите, зошто го користите и сл.
Мене до сега највеќе ми направи по дизајн MIUI и Darky's v9.3 Extreme Edition.
Еве ви и линкови за да ги симнете:
Пред инсталација full wipe или Wipe cache и dalvik cache ако доаѓате од постара MIUI верзија
1. Stock MIUI 1.51Ghz (included).
2. CM Kernel 1.8Ghz CFS fixed for MIUI
- Fixed date and time in status bar does not have space issue
- Improved strings in:
Aјде да направиме една мега тема во врска со ромови и модување кај најкористениот телефон во нашава држава од GSM манијаците.
Кој ром го користите, зошто го користите и сл.
Мене до сега највеќе ми направи по дизајн MIUI и Darky's v9.3 Extreme Edition.
Еве ви и линкови за да ги симнете:
Changelog v9.3 Final
Completely based on XWJS5
ROM is faster / snappier & smoother [confirmed by many people]
ROM is performing better in 3D Apps [Games etc.]
ROM consumes less battery [I know, there are always people with battery issues]
Added 2-Way Call Recording [heavy modded by antsm]
Fixed MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) Support which prevents high Roaming costs [this is the first ROM which fixed it]
First ROM / Theme which is completely reworked on XWJS5 [took countless days...]
Added Automatic ROM Installation Procedure [Darky App]
Fixed some scripting bugs
Updated the scripts
Fixed possible /data bug
Completely rewritten framework / theme [much cleaner & less issues]
New Bootanimation by Goldieking [Green Android]
New 5 Lockscreen Modification [adding Rotary Unlock]
Made the new Rotary Unlock the default unlock screen
Modified many System Apps to have better contrast when pressing the Menu buttons
Modded lots of Samsung apps so that icons display better on dark menu background
Tweaked dialer app tabs + dialer background [better look]
New square pop-up toast notifications!
Touched up the expanded notification bar for a cleaner look
Slightly tweaked progress bars
Fixed quick contacts badge aspect ratio (no more .9.png issues)
Fixed all draw 9 patch images
Accurate GingerBread battery indicator without the percentage.
Fixed Graphical Scrolling Bug in the Contacts App
Fixed Padding of Wireless Icon in the Settings App
Modded TW Launcher menu icons
Fixed Android Lockscreen
Tweaks to Epic Lockscreen
Fixed Browser Bookmark Icon [correct size]
Tweaked a lot of Apps to match the Gingerbread Style
Tweaked Calendar Graphics
Tweaked Clock Graphics
Tweaked Calculator Graphics
Tweaked TaskManager Graphics
Tweaked Dialer Graphics
Tweaked My Files Graphics
Tweaked MediaProvider [Media Scanner] Graphics
Tweaked TouchWiz Graphics
Tweaked Video Player Graphics
Tweaked Voice Recorder Graphics
Fixed Statusbar Icons [clock, vibrate etc.]
Tweaked Extended Power Menu [no more scrolling - cleaner]
Speeded up XWJS5 Email App
Reduced Browser Size [more speed]
Possibly fixed WiFi Ad-Hoc [wpa_supplicant updated to 6.1]
Fixed many many many small bugs which you could see in the logcat [cleaner system]
Fixed Exchange Server Account >> Contacts >> Supports now: Birthday and Email Subscription
Fixed Browser Icon
Fixed Auto-Rotation Text so it's not cropped for some languages
Fixed Contrast for the SMS Application
Fixed Contrast for the DLNA Application
Tweaked dialer further [better bottom icons]
Fixed SD-Card issues for other devices than the I9000
Fixed TouchWiz's shared preferences to prevent empty docks and settings getting lost
Fixed the Phone App's shared preferences to prevent cracking sound and other issues
Fixed the Market's shared preferences to prevent several issues
Fixed Microbes LiveWallpaper
Included "Wallpaper Set and Save" [set uncropped pictures without color banding]
Changed default wallpaper [brown texture]
More finetuning here and there [cleanup]
Update Google Maps to 5.x
Updated Voodoo App
Updated SpeedMod Kernel to K13C 500Hz
Update Market to 2.3.2
Modified Nexus S Live Wallpaper is back [choose Live Wallpapers with the Darky App]
Modded GTG Launcher has been removed - Stock XWJS5 TW Launcher is back
Default Launcher is back to Gingerbread 3D Launcher
Updated all available Apps
Updated all Darky Addons to XWJS5
Updated Kernel for I9000 and I897
Removed a few unneeded Apps [Layar etc.]
Пред инсталација full wipe или Wipe cache и dalvik cache ако доаѓате од постара MIUI верзија
1. Stock MIUI 1.51Ghz (included).
2. CM Kernel 1.8Ghz CFS fixed for MIUI
- Fixed date and time in status bar does not have space issue
- Improved strings in: