Мијачкото наречје, потекло и карактеристики!


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Забораил да напише за зулумите на Данаил и на Микаил, Маќедонци со србски чуства... Не е тема за тоа...
Поповски меша и други глупости, го става и масакрот во Ладоришта, кој тој ја нарекува Радолишта, споменува Геги, а таму живеат Тоски, и масакрот е извршен 1942-3 не се сеќавам точно од страна на Бугарските војски на чело со еден Струшки Бугарофил Македонец! НАД АЛБАНЦИТЕ ТОСКИ!

Поповски многу нешта не знае, ама му знае џепот, си знае колку е платен тој за тоа...


Член од
15 декември 2008
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А Балистите ЏЕМО И мЕФАИЛ што биле:nenene:


Член од
15 декември 2008
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Првпат слушам за Данаил и Микаил.посочи некои факти


Член од
23 декември 2007
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kolku sto jas imam najdeno vo literaturata mijacite se najbogatata familija vo egejska makedonija koja negde vo 16 vek poradi terorot na turcite koj se vrsal vo tie predeli migriraaat na severo zapad odnosno go naselvaaat porecieto ima mnogu dokazi za ova imam gledano i dokumentarec znaci ona sto pikaso drdori seto pagja vo voda tie ni odblisku ne bile vo srodsvo so toskite ili gegite tie se eden del od makedonskata celina i


Makedoncite mnogu lesno gi zatvoraat ocite pred faktite.
Bivsite rezimi,a i segasniov,ne gi isteruvaat rabotite na videlina.
Gledam,dzabe gi naveduvam site pleminja od koj e sostaven Shqipot,no mentalniot sklop e takov kakov sto e.
Za Kavkazkite doseluvanja,Popovski ne izmislil TOPLA VODA,za niv ima STUDII I STUDII,od Limanovski i Manuvci,i avtori od bivsata YU,uste od pred 50 god.ima i na google za toa,ama dzabe,Kavkazcite stanuvaat "domasni milenicinja"...

No,ocigledno,slabo sme informirani za tie slucuvanja.

Shqipov Pig Assovski,e ocigledno sizofren,Mijacite mu licele na Ljocki,a istovremeno Romite hristijani gi vika pogrdno Maljaci.Kosovarite i ovoj Shqip ne zborat bash isto i zatoa e Maljaci,inaku bi bile Mijaci.

Dodeka gi tretirate Shqipot kako priroden del od okolinata,ke ima golemi cirkuzi.

конструирањето на едно филогенетско дрво врз основа на одредени генетски маркери не е секогаш така лесно ко што првично се мисли. Проблмеот пред се се појавува колкава е прецизноста на методите кои се користата во однос на дискриминација помеѓу групи и подгрупи внатре во една популација на еден вид. ..
kakvi sakaat metodi neka primenat,sekogas kaj shqipot ke se javuva slavski ili anticki element,i kaj nas onie 5% hunski geni.
pa ne se site Albanci shqip,nitu site Makedonci anticki.
Albancite go koristat domorodniot element,se kitat so tugi perja.
istoto go pravat i gejcite.

vo edna analiza vo Belomorieto ima slavsi,vo druga tamu ima neolitski grci.
i toa e nauka...bravo....

spored Y hromozomite,mozeme da odredime koj koga dosol,mutacijata e na sekoja generacija,vo prosek 25-30 god. i spored nea,nikoj ne e avtohton na balkanive.

no,mtDNA e nesto drugo,taa mutacija e mnooogu podolga,i gi nadminuva nasive civilizacii i taa e mnogu nezgodna za site okolu nas.

spored Y metodata,moze da si ziveel i na Kavkaz,i za 150 god. da stanes Iljir...toa vsusnost i se pravi...

italijanskite geneticari se posebno prilagodeni za nekoi manipulacii.
samata italija,severot i jugot,se totalno razlicni genetski podracja,sto se gleda i od avion.
tie ja zastapuvaat tezata za neolitski grci i shqip,sekako i tamosni mangi.

odbrale eden gen,kaj shqipot bil 35% (samo prasanje e civ e toj) i razvrzale temata.
na drugata strana imaat 65% neevropski geni,i za toa ni zbor.
bile fenikani,vakvi takvi.
ako bile na fenikani,sto ne ni donele bukvi i grninja,koj ide so gol stap na svadba?
italijancite ne ni pomisluvaat za mtDNA metoda,iako taa e sepak najvalidna.

so Y metodata moze da zemes 35 prirmeroci od Golo Brdo i 65 primeroci od Shkumba i da bidesh Ilir,ili Shqipot kaj nas od Reka,od novokomponirani Albanci,koj do vcera bea Makedonci-muslimani,mozebi i so turski geni,no ne i so albanski,i da bides Shqip-Mijak.

so drugata metoda nemoze,ke te izdade...


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Тие факти се валидни за народите кој гледаа опасност од Албанците, за оние народи кој сакаа големи држави и го порекнуваа староседелтството на албанците во овие простори.

Знаеме која беше Југославија и каква беше Југославија, и многу Југословенски автори зборуваа дека и Македонците се дојденци од позади Карпатите и дека тие не се автохтони, и дека нема автохтони итн... Ама чуму науката? Кој ја еба, а? Кога науката ќе зборува во наша полза да ја бараме, коа не зборува епа, еве фабрикувала.
Да не тераме инает, затоа што излезе спротивното, дека баш оние кој сметавте дека се новодојденци баш кај нив најмногу врие генот на староседелството, и секако планински региони, изолирани, овчари, козари, ама чисто, крцка.... Дошле славјаните не биле будали да живеат по планини, коа од планини дошле, си нашле убави места во јужна албанија и средна до некаде...

Како најпоразителен факт е дека баш Косовари се најавтохотони брејјјј...


Член од
15 декември 2008
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Да дадеше докази за доаѓањето на славјаните меѓу дивите староседелци-Шќипоњи.
А И кои артефакти на Косово се доказ за шпонското староседелство. Истите тие Косовари кои ја преплавија Македонија се претставуваат за стaроседелци:tapp:


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Шо збораш бе, а да дадеш докази ти дека Марсовци не постојат?

Да дадеш докази ти дека на Александар Великиот му помагале Марсовци...
Да дадеш доказ дека курот не ми е 20 него повеке/помалку...

Дај де доказ..

Homer MakeDonski

Член од
14 јуни 2005
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Афганистански народни

Не имајте си работа со будали.Првин те спуштаат на нивно ниво
потоа те дотепуваат со искуство!

Кој се расправа со будали согледува дека куриштето,палец,показалецот кај будалиот не му излегуваат од уста, а нон стоп му се таму


Член од
15 декември 2008
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Во право си пријателе...

anaveno ме напраи да се интересирам у област генетика и после не ме доотепа... Чекам да ме доотепа на искуство...

Или не мора тој, друг некој:)
Арнаутски приказни 2 дел


Pigg Assot Gorniot go utepal......
a koj go napravil,podobro da go istresol...
vo Shqiperia,vo Kamenica,se otkrieni golemi grobista,bas od vremeto koga trebalo da ima Iljiri,iako Iliria nikogas ne bila vo Shqiperia...

tie skeleti se istrazeni skoro (2006),zemena e mtDNA,napraveni analizi...
tie se interesni....

svabite i avstrijcite jodlaat,shqipot pee kuku none,ljelje....

pigassovski ne ni kaza do kade mu odat mutaciite nazad...
nema ni da kaze,ke ispadne deka shqipot=slavsi....
a slavsi=O

sega e moderno,da se napravi genetska analiza,so zitelite od Kamenica (ilirsko-shqiptarsko ime)....

aj da gi vidime tezite na shqipot...
tie se zapalija deka se potomci i na mesapite...
ama..genetski i istoriski...
The Albanian ethnic minority is the more populous, having settled in Calabria between the 15th and 17th centuries(OTKOGA TURCITE GI DONESOA OD KAVKAZ I kURDISTAN), and these populations are now located in the provinces of Cosenza and Catanzaro...
The results show a significant heterogeneity between the Albanian population in Calabria and the population in Molise....

i sega.....

Abstract RFLPs of mtDNA for HpaI, BamHI, HaeII, MspI, AvaII and HincII were analysed in a sample of 100 from collected in Tirana (Albania). Eighteen mtDNA types were identified, four of which are new: two because of new morphs for Hpa/HincII (HpaI-9Tir/HincII-17Tir) and AvaII (AvaII-35Tir), and two because of new associations between morphs which were already known. Albanian data were compared with corresponding ones from Calabrians (Southern Italians) and Arbreshes (people of Albanian ancestry living in Calabria). Even though the examined mtDNA markers do not reveal important differences among the three groups, the analysis of both morphs and types shows a trend which places Arbreshes closer to Calabrians than to Albanians....

kako e ova mozno?

mozno e...


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Првиот линк не ти работаТ, вториот линк не ти работат, а и третиот линк не ти работат.

Од кај крадиш?

Btw, како еден краток куриозитет, во последно нешто гледам некои мои блиски момчаци контактираат со Steve C. Bird, кој момак кажуе нешто друго...
Во општествата каде национализмот не е насочен према аљбанците, и каде односот према балканците е сосема неутрален, така да не мора да слушам некој си искомплексиран идиот како тебе, кој и земјотрес да здрма, ги окривува албанците кој дошле од кавказ...

Иаме еден голем проблем кој се јавува, во светот на генетиката и на историјата, која сепак не се коси со досегашните сознанија на најавтохтоноста на албанците на балкан, туку со името на нивните претци...

Налет другото, ќе ме напраиш да не спијам, и да ти куцам нешо ама ај предизвик ми си, уште овдека не сум те "клапнал"...

Имено, имаме еден пријател мој, аљбанац кој лично и персонално упатува прашање до дотичниот господин Steven C. Bird:

Прво Стиви му одговара на некое прашање, кое не е битно... а одговорот е

Albania and Kosovo (which is largely Albanian in ethnicity) appear to have the highest percentage concentrations of E3b1a2 in the world, according to both Cruciani 2007 and Pericic 2005. This observation is also supported by the data at YHRD.

My question is related to the movement of these haplotypes to other parts of the world. Specifically, is there any historical evidence for a migration, prior to 1600 A.D., from Albania and/or Kosovo to the British Isles? I have read the easily available information out there on the 'net and have found no mention of this anywhere. I will also be the first to admit that my knowledge of Albanian history is not the best.
Still, if there was ever a group of people that appeared to stay in one place for a long time, it was the Albanians.

Thoughts and comments are welcome.


Следува прашање од мојот ДРУГАР албанац:

Hi Steve, I am albanian and like you, I'am interest to know much more about this fact!
Well in albania we all know that we are the most old population in balcans and that we inhabited before Hellens and Slavs came, so isn't a surprise for us these surveys!

Do you know this study? http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak...nak_jezik=15462

"HLA Class I Polymorphism in the Albanian Population
Z. Grubi}1, V. Kerhin-Brklja~i}1, E. ^e~uk-Jeli~i}1, S. Kuci2 and A. Ka{telan1
1 National Referral Organ Transplantation and Tissue Typing Center,University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
2 Faculty of Medicine Pri{tina, Pri{tina, Kosovo

A B S T R A C T: The HLA class I polymorphism was studied in a sample of the Albanian population.
Ninety-three unrelated healthy Albanians were typed for HLA-A, -B and -Cw antigens by standard microlyphocytotoxicity test. The antigens with the highest frequencies were: HLA-A2 (34.4%), A3 (14.5%) and A1 (12.4%); B51 (19.3%), B35 (12.4%) and B18 (10.2%); Cw4 (16.2%), Cw7 (16.2%) and Cw6 (10.8%). The HLA haplotypes with high frequency in Albanians included A2-B51 (4.3%), A2-B18 (2.4%), A2-B35 (2.4%),Cw4-B35 (7.6%), and Cw7-B18 (6.5%), which are not significantly different from the other neighboring populations. Low frequency of HLA-A1-B8 haplotype (1.1%) is noted in the Albanian population. The frequency of HLA-B27 antigen (1.1%) is one of the lowest
frequencies observed in Caucasians. Such results are important in studies of HLA-A1-B8, HLA-B27 and disease associations. These findings should be also useful in
understanding the origin of Albanians, representing a base for future studies about HLA polymorphism in the Albanian population... Albanians are a very homogenous population, their history suggests that they did not mix with neighboring populations. It is assumed that Albanians have
Illyrian origin4."

Потоа Стиви му одговара на овој начин:

Thanks for the link, Bilderberg! I had not seen this particular HLA study, but I have seen a similar one which appeared to distinguish (FYROM) Macedonians from Greeks. What is interesting to me is that in the year that this particular study was done (2000) about 25% of Macedonians were described as ethnically Albanian, especially in Skopje.

The report you cited mentions specifically that the two most ancient populations of the Balkans are the Illyrians and the Thracians (p. 304). There is an interesting comment on the same page of this study that compared the HLA-A32 results with those of two Italian villages populated exclusively with southern Albanians, who I assume would be Tosk speakers, nd did not find as strong a connection as was expected. Perhaps the E3b1a2 population is largely Gheg-speaking, i.e. northern Albanian? That would seem to fit well with the predominance of this HG in Kosovo also. Does that make any sense to you?

I know that traditionally, Albanians view themselves as being descended from Illyrians. Do you have any opinion concerning the alternative idea of them being of Thracian descent? Dardania in particular was apparently the zone of contact between these two language groups and cultures. Could it be that Gheg is Thracian and Tosk is Illyrian? Just a speculation on my part...

I appreciate your perspective on this and thanks for taking the time to reply.


Aј анасана... чудно а ?

Сакаш уште? Ако не ми се спие ќе ти бапнам уште... И давај автентични линкови, а не муабети од курот вадени!

Светските генетичари и историчари не носејќи го товарот на комплексот што ти го носиш општат и дискутираат на следниов начин:

As for the Dacian borders, they were probably imprecise even back then. Nominally, it is certain that all Transylvania, Little Wallachia (Oltenia) and between 1/2 Eastern part of Banat up to the whole Banat were part of Roman Dacia. I believe other territories, such as Greater Wallachia and southern Moldova might have been annexed to Dacia at some point or at least were in the Dacian sphere of influence.

It is not clear how much colonization actually happened in Dacia after 106 AD. Most likely, many veterans and colonists were brought here from the whole Roman Empire, with many from Thracia, Syria, Palestine, Spain, as far as north Africa. Were the Dacians/Getae "destroyed"? Were they resettled? We know later on of the Dacian cohors that built the Hadrian Wall in Scotland/England. Should these Dacians have had children there, no wonder some Romanians should have matches with people from Britain today. But several question remain. Did Dacian lineages survive in Romania today? Or elsewhere? What really happened when Emperor Aurelianus withdrew from Dacia? This is a matter of controversy. Some say that the whole "civilized" population and administration withdrew south, to the two little Dacias created south of the Danube, in Dacia Aureliana. Or did most of the local population remain, while only the military and administration left Dacia in 271 AD? The province was effectively lost under Galienus, back in 260-262 AD, when the Goths started to trickle in Dacia, along with free Dacians and Carpians. Are the Albanians the descendants of Dacians? And for those left in Dacia, how much of that hetero-stratum survived the Gothic invasion? When the Goths left Dacia because of the Huns, about a million of Goths were allowed to settle south of the Danube. Did only the Goths leave or did the previous population, as well? That is another question. And we know of the miserable life of these Goths,. how they were not allowed to hold weapons and of their rebellion and dispersion in the Empire afterwards.

Lastly, it is still unclear how the Romanian people came about. And what is the origin for the bulk part. Was it from Dacia, from the Balkans or a mix? I'd go for the latter option. There is some sort of evidence to support any of the three options so I will not dismiss any. Time will perhaps tell. And hopefully DNA genealogy might give some answers in 10 years from now. In my Romania Project (which is geographic and includes all nationalities with roots in Romania and nearby) I barely have 43 members. Out of them ethnic Romanians may be about 10-15. We need more people to test. So far, it is an entire rainbow of haplogroups.

Are the Albanians the descendants of Dacians?

Одговор на ова прашање:

Great idea bringing this up, I was going to address it previously as well because I've only recently noticed something regarding the relationship between the two. A great deal of noise is made by Hungarian chauvinists that Albanian and Romanian share similar aspects in the language they both speak, I'm not a linguist, I can't assess this; they use this quite extensively to assert the [via the Migration theory] origin of Romanians in being around the area precisely known as modern Albania [scroll down until you reach the first map, displays the alleged "Early Vlach" homeland]. Now, I don't have the specific studies with me, they're on another computer, but from briefly using wikipedia and through perusing the statistics on Y-Hg distribution amongst Kosovar Albanians/Albanians themselves, they have an very high frequency of Hg E3b, approximately 45%/25% with the next nearest Haplogroups being R1b at around 20%/17%, J2 at about 16%/14%. Either way, the overwhelming identifying element amongst the Albanian population [especially Kosovars] seems to be E3b - it seems to be the epicentre of the Haplogroup in the Balkans - assuming that Romanians are related to Albanians via geographic origin as the previous website I cited claimed, and assuming that Albanians are themselves native inhabitants of the region and not some migratory peoples as many Serb chauvinists would accuse, then we should expect roughly similar proportions of E3b and the other major haplogroups in Romania would we not? Well, the Romanian E3b component lower then both, estimated at 20%; R1b comes in at about 18%, more or less the average of the Albanians; unfortunately, I don't have any information about the distribution of J2. Furthermore, Romanians seem to have an abundance of Hg I [22%], similar to Albanians [24%] but oddly, completely opposite from Kosovars [3%] and obviously, Romanians are expected to have greater R1a input [20%]. So, based on these statistics, I'd say the two populations are rather similar, but I remember from the Russian Patrilineal Study that when you look at the distribution frequencies along the map, you'll see that the representation of the two nations are not indicative of any special relationship.

Furthermore, in support of the Continuity Theory, assuming that the spread of R1a roughly represents the migration of Slavic tribes, when examining the frequency distribution of this haplogroup, we can see it strangely curving "around" the Romanian/Vlach landmass - undoubtedly, it was relatively porous, but this is a general observation - into Hungary/Slovakia/Czech Republic and then ending off at the tip in Croatia and Slovenia [highest frequencies in the Balkans]. It seems to me, that this pattern of movement would indicate an established population already in the Romanian plains and forests, i.e. Daco-Romanians at the time of the migration [6th Century CE]. Otherwise, I simply do not see why the migrating peoples would not have taken advantage of the sweeping Wallachian and Moldovan plains to quickly advance into Bulgaria and the rest of the Southern Balkans unless a distinct population already resided in the region. Just a theory, who knows?

Е арно ама тука се умешува Steve C. Bird и ја ебаа цела работа... Ја исправа како пушка права да бидет...
И на ова 3. Isn't it odd that both the Moldovan sample groups have higher E3b1 [M78] frequencies [even higher if you add M123] than those in Romania given that the E3b1 haplogroups are supposed to represent a migration from the south of the Balkans, ostensibly via Romania, yet Romanian samples show a lower prevalence of this haplogroup. What explanation could there be, or is the disparity so subtle it is inconsequential?

Одговара со ова

It's not subtle compared with the southern Balkans. The highest percentages of E3b1-M78 are found in Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia (both FYROM and Greek Macedonia) and strangely, in the Greek Argolid (Lerna/Franchthi Cave) in the northern Peloponnese. In Kosovo, for example it reaches about 40% of the male population, while in Lerna it is about 35%. It is becoming more clear that E3b1a2-V13 in particular is linked with the Neolithic population of all of the southern Balkans. Moldovan samples are perhaps linked to the Getae, a northern Thracian tribe.


На оваа мислење, Стиви му го приклонува и ова:



Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Ова што следува подолу е дел од она што ти треба да го читаш и да не лупаш глупости...
Значи многу јасно, Даки и Мизи, другите Дардани... итн... Читај разбери, научи, остај патриотизмите и пристрасноста... Освен ако те плаќаат, веќе тука немаме дискусија...

VIII. Albanians and Rumanians
Whether the Albanians are the successors of die Illyrians or the Thracians is a problem that has long been debated. Today the Albanians dwell in a region that was known in antiquity as Illyria. For that reason the Albanians have often been regarded as the heirs of the ancient Illyrians, although there are no other data supporting such a claim. In the same way, the Bulgarians might be considered as Thracians if the other Slavonic peoples and languages were not known.
But many linguists and historians, e.g. H. Hirt, V. Pârvan, Th. Capidan, A. Philippide, N. Jokl, G. Weigand, P. Skok, D. Detschew, H. Baric', I. Siadbei, etc. have put forward very important considerations indicating that the Albanians cannot be autochthonous in the Albania of today, that their original home was the eastern part of Mysia Superior or approximately Dardania and Dacia Mediterranea, i.e. the northern central zone of the Balkan Peninsula, and part of Dacia.
Now, however, when it is clear that Daco-Mysian and Thracian represent two different IE languages, the problem of the origin of the Albanian language and the Albanians themselves appears in quite a new light. The most important facts and considerations for determining the origin and original home of the Albanians are the following.
1. The Illyrian toponyms known from antiquity, e.g. Shköder from the ancient Scodra (Livius), Tomor from Tomarus (Strabo, Pliny, etc.), have not been directly inherited in Albanian: the contemporary forms of these names do not correspond to the phonetic laws of Albanian. The same also applies to the ancient toponyms of Latin origin in this region.
2. The most ancient loanwords from Latin in Albanian have the phonetic form of eastern Balkan Latin, i.e. of proto-Rumanian, and not of western Balkan Latin, i.e. of old Dalmatian Latin. Albanian, therefore, did not take its borrowings from Vulgar Latin as spoken in Illyria.
3. The Adriatic coast was not part of the primitive home of the Albanians, because the maritime terminology of Albanian is not their own, but is borrowed from different languages.
4. Another indication against local Albanian origin is the insignificant number of ancient Greek loanwords in Albanian. If the primitive home of the Albanians had been Albania itself, then the Albanian language would have to have many more ancient Greek loanwords.
5. The Albanians are not mentioned before the 9th century a.d., although place names and personal names from the whole region of Albania are attested in numerous documents from the 4th century onwards.
6. The old home of the Albanians must have been near to that of the proto-Rumanians. The oldest Latin elements in Albanian come from proto-Rumanian, i.e. eastern Balkan Latin, and not from Dalmatian, western Balkan Latin that was spoken in Illyria. Cf. the phonetic development of the following words:
Vulgar Latin caballum 'horse' Rum. cal, Alb. kalVulgar Latin cubitum 'elbow' Rum. cot. Alb. kutVulgar Latin lucta 'struggle, fight' Rum. lupt
, Arum. luft
, Alb. luftë
Therefore Albanian did not take shape in Illyria. The agreement in the treatment of Latin words in Rumanian and in Albanian shows that Albanian developed from the 4th till the 6th century in a region where proto-Rumanian was formed.
7. Rumanian possesses about a hundred words which have their correspondences only in Albanian. The form of these Rumanian words is so peculiar (e.g. Rum. maz
= Alb. modhullë 'pea(s)') that they cannot be explained as borrowings from Albanian. This is the Dacian substratum in Rumanian, whereas the Albanian correspondences are inherited from Dacian.
The above arguments are well known, but they have not been regarded as sufficient for a definitive solution of the problem. The most important fact to be revealed has been the separation of Daco-Mysian from Thracian. It has thus been established that the phonemic system of Albanian is descended directly from the Daco-Mysian.
Let us consider some examples. The most typical features of the historical phonology of Albanian are attested in Daco-Mysian. Besides, in Daco-Mysian there also appear the intermediate phonetic changes that explain the peculiar phonetic development of Albanian. Here are some samples:
IE Daco-Mysian Albanianeieje
) >
> oo
> oo
> ö > ee
> üy, ieweeawaa
IE e > D.-M. ie:
a Dacian tribe is named
, but a Thracian one
Dacian PN Diegis from IE dhegwwh-.
Dacian river name
from IE *erðs-.
Dacian word dielina 'Bilsenkraut' from IE *dhel-.
> D.-M.
> o:
IE *dh
> D.-M. d
va > d
va > dova
, cf. Pulpudeva (4th century b.c.), Buridava (1st century a.d.), Pelendova (after the 4th century a.d.).
> oi > ö > e:
Salmor-ude 'Salt Water', a salt lake in Scythia Minor, in Greek called
'Salt (Lake)' and in Latin palus Salameir; Dacian ude from IE *udo(r) 'water'.
(2nd century a.d.) > Pelendova (after the 4th century a.d.) from *p
m *dhew
'Stutt-gart', cf. Alb. pelë 'mare'.
> oi (= ü) > ü (i):
, Moesi, Mysi.
In this way it has been definitively proved that Albanian is descended from Daco-Mysian. Therefore the primitive home of Albanian is a Daco-Mysian region, probably Mysia Superior (Dardania, Dacia Mediterranea) or western Dacia. This fact enables us to explain the numerous typical agreements between Albanian and Rumanian.
Rumanian and Albanian took shape in the Daco-Mysian region; Rumanian represents a completely Romanised Daco-Mysian and Albanian a semi-Romanised Daco-Mysian. [4]

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