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- Член од
- 13 август 2006
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пред извесни 2/3 дена имаше мало препуцавање помеѓу некои поголеми фирми/сапортери или тимов за софтвер и некои хакери меѓу кои најголема жртва беше и Дејан Каљевич (мастерот за декодирање на ББ5 платформата на нокиа кој никој неможеше да ја пробие цели 3 години освен него, денеска може секој човек што малце повеќе се разбира во компјутери да ја декодираа таа платформа
стана поедноставно одколку да декодираш некој телефон од пре 10 години 
немам зборови, едноставно Гоу Хакерс гоууу!
читајте ако имате време...
Можеби нема да ја сфатите поентата на целово ова, ама во секој случај да знаете дека и на нас не ни е лесно...
во секој случај ке речам Гоу Хакерс, Гоууу... :pos2:

немам зборови, едноставно Гоу Хакерс гоууу!
читајте ако имате време...
Paki Mobile напиша:I BB5 Box 3 Step Completed But Dejan Two IC Name Fack
Dejan ( Build by your self BB5 SP unlock Box ) Three Step
1 Step Box Not Completed
2 Step HEX Not
3 Step Software Not
Paki Mobile
The only thing where Griffin is the first one, is copying solutions from other people. Go ahead, spend 6699 buying your bb5 mtbox, (200 more if you don't have MTbox) to use dejan solutiond and get 5000 in credits for 250 phones unsuported by dejan solutions. When griffin decide to close his server for BB5 logs (as they had done before with DCT4+) without givin you back your credits, you'll cry asking for Dejan.
With the 1699 (+ 200 if you don't have the MT box), I'll buy Dejan (by Raskal) box for 30 euros, and the rest I'll spend in other stuff, with that money I can buy a new Martech, MSS and a polarbox2. I'll unlock more cellphones and make more money than having the possibility of buying codes from a server (that provably are been selled by someone inside Nokia, and can happen like the first solution for SE DB2020, that the company discover that and they close the access to the server). And you'll wait months for the re-opening of the service, and provably more expensive than 20 euro per phone.
It's not that much to wait till sunday to get the rest of the info, isn't it? You'll save 1669 Euros. Just for wait a weekend. I don't recieve that much BB5 phones in a weekend to make 1669 euros.
Paki Mobile напиша:Dejan Post Build by your self BB5 SP unlock Box
Dejan Upload Free Solution All BB5 Phone Unlocking
Dejan Upload Free Solution = Dejan is Serbia Man
Dejan Upload Not Free Solution = Dejan is Pakistan Man
Dejan Choose Pakistan Man Or Serbia Man
Man are you stupid or what ??? why you make this bullshiit ? maybe you think with your stupid post dejan will see it and told yes i will send hex free to my big freind paki_shiit , dejan have make brillant work and you what you have make ? stop asking people and try make some thing usefull in your life other waiting people to give you !! stop making useles post you and people like you will kill this forum with stupidity and usless post, where is admin all this days i not see any thechnical post, if you like this forum keep it plz from this stupid people !!!!
riadh_tn напиша:I Never Trush Griffin Team They Think Just For Money.......if Not Whay They Make The Gti Box And Said We Work For A Special Sw..but Can Stard With Phonix ....we Payed Gti Expenseve Too...and After 3 Month They Maked Mtbox The Same Time Wen Ufs Maked They Forhet The Gti No Update No Support Nothink....with Mtbox Pro They Will Make The Same Think If Ather Box Or Solution Be Availbal ...u Pay 5000 Euro And U Will Founf It To 200 Euro After Few Week...:d:d:d Never Trush Griffin Team...but I Respect Just One He Work Hard Like Support Is Softmobile.
а еве пред извесни неколку недели на темата за правење бесплатен ББ5 бокс од Дејан Каљевич какви дискусии се водеа и какви дудлачи имаше се додека не го искористија и потоа го пљукаа...nunosilva напиша:Paki Mobile
Youґre realy an *** FACE!!!
Keep your ideas ( STUPID IDEAS ) just for you.
Let other people who need this forum to use it without being confroted with this kind of posts!!!
Dejan Kaljevic напиша:First step:
Here are PCB in TANGO format:
.:SALIMUS:. напиша:thanks sir very thanks for the shematique
master of nokia
kie999 напиша:very nice dejan you are very generous lately. thanks for free soft but why you give free. whats real story. tired of bb5 unlocking or just kindness. anyway long live the king.
Step 3
(Da ne kukaju ovi sa gsm srbija.)
Component list can be found on:
какви се луѓево брееее, кај им даваш нешто што ќе им носи профит, им го даваш лебот намачкан на маса уште и те притискаат и навредуваат.satof напиша:No need to know why you're doing this, it's your kingdom anyway .
The problem is to GIVE ALL AT ONCE or Not TO GIVE AT ALL.
Keep being Pro MR Dejan and stop playing STRIP TEASE, showing bit by bit.
No one will die if he can't unlock a BB5 phone.
(without resentment)
My respect.
Можеби нема да ја сфатите поентата на целово ова, ама во секој случај да знаете дека и на нас не ни е лесно...
во секој случај ке речам Гоу Хакерс, Гоууу... :pos2: