Катче за инспирација - мудри/поучни/мотивирачки текстови

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21 јануари 2009
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But here's the thing about anger. It's an instrumental emotion. We stay angry because we want justice. Because we think it's useful. Because we assume that the angrier we are, the more change we will be capable of incurring. Anger doesn't realize that the past is over and the damage has been done. It tells you that vengeance will fix things. It's on the pursuit of justice.
Except the justice we want isn't always realistic. Staying angry is like continually picking the scab off a cut because you think that if you keep the wound open, you won't get a scar. It's thinking that someday, the person who wronged you can come give you stitches with such incredible precision that you'll never know the cut was once there. The truth about anger is that it's nothing more than the refusal to heal, because you're scared to. Because you're afraid of who you'll be once your wounds close up and you have to go on living in your new, unfamilliar skin. You want your old skin back. And so anger tells you to keep that wound bleeding.

- Heidi Priebe

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