Интересни слетувања

Член од
25 октомври 2007
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blagodaram! mnogu uzivam vo sletuvanjeto, se zdobiv so nevidena impresija ...
misirkov , aj beri pameto , da ne te podberam jaska ...

nema vrska ubavi se avioncinjata i jaska si gi sakam ...
Член од
17 март 2005
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Многу зезнат е португалскиов аеродром (Мадеира). Мора да се помине над планините и да се центрира на писта која е веднаш до нив. Погледнете:



alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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Super e..aj ne kukaj, poednostavno e 1000 pati od sletanje na "obicen" nosac na avioni!! :)

Duffy Duck

Pilot Lovac
Член од
12 мај 2006
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кога ќе снема ветер среде полетување ....


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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trikot e vo "balonkastite" pneumatici.... :) nareceni bushwheel po onie trkalacki zbunovi od prerijata ...........na sever takvata prerija se narekuva bush...t.e. vukojebina so niski grmuski..:)
Член од
17 март 2005
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Пилот на летот Кардиф-Париз им соопштил на патниците дека има сертификат да лета, но не и квалификации да слета во услови на магла. Сходно се вратил.

Има право сoncrete, свашта влегува во кабина.

А pilot with 30 years' experience told passengers on a flight to Paris that he was returning to the UK because he was not qualified to land in foggy weather.

Flybe flight BE1431 from Cardiff was approaching Charles De Gaulle airport on Tuesday when the captain made the announcement over the tannoy.

A Flybe spokeswoman said there had been dense fog in Paris and the company stood by the pilot's decision "100%".

The 62 passengers were put on the next flight to Paris or offered a refund.

The Flybe pilot concerned has 30 years' commercial aviation experience flying a number of different passenger aircraft types, said the Flybe spokeswoman.

"He has relatively recently transferred his 'type-rating' from a Bombardier Q300 to a Bombardier Q400 and has not yet completed the requisite low-visibility training to complete a landing in conditions such as the dense fog experienced in Paris Charles de Gaulle," she said.

"The captain therefore quite correctly turned the aircraft around and returned to Cardiff, a decision which the company stands by 100%.

"Aviation is the most highly regulated form of public transport in the United Kingdom. As a result, technical situations like these arise where a pilot with 30 years experience correctly abides by regulatory rules.

"At no point was passenger safety compromised."

Flybe added that when the pilot took off from Cardiff, the weather at Paris Charles De Gaulle was clear.

Ronan Boyle, from Ballycastle in Northern Ireland, said he was a passenger on the flight, heading for a conference on rural retailing.

He said: "Everyone was totally shocked when he said he couldn't land in the fog, it caused a bit of a panic as we never knew what was going on and thought it was a little unusual. A lot of people feared for the worst."

The Civil Aviation Authority described the incident as "quite unusual but probably not unheard of".

'Climactic conditions'

"I guess he thought when he initially took off that conditions would be suitable for him to land," said a spokesman.

"There are different classifications of aircraft and when an aircraft is updated, pilots who have flown an older version have to completely retrain.

"There can be significant differences in terms of how an aircraft is operated.

"Different climatic conditions like fog require a certain level of skill and he probably didn't have the level of training required for this particular aircraft."


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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Продам Аэробус А-320
Продам аэробус а-320-100 г.в 1986, налет 11000 ч,
без документов! салон вип-класса.
г. Москва
тел.: +79168703562
e-mail: moorc@yahoo.com

a???.....ruska rabota :)
Член од
17 март 2005
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a???.....ruska rabota :)
А има индикација за цената на авионот, барем приближно колку бара? :wink:

Ова подоле пак е Американска работа поврзана со дрогиран/полуден патник: дотичниот отишол во авионското WC, се намачкал со сопствените г...а, и пак сакал да се врати на своето седиште.

Единствениот стјуарт морал да се бори со него за патникот да остане во заднит дел на авионот, но стјуатрот добил ќутек...

Airplane Brawl Investigation Continues

The U.S. attorney for Nebraska said Wednesday he is still waiting on reports from the FBI about an unstable passenger aboard a Continental Air Express commuter jet who attacked a flight attendant.

The jet was heading from Houston to Omaha last Friday when a middle-aged man left the plane's lavatory after about 40 minutes covered in his own feces.

"Oh, it was awful. It was worse than that." Stacey, from Houston, who asked that we not use her last name, says the plane had just one flight attendant in the cabin, a young man who moved the other passengers forward to empty seats and kept the unkempt passenger in the back row.
The flight attendant asked the passenger to go back into the lavatory and clean up.

"I hear all of this ruckus and this yelling and I kind of turned around and the poor flight attendant is on his back and the guy is like punching him and I'm like, oh my gosh. It's almost like a scene out of a movie. There were two male passengers behind me that got up and kind of got the guy off of him. The poor steward, he's got a black eye, his eye's swelling. I felt so sorry for him."


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