Во Чест на денот на Свети Климент Охридски

Член од
14 јули 2007
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Се е убаво што се пишува, мегутоа ова станува секојдневие.

Секој што мисли да даде некој пост, мора да даде или линк со оригинален документ или да го вметне во постот. Мислам дека тоа важи и за Македонците. Инаку вака може да си кажуваме приказни за мали деца.

Од каде знаеме дека книгата која ја приложува Мисирков не е фалц, истото важи и за Бугариве досадни. Да не се налутиш Мисирков, не велам не си во право, туку сите книги се малку подизвртени.
Како преселбата за Славјаните. Во милион книги пишува за преселби а фактичката ситуација кажува нешто друго. Марио Алинеи ке каже, дајте ми еден Византиски документ каде што пишува доагање/населување/миграција. НЕМА

Во кои архиви стојат сите овие документи, каде може да ги видиме.

Кога Македонците ке кажат дека некој бил Македонец, сите викаат каде пишува, па мајмуни едни, ни Грција не постои низ историјата па сите викаат овој или оној бил Грк. Е*ати светот мајмунски. Како што спомнаа некој, дајте документ каде пишува дека биле Грци.

Да не должам многу. Сакав баш за ова да отворам тема, но може да продолжи и тука. Според мене, вековите околу браката Кирил и Методиј се клучните во нашата историја за тоа кој сме и што сме. Кој ке успее да го среди тој политички мозаик од тоа време, тој ке ни ја покаже вистината дали сме Македонци или дојдени од некаде.
Како Македонци тоа ни е задача да копаме низ овој период за да најдеме клуч кој ке ни покаже зошто името Славјани започнува.

Преселби од задкарпатите се приказни за мали деца, такво нешто ни на сон. Незнам само за кои потреби е тоа измислено.

Во мракот, а царица а магарица, се ке се боцне, ама на светло .....

Затоа луге, без оригинали, маф е работата.
Член од
19 јули 2006
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Значи ми кажуваш, дека номарх и кастрофилакт е била обична дужност и секи могал да ја заима. епа, то е висок пост во Империјата. Ако пак кажувате, дека нема веза между Византија, Ромеите и елините - нема шо да зборуваме.
А то за почетокот - велико лупане.
A kade sum kazhal deka nomarh i katastrofilakt e obichna dolzhnost??? Do you want to write in English to you? I never said such claim, please put a quote next time!

Kade sum kazhal deka nema vrska megju Vizantija, Romeite i Elinite? Where did i say that there is not a connection between Byzantium, Romioi and Greeks? But to add, there is also such a connection between Byzantium, Romioi and Macedonians.

Te prashav neshto konkretno, NEMASH DOKAZI i tuka mozhe da go zavrshime muabetot samu vekje nemoj da tvrdish deka Kiril i Metodij se Grci pred toa i da go dokazhesh!

Here we talk with FACTS and not with invented wishes!
Член од
18 јули 2007
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е добар си

I don't want to talk to you in Engl cause "ever" ( or never) needs ONLY perfect tense.Big mistake. Понимаеш, ну хорошо, ако сакаш да пишувам на енгл, српски, грчки, руски, бугарски , ама полза нема.
Па точно то си кажувал, дека НЕМА, как иначе може да велиш, дека светите бракја су македонци? Во Бугарија никога не кажуваме, дека су они бугари, а да ти дам питане - знаеш ли преди мисијата во Моравија дека е бил кастрофилакт (не го превждам, зашто е оригинал) св.Методиј? Ајде сега.
А дали знаете за целата кореспонденција мегу Папата-кнез Борис и Визнатијската и бугарската држава тогава. То е било велика игра, от која нашиот Кнез, по-касно Цар, добро е све одиграл. Изворите су латински и грчки, ама бугарите и тех сме фалцивиковали....

and btw "Here we are talking..." схватил си или не, по лепо е сега зборуваме
Член од
19 јули 2006
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You don't understand macedonian so will answer to you in english.

YOU said they were Greeks and I told you its not true and you can post 1 document to back up your claim. Now you agree that such document is not existing. good-we agreed finally. We don't know what their ethnicity was, except that their nationality was ROMAN (Byzantine). End of story!

You claim again that I SAID that holy brothers were Macedonians??? Put a quote please where did I said it???
I NEVER SAID IT and you are inventing again or you really don't understand our language.

They could have been Macedonians or Greeks or some other ethnicity from many in East Roman empire and thats the only sure fact we can say after so much time passed.

Shte te zamolam vekje da ne tvrdish shto sum kazal bez da stavish QUOTE ot kazanoto. Mersi!
Член од
18 јули 2007
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Ok, but here I prefer to talk in language which everybody can understand. In private mail - ok, will talk in english.
1. Ти не си кажувал дека су македонци, извини. Ама многу други го кажуват. Пиши и до нив.
2. Кажуваш, дека они су биле високи службиници во Ромејската држава. Согласен. То означава, дека су били РОМЕИ, или сам погрешил.
3. Желиш източници (извори) - па читај и виж колку су багарски
и колку су чуждите автори. Нема МАНУ или БАН, давај и чекам коментари. Вистинате е тоа - дали су били елини, ромеи, византијци - сбирното име е грци. Ипак деншните г'рци да немат ништо оббшто со тогашните ромеи, елини, византијци, или уште по назад - атинјани, спартанци, македонци...

All neutral sources mention that the two brothers had Greek names (we are keeping in mind Cyril was baptised as konstantinos), they were members of a noble family, their father Leon was a Greek military man and their mother of slavic background. Furthermore both brothers were born in Thessaloniki, were educated in Konstantinople where they took a highly Byzantine education and lived all their lives into Byzantine Empire apart from the fact they were send out on missions to bring christianity to various regions.We can find the following evidence from records of their Greek conscience on the Honorary Volume to Cyrillos and Methodios for the 1100 years, Thessaloniki-1968 by Henriette Ozanne. For example, the below for Cyrillos:In his dialog with the Muslims, he points out that “…every science stem from us…” implying the Greeks and the Greek culture .During the Hazars’ mission, the hagan of the Hazars asked him what present he wished to have offered to him and he said “…Give me all the Greek prisoners of war you have here. They are more valuable to me than any other present…” - Scientif Annals of the Theology Faculty of the Thessaloniki University (1968) Also many non-Greeks accept that the 2 brothers were Greeks:The Slav Pope John Paul II who in 31/12/1980 (in an official encyclical-Egregiae Virtutis-to the Catholic Church) and 14/2/1981(in the S.Clement church in Rome) said that Cyrillos and Methodios were “Greek brothers, born in Thessaloniki”the Serb historian V.Bogdanovich, says that “Kyrillos and Methodios were born in Thessaloniki and were Greeks in origin, not Slavs” (History of the ancient Serbian literature, Belgrade 1980, pg.119).To anyone that has no ties with blind nationalism, it seems to be no doubt that Cyrill and Methodius were Greek, not only by birth but most importantly culturally as it was analyzed above.As it is known both Cyrill and Methodius played probably one of the most important roles in spreading Orthodoxy among the Slavic population. Hence they were named “Apostles of the Slavs“, having the meaning simply that they brought the Christian faith to the Slavs.
I have to underline here of the false notion some have about the title “Apostle“. Fact is that having spread Christian faith among a certain population doesnt mean that they belong ethnically to any of the people they converted. If we followed this flawed logic Khazars would also claim them as Khazars since they went to covert them to Christianity even before they went to the Slavs or even Arabs since Konstantinos undertook a mission to the Arabs.
One of the many examples is the story of Saint Boniface. Saint Boniface - original name Winfrid or Wynfrith - was born at Crediton in Devon, England and was sent to propagate Christianity in the Frankish Empire during the 8th century. Rightfully Saint Boniface was named as “Apostle of the Germans” and another example is St.Thomas who is called “the Indian Apostle,” but we all know that he was not an Indian. Instead he simply brought Christianity to the Indians. Neither Germans nor Indians are upon the tiresome and flawed notion of claiming St Boniface and St Thomas ethnicities as the well-known propagandists do.
Professors Ivan Lazaroff, Plamen Pavloff, Ivan Tyutyundzijeff and Milko Palangurski of the Faculty of History of Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in Veliko Tŭrnovo, Bulgaria in their book, Kratka istoriya na bŭlgarskiya narod (Short History of the Bulgarian Nation, pp 36-38), state very explicitly that the two brothers were Hellenes (Greeks) from Thessaloniki.
The late Oscar Halecki, Professor of Eastern European History, in his book Borderlands of Western Civilization, A History of East Central Europe (chapter Moravian State and the Apostles of the Slavs) agrees with the authors of Kratka istoriya na bŭlgarskiya narod.
As you see the real scholars and not the fake admit the historical truth.
Also according Pope John Paul II in an official apostolic homily to the entire Catholic Church proclaimed that Methodius and Cyril “Greek brethren born in Thessaloniki” are consecrated as “heavenly protectors of Europe”. John Paul II’ repeated this statement in a speech delivered in the church of Saint Clements, in Rome.
References from books about the ethnicity of Cyril and Methodius.

Then in the ninth century Cyril and Methodius, two Greek monks from Thessaloniki , developed the Cyrillic alphabet and spread both literacy and Christianity to the Slavs.

“The macedonian conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a transnational world” by Loring Danforth

Two Greek brothers from Salonika, Constantine, who later later became a monk and took
the name Cyril, and Methodius came to Great Moravia in 863 at the invitation of the Moravian Prince Rostislav

“Comparative history of Slavic Literatures” by Dmitrij Cizevskij, page vi

the Byzantine court entrusted it to two brothers with wide experience o missionary work: Constantine the Philosopher, better known by his monastic name, Cyril and Methodius. Cyril and Methodius were Greeks.
“Czechoslovakian Miniatures from Romanesque and Gothic Manuscripts” by Jan Kvet, p. 6


In answer to this appeal the emperor sent the two brothers Cyril and Methodius, who were Greeks of Salonika and had considerable knowledge of Slavonic languages.

The Balkans: A history of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Rumania, Turkey (1916)” by Forbes, Nevil, p. 21

In order to convert the Slavs to Christianity, Greek missionaries Cyril and Methodius learned the language.

“Lonely Planet Croatia” by Jeanne Oliver, P.35

two brothers, the Apostles of the Sclavonians or Slavs, born in Greece and educated in Constantinople.

“Book of the Saints 1921″ by Monks Benedictine, P. 74

Cyril, St 827-69 and Methodius, St 826-85, known as the Apostles of the Slavs - Greek Christian missionaries- They were born in Thessalonica.

“The Riverside Dictionary of Biography” by the American Heritage Dictionaries, p. 208

two greek brothers, Cyril and Methodius, were sent in response to this request. This development was of particular importance to the formation of eastern european culture.

“historical Theology” by McGrath, p.125

the byzantine emperor sent two greek monks, Cyril and Methodius, to spread Christianity to the slavic people.

“Global History and Geography” by Phillip Lefton, p. 130

As the Slav tribes feel under the influence of Byzantium a considerable number of them were baptised but they were first converted to Christianity in Mass by the Greek brothers, Cyril and Methodius

Black lamb and Grey Falcon: A journey through Yugoslave” by Rebecca West, P. 710

“Cyrillus autem et Methodius fratres, Graeci, Thessalonicae nati…”

http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/j…irtutis_lt.htmlhttp://www.vatican.va/holy_father/jo…rtutis_lt.html Pope John Paul II.
R. L. Wilkens book “Judaism and the Early Christian Mind” (1971)
Cyril and Methodius, Saints (muth..us) [key], d. 869 and 884, respectively, Greek missionaries, brothers, called Apostles to the Slavs and fathers of Slavonic literature. Their history and influence are obscured by conflicting legends. After working among the Khazars, they were sent (863) from Constantinople by Patriarch Photius to Moravia. This was at the invitation of Prince Rostislav, who sought missionaries able to preach in the Slavonic vernacular and thereby check German influence in Moravia. Their immediate success aroused the hostility of the German rulers and ecclesiastics. Candidates from among their converts were refused ordination, and their use of the vernacular in the liturgy was severely criticized. According to one source, when Photius was excommunicated by Rome the brothers were called there. Their orthodoxy was established, and the use of Slavonic in the liturgy was approved. Cyril died while in Rome, but Methodius, consecrated by the pope, returned to Moravia and was made archbishop of Sirmium. Despite the papal sanction the Germans contrived to have him imprisoned, and, though released two years later, his effectiveness appears to have been blocked. His last years were spent translating the Bible and ecclesiastical books into Slavonic. His influence in Moravia was wiped out after his death but was carried to Bulgaria, Serbia, and Russia, where the southern Slavonic of Cyril and Methodius is still the liturgical language of both Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. The Cyrillic alphabet. used in those countries today, traditionally ascribed to St. Cyril, was probably the work of his followers. It was based probably by Cyril himself upon the glagolithic alphabet, which is still used by certain Croatian and Montenegrin Catholics. Feast: July 713.The Significance of the Missions of Cyril and Methodius
Francis Dvornik
Slavic Review > Vol. 23, No. 2 (Jun., 1964) page: 196

Moravian Christianity even had species of ecclesiastical organization before the arrival of the Greek brothers
The Significance of the Missions of Cyril and Methodius
Francis Dvornik
Slavic Review > Vol. 23, No. 2 (Jun., 1964) page: 211

This short sketch of the cultural development of the Slavic nations in the Middle Ages seems necessary to show the real significance of the mission of the two Greek brothers. Its aim in Moravia was, above all, cultural.
Slavic Translations of the Scriptures
Matthew Spinka
The Journal of Religion > Vol. 13, No. 4 (Oct., 1933), pp. 415

When those ancient precursors of Bible translators, the Greek brothers Constantine and Methodius, translated certain parts of the Scriptures and the liturgical books into Slavic for the use of their Moravian converts
Slavic Translations of the Scriptures
Matthew Spinka
The Journal of Religion > Vol. 13, No. 4 (Oct., 1933), pp. 415

Thus in a sense the two Greek brothers and their disciples fought a fight in behalf of all the later Bible translators and liturgical vernacularists, the English among them.
Slavic Translations of the Scriptures
Matthew Spinka
The Journal of Religion > Vol. 13, No. 4 (Oct., 1933), pp. 416-17
In co-operation with Patriarch Photius they selected the renowned teacher of philosophy at the court school of Magnaura, Constantine, and his elder brother, Methodius, Greeks from Thessalonica, who were well acquainted with the language of the Macedonian Slavs, as best-fitted missionaries for the Moravian field.
Slavic Translations of the Scriptures
Matthew Spinka
The Journal of Religion > Vol. 13, No. 4 (Oct., 1933), pp. 424

The Slavic liturgy was, beyond any doubt, a radical innovation which the Greek brothers could not have justified except as an essential element in insuring the success of their work.
Сите книги и доклади су од признати луге, историчари, од целиот свет. чекам твоите докази. Или кажуваш, дека целиот свет е под грчка (бугарска) пропаганда.
Член од
14 јули 2007
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Леле какви будали се ова. :tapp:

Убаво е кажано, покажи копија од оригинален документ.

Вака џабе везеш, се се тоа книги од модерни автори.

Не ме интересира ни запис од 14 век. :nenene:

Само оригинал, се друго е фалц па дури и оригиналот. :kesa:

До тогаш препишувајте ја слепо историјата. :drk:


no pain no game
Член од
4 декември 2005
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Никогаш ТуркоМонголите од територијата Бугарија нема да се помират со судбината и да признаат дека се со ТуркоМонголски производ, дека нивната историја умрела со умирањето на лозата на хан Аспарух и дека едноставно знамето со коњската опашка е нешто што на денешен балкан не постои.:salut:
Член од
18 јули 2007
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Оригинал велиш, от каменнта ера, ама нали знаш кога кинезите су иамсилили хартијата и штампането. еми то е то. а вие не признавате каменните плочи - и шо ската, а авторите като отвориш конигите, може да видиш ниховите извори.
Модерни автори - от цела европа! Фатиле сме ги сите, то ти е држава, то ти е сила!
Документи, а интервју со Александ'р велики или татко му Филип не сакате ли, на македонски език. еј сега ке го побарам во колекцијата от бугарски лаги и ке го пуштам... ААА проблем, двајцата причат на грчки, т.е старогр'чки. Лошо, шо да правиме сега?
Член од
19 јули 2006
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Makedonec 76, you claimed 3 times something I never said and thats why is my answer in english. From the next post (if there is a need) will right to you in macedonian again.

You showed me again what some scolars think about their ethnicity (and this is ok) but lets be honest, there is not a single document from 10 or 11 century where is clearly written their ethnicity is greek aka. like ancient greeks! You should know very well that the word GREEK till 20 century had a meaning as LATIN and not all Latins today (all South America and whole Spain and Portugal) are ethnic Italians. Do we agree in this? Does it mean if today Italy were still called ROMA they should claim that half of Europe are Italians?? This is exactly what Bulgaria and Greece do and its the Balkan nonsense!!!

I know that in Western Europe they were calling Byzantines Greeks but as a whole for all members of the Byzantine Empire and church same as for the Byzantines all SLAVIC speakers very often were VOULGAROI, Bulgars, Serbs, Macedonians, Bosnians. You don't think that in Bosnia - ethnic Bulgarians were living? West Europeans (Catolics) still say Greek-Orthodox for our churches-are you a Greek because of it?

I will repeat again, Byzantines called themselves ROMIOI (Romans) and almost never put their ethnicity. We know that some emperors were Arabs, maybe Armenians, maybe Macedonians and some were Greeks but for the other people nothing is known!!!

As for the mother of the brothers even this is not known but just speculations.

I read your witting about the mission to the Hazars. Do you think that only ethnic Greeks were Byzantines? And what with all other peoples on these territories from Macedonia till Asia Minor till parts of Africa and Middle East. Were they all ethnic Greeks?

The truth is that except some church manuscripts (which are also not originals) we have nothing from the holy brothers, so every claim is just a speculation!

Actually all scolars claiming anything should accent that its only their opinion!!!

Член од
1 август 2006
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Оригинал велиш, от каменнта ера, ама нали знаш кога кинезите су иамсилили хартијата и штампането. еми то е то. а вие не признавате каменните плочи - и шо ската, а авторите като отвориш конигите, може да видиш ниховите извори.
Модерни автори - от цела европа! Фатиле сме ги сите, то ти е држава, то ти е сила!
Документи, а интервју со Александ'р велики или татко му Филип не сакате ли, на македонски език. еј сега ке го побарам во колекцијата от бугарски лаги и ке го пуштам... ААА проблем, двајцата причат на грчки, т.е старогр'чки. Лошо, шо да правиме сега?
АЛООООООООО... старогрчки не постои бре... племиња биле... националност кај нив немало.
Пишеле или на атињански или на спартански или на тебански разбираш или на беотски или како сакаш.
Унифицирано писмо немало.

+ и ФИЛИП и АЛЕКСАНДАР во живото ништо не напишале.
А ЗБОРЕЛЕ МАКЕДОНСКИ... јасно ли ти е?!?
Член од
14 јули 2007
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http://www.georgebayntun.com/EBC14 Catalogue/EBC14-02.htm

Еве како изгледаат документи, прикажи ми вака.
И потцртај ги деловите кои ти значат нешто, па потоа ке разговараме.

И овие може да се полемизираат ама ајде.....

Досега јас не видов ниту еден Византиски документ, книга, запис, било што, се е препишување.

Член од
14 јули 2007
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Значи имаме голем проблем, се се книги препишани.

Никогаш нема да дознаеме дали се филувани, филувањето денес се случува секојдневно. Зошто да не и тогаш.

Жив пример е Косово.


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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Оригинал велиш, от каменнта ера, ама нали знаш кога кинезите су иамсилили хартијата и штампането. еми то е то. а вие не признавате каменните плочи - и шо ската, а авторите като отвориш конигите, може да видиш ниховите извори.
Модерни автори - от цела европа! Фатиле сме ги сите, то ти е држава, то ти е сила!
Документи, а интервју со Александ'р велики или татко му Филип не сакате ли, на македонски език. еј сега ке го побарам во колекцијата от бугарски лаги и ке го пуштам... ААА проблем, двајцата причат на грчки, т.е старогр'чки. Лошо, шо да правиме сега?

St:s Cyril and Methodius are Macedonian the Pope Benedict XVI confirms.


The Holy Father told the Macedonian delegation that he shared their desire, "not only that the spiritual patrimony you have inherited be shared, but also that your particular identity be granted its due consideration by the other European peoples who are close to you in terms of tradition and culture."

"My cordial wish," he concluded, "is that you will be able to conserve, always and faithfully, the heritage of your two saintly protectors, so that your voice, both in the civil and religious field, may be heard and given just consideration."

Хмм..јбг изгледа и папата не ги чита “световните научни историчари“
Член од
19 јули 2006
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Ок sir/madam, but it was a great mix. what does it mean - written sources, yea, but all of them are after 17 century (papers, or pergaments). And now you are trying to tell me, that there is no 2000 years old greek culture. Come on, you are clever boy/girl, don't be stupied. Ok I'll try to show you some good authors, cause you are trying to make mix between nation, language, state and people. Fisrt you need to read Gelner, Ernst or Smith, Adam. After that you will see, that there is no conection between the deep past and the present- сега по нашенски да разумеват сите - саксонци-енглези, франки-французи, германи-немци, прабугари-б'лгари, елини-грци. A македонци - македонци - хич и не става вапрос. But the creation of nations (in Western europe 18 cent, here on the Bаlkans - 19) made it. And if you (not single)want to turn back all world story - this is causa perduta, no way. But best regards it was very interesting post.
Ova e prv pat mene nekoj Bolgarin (ili takov shto se pravi) lichno da me navredil. Mersi bratko!

Pak kazuvash raboti shto nikogash ne sum ki kazhal, koga sun spomnal za 2000 godini grcka kultura??

Abe ti Grk da ne si, na Bolgarin ne mi lichish??? Vrti-suchi se vrtish nakaj Grcija i Grci!!!

So tebe vishe nema sto da se pishue. So zdravje.

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