Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)

Член од
20 септември 2022
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им влегоа од север веќе подлабоко во населбите. Изгледа планираат да го отсечат градот на два дела.
Според проукраински извори, Русите се само на 100 m да целосно го отсечат снабдувањето на Авдеевка.
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Изгледа стигнале до пругата кај црвениот круг што е

еве и видео, изгледа нема некој отпор како за Бахмут и слично каде што се бореа за последно метро.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Donetsk: Russian Army continue advancing towards Zerebets river and troops are now 1,5 km from the locality of Yampolivka.


Situation south of Bakhmut: During the last week positional battles between Ukrainian Army and Russian Army continued around Klishchiivka without significant changes. Important to note that Ukrainian troops are still trying to maintain a foothold on the other side of the railway adjacent to the ponds north of Andriivka.


Situation on Gorlovka front: Russian Army recaptured the trench position previously lost five days ago.


The situation of the Ukrainian army in the city is getting more and more complicated. The Russian penetration from the north is pushing the Ukrainian troops further and further to the west until the railroad, which is considered the last land supply line to the southern suburbs. Russian troops monitor Ukrainian movements throughout the area (48°09'32.9"N 37°43'24.2"E) further complicating supply and the arrival of reinforcements.

Meanwhile, the Russian army has intensified attacks from multiple axes, crossing the H-20 highway and entering the forest area (48°08'25.8"N 37°48'00.2"E). On the remaining axes the Ukrainian troops managed to repel the attacks while the latest video footage confirmed that there are still Ukrainian soldiers in the Former air defense missile battalion (48°05'55.9"N 37°45'25.5"E).

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Член од
8 јануари 2012
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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Avdivka: After the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Army, in the last three days the Russian forces managed to occupy the northern shore of Avdiivskyi Quarry. In addition, as mentioned above the Russian Army pushed the front line to the railroad through the wooded area reaching Sapronova Street 500 meters from the last supply line to the southern districts of the city. The events of the battle of Avdivka are accelerating with each passing day and the battle is approaching its climax amid the indecision of the Ukrainian command whether or not to announce a withdrawal of forces from this important stronghold.


Situation northwest of Donetsk: During the last week Russian Army took full control over the southern dachas of Pervomaiske and the ponds area. The battles have been moved to Pershotravneva Street, which is the main artery of this locality, now under 40% of Russian control.

Член од
17 декември 2019
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Го стегаат обрачот околу Авдивка, мислам дека понатаму градчињата во Донецк ќе паѓаат полесно.. Таму Краматорск и Словјанск можат само да си ги заобиколат, односно стават во обрач и да чекаат како во Азовстал што беше..


wanna BOMB?
Член од
11 април 2010
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Незнам дали е ова точно или западот им фрла вода под нозе на русите

"Rušenje je već počelo"; Rusi kreću u veliki napad, 40.000 vojnika je spremno?
Ukrajina tvrdi da je Rusija okupila 40.000 vojnika i 500 tenkova naspram istočnog grada Кupjanska.

На проукраински канали истото го прочитав и имаше неколку одбиени напади до сега. Ама ај останува да видиме
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army began advancing from two axis along the Avdiivskyi Quarry. From the east troops took control over the rest of Raduga Gardening Association moving the frontline to the landfill of the quarry and Verba Gardening Association. From the west Russian forces advanced along the streets of Lesi Ukrainky, Sapronova, Nezalezhnosti, Pershotravneva & Stepova. Situation for Ukrainian Army continues to deteriorate and new breaches of urban defenses are occurring.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Donetsk: Russian Army continue advancing towards Terny and Yampolivka. There is no truth about Russian troops entering in both localities as clashes continue between 1,5-2 km east of there.


Situation at Avdivka front: Russian army continued to advance through the urban area of the city reaching the railroad and driving Ukrainian Army off the bridge south of the coke plant. At the moment it is not possible to speak about the capture of the bridge as the fighting continues in Summer cottage areas.

Meanwhile in the south Russian troops took control of hill 218 northeast of Opytne which leaves Ukrainian troops deployed in the Former air defense missile battalion in a semi-circle situation.

The situation of the Ukrainian forces in Avdivka is precarious, as only one supply line to the city is under direct fire control of the Russian artillery.

The decision time of the Ukrainian command to withdraw the troops from Avdivka is running out and if the dynamics of these last days continue we could see a huge amount of prisoners and a strong blow to the Ukrainian morale that would lose its biggest fortress on the eastern front.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: Followed by intense bombardment Russian Army restarted the assault to Novomykhailivka & managed to enter in the eastern part of the locality. It's still premature to say that the final battle for the village has begun as the Ukrainian situation in the area is not so compromised as the semi-encirclement of Novomykhailivka is not yet well developed.

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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Автоматски споено мислење:

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Член од
29 јуни 2014
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еве за тие што бара фабови, изгледа бомбиве сега масовно ги произведуваат.


Kajgana Shop

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