

Член од
17 септември 2011
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Шо ако например некој ја слуша цеца светлана величкович ,и му е убо .
Ништо, примитивна структура на мозок бара примитивна музика. Ако организацијата во мозокот е посложена истиот ќе се задоволи само со нешто посложено(поубаво),, математички(односно преку физичките закони) изразено преку максимална конструктивна интерференција.
Убавината од секогаш можела да се дефинира во уметноста.
Истото прашање можеш да го поставиш и за оцет на пр. , што ако некој пие скиснато вино и му е убо? и т.н.
Член од
19 ноември 2015
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Zoshto Buda na statuite e sekogash debel?
Гаутама Сидарта Буда, оснивачот на будизмот не е претставен дебел. Дебелиот и насмеан Буда е друг човек што живеел многу подоцна од Сидарта. Се нарекувал Будаи и се сметал за инкарнација на Меитреја, Будата на иднината што ќе достигне целосно просветление.

What is the difference between the Buddhas?
Generally speaking, there are two types of Buddha statues, representing two completely different people. In the Western world, they are often confused, probably because the term “Buddha” can be used to refer to either of them. The difference, though, is that one of them is the Buddha, and the other is a Buddha.


Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
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"I am not a Buddhist, as you have heard, and yet I am. If China, or Japan, or Srilanka follow the teachings of the Great Master, India worships him as God incarnate on earth. You have just now heard that I am going to criticise Buddhism...
On the philosophic side the disciples of the Great Master dashed themselves against the eternal rocks of the Vedas and could not crush them, and on the other side they took away from the nation that eternal God to which every one, man or woman, clings so fondly. And the result was that Buddhism had to die a natural death in India. At the present day there is not one who calls oneself a Buddhist in India, the land of its birth.

But at the same time, Brahminism lost something — that reforming zeal, that wonderful sympathy and charity for everybody, that wonderful heaven which Buddhism had brought to the masses and which had rendered Indian society so great that a Greek historian who wrote about India of that time was led to say that no Hindu was known to tell an untruth and no Hindu woman was known to be unchaste.

Hinduism cannot live without Buddhism, nor Buddhism without Hinduism. Then realise what the separation has shown to us, that the Buddhists cannot stand without the brain and philosophy of the Brahmins, nor the Brahmin without the heart of the Buddhist. This separation between the Buddhists and the Brahmins is the cause of the downfall of India. That is why India is populated by three hundred millions of beggars, and that is why India has been the slave of conquerors for the last thousand years. Let us then join the wonderful intellect of the Brahmins with the heart, the noble soul, the wonderful humanising power of the Great Master."

- The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Buddhism, the Fulfilment of Hinduism



Член од
17 септември 2011
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Гаутама Сидарта Буда, оснивачот на будизмот не е претставен дебел. Дебелиот и насмеан Буда е друг човек што живеел многу подоцна од Сидарта. Се нарекувал Будаи и се сметал за инкарнација на Меитреја, Будата на иднината што ќе достигне целосно просветление.
Сигурно мислиш на овој

Уште се мачам до целосно просветлување :D

Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
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The Five Destinations and Nibbana — In Brief

35. "Sariputta, there are these five destinations. What are the five? Hell, the animal realm, the realm of ghosts, human beings and gods.[
"I understand hell, and the path and way leading to hell. And I also understand how one who has entered this path will, on the dissolution of the body, after death, reappear in a state of deprivation, in an unhappy destination, in perdition, in hell.
"I understand the animal realm, and the path and way leading to the animal realm. And I also understand how one who has entered this path will, on the dissolution of the body, after death, reappear in the animal realm.
"I understand the realm of ghosts, and the path and way leading to the realm of ghosts. And I also understand how one who has entered this path will, on the dissolution of the body, after death, reappear in the realm of ghosts.
"I understand human beings, and the path and way leading to the human world. And I also understand how one who has entered this path will, on the dissolution of the body, after death, reappear among human beings.
"I understand the gods, and the path and way leading to the world of the gods. And I also understand how one who has entered this path will, on the dissolution of the body, after death, reappear in a happy destination, in the heavenly world.
"I understand Nibbana, and the path and way leading to Nibbana. And I also understand how one who has entered this path will, by realizing it for himself with direct knowledge, here and now enter upon and abide in the deliverance of mind and deliverance by wisdom that are taintless with the destruction of the taints.

- Tipitaka, The Pali Canon, Theravada Buddhism

Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
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"Buddha was a great Vedantist (for Buddhism was really only an offshoot of Vedanta), and Shankara is often called a "hidden Buddhist".
Buddha made the analysis, Shankara made the synthesis out of it. Buddha never bowed down to anything — neither Veda, nor caste, nor priest, nor custom.
He fearlessly reasoned so far as reason could take him. Such a fearless search for truth and such love for every living thing the world has never seen."
- Vivekananda The Yogas and Other works, p. 545

"The whole of India was never Buddhistic. It stood outside. Buddhism had the same fate as Christianity had with the Jews; the majority of the Jews stood aloof. So the old Indian religion lived on. But the comparison stops here.
There was already in India a vast religion with an organised scripture — the Vedas; and these Vedas existed as a mass of literature and not a book — just as you find the Old Testament, the Bible.
Now, the Bible is a mass of literature of different ages; different persons are the writers, and so on. It is a collection.
Now, the Vedas are a vast collection. I do not know whether, if the texts were all found — nobody has found all the texts, nobody even in India has seen all the books — if all the books were known, this room would contain them. It is a huge mass of literature, carried down from generation to generation from God, who gave the scriptures. And the idea about the scriptures in India became tremendously orthodox.
You complain of your orthodoxies in book-worship. If you get the Hindus' idea, where will you be?" :D
- The Complete Works of Vivekananda


Член од
17 септември 2011
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"Buddha was a great Vedantist (for Buddhism was really only an offshoot of Vedanta), and Shankara is often called a "hidden Buddhist".
Buddha made the analysis, Shankara made the synthesis out of it. Buddha never bowed down to anything — neither Veda, nor caste, nor priest, nor custom.
He fearlessly reasoned so far as reason could take him. Such a fearless search for truth and such love for every living thing the world has never seen."
- Vivekananda The Yogas and Other works, p. 545
Toa go zboram i jas.....ne ti treba nisto. :)

Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
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Toa go zboram i jas.....ne ti treba nisto. :)
Сигурно си читал вака, цитати или западњаци со измешано њу ејџ учење - инаку друго ќе зборуваш и за будизмот и за Веданта фило-религијата :)

П.С. Ќе споделев каде се зборува спротивно од ова ти што збориш и мислиш дека е така, ама потоа ќе ми се „силиш“ како ете, без труд си научил нешто :D



Член од
17 септември 2011
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Сигурно си читал вака, цитати или западњаци со измешано њу ејџ учење - инаку друго ќе зборуваш и за будизмот и за Веданта фило-религијата :)

П.С. Ќе споделев каде се зборува спротивно од ова ти што збориш и мислиш дека е така, ама потоа ќе ми се „силиш“ како ете, без труд си научил нешто :D
Се зезам...точно е дека станал ваков откако ги поминал сите школи....значи не бил неук :)

Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
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Се зезам...точно е дека станал ваков откако ги поминал сите школи....значи не бил неук :)
Кхм... и не бил од било која каста... онака како надоврзување дека karma-yoga не е зафрканција (посебно ако се прктикуваат и другите 3 форми на јога) - кои за нас, кои сме сепак западњаци - и те како е тешко, и тоа обични ствари, секојдневни за оние од исток, за нас се - огин и пламен!

Затоа најлесно ни е да кажеме: лежи си , азното... знаеш си :)


Член од
17 септември 2011
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Се се сведува на ова....џабе сите патешествија :)


Член од
13 јули 2020
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Будизмот е најреална религија, вистината се крие во будистичките учења.

45961713b1dedac5fbd94104ac9c639a--path-quotes-quotes-about-paths.jpg c47454624db6c172f1c36c7d6d4bee2a.jpg 01939cf51ae9619ebf80047d0b508def.jpg d9346974de585388eb4f10c71cd1fcf0.jpg 1660299655-holding-on-to-anger-buddha-picture-quote.jpg The+Eightfold+path.jpg
Thank me later

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