Yo momma's So lazy she doesnt walk in her sleep she hitch hikes.
Yo momma's so fat and stupid her waist size is larger than her IQ.
Yo momma's so fat even Bill Gates couldn't pay for her liposuction.
Yo momma's so fat her stomach got a cell phone to call her mouth when its time to eat.
Yo momma's so damn fat the Police where going to use her as an emergency air mattress when Michael Jackson started dangling his baby.
Yo momma's hair so greasy you could fry a chiken in it.
Yo momma's so ugly they didn't give her a costume when she tried out for Star Wars.
Yo momma's so slow she forgets what she is thinking before she even think of it.
Yo momma's so slow she is still being born.
Yo momma's breath stinks so much we don't know whether you need gum or toilet paper.