Актуелни случувања во светот, со осврти од геополитички аспект


Член од
10 октомври 2009
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@Human со тебе ли го дискутиравме Сајкс-Пико договорот?
Така нешто.
Ако памтам, ти алудираше на тоа дека тој се однесува и на Кавказот, што нормално, не беше точно. :D
На некој начин, тоа што Британците и Французите го направија на Блискиот Исток, истото Русите го направија на Кавказот.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Јас не го дисецирав текстот на Сајкс-Пико договорот туку кажав дека праксата ја примениле секаде, не само во Блискиот Исток. И не ми е познато дека истото е применето во Кафказот, зарем во Чеченија имаш на власт некое соседно малцинство како на пример Дагестанци, или во Дагестан се на власт Ингуши?

Можеби не ти е позната суштината на Сајкс-Пико. Добар пример е Сирија, сунитско население но власта се Шиити. Или Ирак, каде е обратно Баас партијата на Садам биле на власт како Сунити врз шиитско мнозинство. Целта е кога ќе притреба лесно да се потпалат немири и државни удари.
Во контраст во Русија употребувале колонизација и цврста рака, а локални луѓе да владеат за Русија.


Член од
10 октомври 2009
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Јас не го дисецирав текстот на Сајкс-Пико договорот туку кажав дека праксата ја примениле секаде, не само во Блискиот Исток. И не ми е познато дека истото е применето во Кафказот, зарем во Чеченија имаш на власт некое соседно малцинство како на пример Дагестанци, или во Дагестан се на власт Ингуши?

Можеби не ти е позната суштината на Сајкс-Пико. Добар пример е Сирија, сунитско население но власта се Шиити. Или Ирак, каде е обратно Баас партијата на Садам биле на власт како Сунити врз шиитско мнозинство. Целта е кога ќе притреба лесно да се потпалат немири и државни удари.
Во контраст во Русија употребувале колонизација и цврста рака, а локални луѓе да владеат за Русија.
Не, туку јасно кажуваше дека проблемите таму се директна последица на договорот и на Британците.
Да барам? :D

Русија исто така исцртувала граници по своја волја, кои не ја рефлектираат етничката припадност таму, случаевите со Ерменците и Азербејџанците, потоа Грузија итн.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Ерменија и Азербејџан се исклучок, но без некоја умисла пошто таму така се поделени со векови пред да дојдат Англичаните и/или Русите. Едно село Азери, другото Ерменци, и така шарено. Во контраст со Сајкс-Пико ете на пример случајот со Ирак, западните прават граница така да опфаќаат цел (мал) шиитски дел и нив ги ставаат да владеат врз Сунитите.
... Во ретроспектива Ерменија и Азербејџан веројатно се лош пример за спомнатата доктрина на раздели и владеј.

Ако бараш руски (советски) пример за доктрината, тогаш Украина е најдобриот. Донбас, Крим, Запорожје, итн, се региони кои немале што да бараат во Украина по ниедна друга основа освен за потребите на доктрината раздели и владеј. Само што во случајов западните го искористија тоа.


Член од
10 октомври 2009
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Ерменија и Азербејџан се исклучок, но без некоја умисла пошто таму така се поделени со векови пред да дојдат Англичаните и/или Русите. Едно село Азери, другото Ерменци, и така шарено. Во контраст со Сајкс-Пико ете на пример случајот со Ирак, западните прават граница така да опфаќаат цел (мал) шиитски дел и нив ги ставаат да владеат врз Сунитите.
... Во ретроспектива Ерменија и Азербејџан веројатно се лош пример за спомнатата доктрина на раздели и владеј.

Ако бараш руски (советски) пример за доктрината, тогаш Украина е најдобриот. Донбас, Крим, Запорожје, итн, се региони кои немале што да бараат во Украина по ниедна друга основа освен за потребите на доктрината раздели и владеј. Само што во случајов западните го искористија тоа.
На многу места на планетава е така со населението, никој тоа не го спори.
СССР исцртува граници и дава територии на управа на разни тогашни земји кои немаат никаква смисла, баш како што правеле Британците и Французите скоро секаде каде што имале колонии, за подоцна да имаат контрола.
Баш како што опиша со Ирак, на пример Нагорно-Карабах им е даден на контрола на Азербејџанците, иако немало никаква дотогаш врска со нив. И ред други, како Осетија, другите региони во Ерменија и Азербејџан итн.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Размерот е она што не го земаш во предвид. Осетија па и Грузија се г'з место во однос на Ирак или Сирија. Осетија и буквално е толку мала да немало шанса да биде одделна република. Единствен добар пример на советска/руска страна е Украина, и доаѓа многу после. Мајсторите на таа игра се западните.


Член од
10 октомври 2009
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Толку можеле.
Да можеле повеќе, ќе имаше повеќе раздели па владеј цртање граници и администрации.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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The Balkans from 2024 to 2030

JUL 20, 2024

This article was submitted by our latest DDG contributor, Viktor.
Geopolitically The Balkans are very important for NATO. It is in the Central-South-East Europe and Mediterranean, halfway from Europe to the West Asia and touches the belly of Russia – that’s the most important.

The Balkans. Source: Wikipedia
The US and NATO have far too much invested into their Balkan colonies to simply give them away. Just look at Camp Bondsteel, the largest US Army base in the region, built on stolen land in an unrecognized state. NATO forces flattened a mountain to create a what is essentially the modern day form of a castle, complete with dungeons for the regime’s many enemies.

Camp Bondsteel from the air. Source: mprofaca.cro.net
The diabolical black sites at Camp Bondsteel have been described as a “Little Guantanamo” and it is an open secret that the US holds and routinely tortures dissidents there. Most of these people are held without evidence and without trial. Camp Bondsteel was known as a “black hole” where dissidents would vanish, never to be seen again. They may whitewash it in all the ways they want but the truth will not evaporate.

NATO prison guards marching at camp Bondsteel after a long day torturing dissidents. Source: dvidshub.net
But aren’t all these states sovereign and independent? The short answer is no.
The most independent and resilient state remains Serbia. The Serbs historically from the Turks’ oppression onward were the rebels and rightly so. In the times were it was too bloody to be totally free and still keep their heads high, they sailed quietly through dangerous times (e.g. from 1999 to 2022 when they had to retreat in the face of Western pressure and sanctions). Even in times like that they kept their freedom and waited for their moment to rise up again to come.

Serbian leader Aleksandar Vucic meets with Vladimir Putin. Source: Deutsche Welle
What about the other Balkan’s states? Are they sovereign and free? The current EU and NATO member states are Slovenia, and Croatia, the NATO member states are (North) Macedonia, Montenegro – all of which are also ex republics of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, here we count in also Bosnia and Herzegovina, and while it is not a NATO member state, it is in NATO’s Membership Action Plan. The remaining NATO member states are Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania (the last three are also EU members). But we must not leave out of the equation Moldova which is in special interest to the US and the West at the moment.

War criminal and Tony Blinken meets with Moldovan leader Maia Sandu. Source: politic.karpat.in.ua
Of course, none of the states named above is sovereign and free. The EU and NATO member states in the Balkans are simple vassals of the US. They must follow with no questions asked whatever they are told from Washington or Brussels or face the consequences. The EU countries namely, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania are a second class colonies: Brussels is the colony of the Washington and since Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sofia and Bucharest are subordinate to Brussels it makes them second class colonies.
Leadership of all Balkan countries goes against the will of their people – people want peace in Ukraine and normalization with Russia. But this is the diametric opposite of the foreign policy of the White House to which EU and NATO countries governments are subdued. Information warfare and propaganda from the US and the West elites is therefore very strong to keep the EU nations in ignorance and lies. Alternative media plays very important role to confront the lies and bring the truth to the people. People are not stupid and want the truth.
As the EU starts to falter under the weight of America’s imperial domination, the best bet for Slovenia and Croatia at this moment in history would be to leave NATO and EU. None of these organizations have a significant future. Both are in free fall. It’s just a matter of time before they hit the ground.
It is also not so easy to leave NATO or EU, first alternatives must be built, if possible under the radars of Washington and Brussels. BRICS is the alternative. For the military security of the Balkans’ states it is most important to make their national armies strong and capable of real self-defense. Neither Russia nor China is the threat to the Balkans. The only threat is the US, so it is vitally important to build defense against US aggression. If Italy’s US-backed ruling fascist party gains more support there is a threat to Slovenia and Croatia since the fascists want western parts of those countries under their control in an attempt to reclaim their hero Mussolini’s lost empire.

Joe Biden kisses Italian fascist Georgia Meloni at the white house. Source: telegraph.co.uk
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a hard story. Bosniaks are totally in line with US orders, but Serbs want to be free and connected with their brothers and sisters in Serbia. There might be another war. US will for sure try to detonate it. Republika Srpska should become integral part of Serbia and the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina should became independent state, free from US and EU dominance.

Republika Srpska and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Source: Al-Jazeera
Is it possible? Yes, but the US will not take this lying down. They are already attempting to start another war or color revolution. All the effort should go in the direction of making the parting of Bosnia and Herzegovina as smooth as possible. With any luck, people still have fresh memories of the last war and won’t buy so easily into another.
Montenegro is another US puppet state with a lot of corruption. But people are rebellious and know their history. Montenegrin partisans were among some of the most numerous and effective anti-fascists in Europe, and so the tendency to resist the domination of Mussolini and Hitler’s heirs runs strong. It just might happen that seeing the course of multi-polarity of the world today, the strength of the Russian Federation (military, economy and diplomacy) there would come a government that would turn the ship in the direction of the BRICS, exit NATO and stop looking towards EU.

Montenegrin partisans gather at a cemetery for their slain comrades. Source: balkaninsight.com
Albania is in a similar condition but with much stronger inclination towards the West, so it might be much harder for Albania to break away from their bonds with US and European masters. Macedonia (North Macedonia) is another puppet state devastated with poverty and has been driven to desperation. The criminals in NATO are offering them money, and Macedonia is too poor to refuse, despite the strings attached. This is NATO’s usual strategy, immiserate nations through economic warfare, then buy their most pliant criminals for pennies on the dollar.

Tony Blinken meeting with Albanian leader and fascist sympathizer Edi Ram
It has future in economic cooperation with Russia and China and other BRICS countries. CIA and MI6 will try to make civil war between Macedonian Albanians and other Macedonia nations in case the country changes its course. From 1945 onward, Greece has its hands and feet allover in US-EU chains. The country tried to break free unsuccessfully, after the Greek Communists posed one of the most effective resistance organizations in all of Europe during WW2, they were systematically hunted down and exterminated by Greek fascists backed by British forces in the post-war era.

Greek anti-Nazi protesters murdered by British soldiers in 1944. Source: The Guardian
Nevertheless, the resistance movement never died, so there is hope for Greece. With NATO and EU powers diminishing from day to another there is more and more hope for Greece. Again there is future in BRICS and connecting with other Balkan countries.
Bulgaria and Romania can and should become truly sovereign and independent states. It goes similar for them to dislodge from NATO and EU. Both have historical ties with Russia (USSR) and should build their economy and military strength on it. They are at good economical starting point and can find a brighter future with the sane and stable BRICS instead of the NATO warmongers.
Special topic is Moldova since it plays the role of Ukraine 2.0 together with Armenia. US hegemony wants to destabilize and strategically defeat Russia in any way possible, the lives of the Armenian and Moldovan people only count as tools against Russia. Moldova is divided and civil war may break out, with part of the country refusing to accept the illegal dissolution of the USSR, rather continuing on as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, also known as Transnistria.

The flag of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Source: Wikipedia
In further pressure from Moldovan government towards EU and fusion into (not with) Romania – loosing independence and sovereignty, Transnistria and Gaugauzia will secede and after referendums they will become parts of Russian Federation. On the other hand in case Moldova and Armenia follow example of Georgia and defend their genuine national interests, independence and sovereignty they should develop economic ties in the neighborhood and again connect with BRICS countries.

Transnistria. Source: BBC
The Balkans except for Serbia (and Republika Srpska) are the vassal states of the US through it’s Brussels proxy. It is up to each nation to decide their destiny. However, if they want a future as anything besides the lapdogs of NATO, the future of the Balkans lies in the BRICS. However, The EU and NATO won’t give up it’s influence and power over any of the Balkan state.
Freedom will come through a fight. Not necessarily through war or wars. But through political struggle of the peoples. What keeps peoples tight are mainly three ropes: personal comfort – until there is material abundance, no one is willing to go to the streets, informational blindness – people are kept in ignorance through MSM and they take lies for truth or distance themselves from action, daily survival – people work hard from day to another to make ends meet and have no time or energy for fight.
The power of alternative media is growing and people are inclined to the truth, people want the truth. Therefore there is hope for a fairer, multi-polar world and prosperous Balkans.

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