Пресвртница за Украина

Дали ја оправдувате воената агресија на Русија над Украина?

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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Aбе џабе ви се сите обиди, не се дава тенеќе, тој гледа само тоа што сака да види па вие и од земја треснете се ако сакате. ;)
Член од
22 декември 2018
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Kano druze, ne ja najde soljata ama Americkite patriots raketi go najdoa patot do Ukraina. Silata na SAD ne e vo GOAT lideri zatoa i pokraj Trump ili Biden ostanuvaat funkcionalni. Vsusnost vo zapadnite zemji nema da vidis premieri ili pretsedateli da glumat generali vo vojna. Ako gledame taka, mozebi i tuka e eden problem na Rusite oti cat pat moze da se cita deka Putin sepak se gleda (i deluva) kako general.
Тоа е и целта на еден Систем на силна држава, безбедносниот систем тука спаѓа и судство да функционира без разлика кој ќе дојде на власт. Секој што згрешил и украдил на нелегален начин да си плати за тоа што го направил.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Кој зборуваше за мочање во дворот на Пакс Американа?
@y2k ти ли беше? :cautious:

El Paso Mayor Warns 20,000 Illegal Aliens Waiting In Mexico To Cross Border When Title 42 Ends

“The shelters in [Ciudad] Juarez are completely full today, and they believe there are about 20,000 people ready to come into El Paso...”

Roughly 20,000 illegal aliens are waiting to cross the border into El Paso, Texas, as soon as the Trump-era Title 42 program ends, Mayor Oscar Leeser said on Monday.

Leeser made the comments at a press conference just two days after declaring a state of emergency amid an influx of illegal aliens that have crossed the southern border and been released into the city. Many of them are sleeping in downtown streets while temperatures are freezing, according to officials.

“We’ve been talking to some of the partners in Mexico, and we’re talking also to the Border Patrol and those are the numbers that have been fed back to us,” said Leeser.
“The shelters in [Ciudad] Juarez are completely full today, and they believe there are about 20,000 people ready to come into El Paso.”
Leeser, a Democrat, added that his office has been working with local agencies to ensure that the city is prepared to handle the wave of illegal immigrants.

Title 42 allowed Border Patrol agents to turn illegal aliens back to their country immediately if they were deemed to pose a health threat amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

A U.S. Border Patrol agent instructs immigrants who had crossed the Rio Grande into El Paso, Texas, on Dec. 19, 2022 as seen from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. (John Moore/Getty Images)

El Paso Declares State of Emergency
The policy, which was set to end on Dec. 21, has been used millions of times to expel aliens since March 2020 and has prompted fears among officials that cities and states could soon be overwhelmed with immigrants.

Preliminary Customs and Border Protection data shared with The Epoch Times shows that El Paso and Del Rio in Texas, two of the busiest sectors along the border, apprehended 70,288 illegal aliens between Dec. 1 through Dec. 19. An additional 28,913 “getaways,” or those who evaded arrest, were also reported.

According to acting Chief Patrol Agent Peter Jaquez of the El Paso Sector, border agents experienced a major surge in illegal crossings over the weekend of Dec. 10 to Dec. 11, with a three-day average of 2,460 daily encounters. This marks a 40 percent increase compared with October. More increases are expected.

In order to help deal with the increased number of illegal aliens, Leeser declared a state of emergency, granting the city more resources and authority to shelter those who have crossed the southern border.

An emergency operations center will also be opened to help manage the situation, Leeser said.
“We know that the influx on Wednesday will be incredible,” the mayor said in a news conference announcing the state of emergency.
“I said from the beginning, that I would call it when I felt that either our asylum-seekers or our community, was not safe. I really believe that today our asylum-seekers are not safe as we have hundreds and hundreds on the streets and that’s not the way we want to treat people.”


On Dec. 15, the city of Denver also declared a state of emergency in an effort to prevent a local humanitarian crisis amid an influx of illegal aliens arriving mainly from El Paso.

Mayor Michael Hancock, a Democrat, said the increased number of illegal aliens arriving in the city, mostly from Central and South America, is placing extreme pressure on the city’s efforts to shelter them and leading to limited space. The situation is being further exacerbated by staffing issues and winter weather, according to Hancock.

“It is at a crisis point right now and cities all over this country are being forced to deal with something we’re not equipped to deal with,” Hancock said.

Член од
22 јуни 2022
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Кој зборуваше за мочање во дворот на Пакс Американа?
@y2k ти ли беше? :cautious:

El Paso Mayor Warns 20,000 Illegal Aliens Waiting In Mexico To Cross Border When Title 42 Ends

“The shelters in [Ciudad] Juarez are completely full today, and they believe there are about 20,000 people ready to come into El Paso...”

Roughly 20,000 illegal aliens are waiting to cross the border into El Paso, Texas, as soon as the Trump-era Title 42 program ends, Mayor Oscar Leeser said on Monday.

Leeser made the comments at a press conference just two days after declaring a state of emergency amid an influx of illegal aliens that have crossed the southern border and been released into the city. Many of them are sleeping in downtown streets while temperatures are freezing, according to officials.

“We’ve been talking to some of the partners in Mexico, and we’re talking also to the Border Patrol and those are the numbers that have been fed back to us,” said Leeser.
“The shelters in [Ciudad] Juarez are completely full today, and they believe there are about 20,000 people ready to come into El Paso.”
Leeser, a Democrat, added that his office has been working with local agencies to ensure that the city is prepared to handle the wave of illegal immigrants.

Title 42 allowed Border Patrol agents to turn illegal aliens back to their country immediately if they were deemed to pose a health threat amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

A U.S. Border Patrol agent instructs immigrants who had crossed the Rio Grande into El Paso, Texas, on Dec. 19, 2022 as seen from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. (John Moore/Getty Images)

El Paso Declares State of Emergency
The policy, which was set to end on Dec. 21, has been used millions of times to expel aliens since March 2020 and has prompted fears among officials that cities and states could soon be overwhelmed with immigrants.

Preliminary Customs and Border Protection data shared with The Epoch Times shows that El Paso and Del Rio in Texas, two of the busiest sectors along the border, apprehended 70,288 illegal aliens between Dec. 1 through Dec. 19. An additional 28,913 “getaways,” or those who evaded arrest, were also reported.

According to acting Chief Patrol Agent Peter Jaquez of the El Paso Sector, border agents experienced a major surge in illegal crossings over the weekend of Dec. 10 to Dec. 11, with a three-day average of 2,460 daily encounters. This marks a 40 percent increase compared with October. More increases are expected.

In order to help deal with the increased number of illegal aliens, Leeser declared a state of emergency, granting the city more resources and authority to shelter those who have crossed the southern border.

An emergency operations center will also be opened to help manage the situation, Leeser said.
“We know that the influx on Wednesday will be incredible,” the mayor said in a news conference announcing the state of emergency.
“I said from the beginning, that I would call it when I felt that either our asylum-seekers or our community, was not safe. I really believe that today our asylum-seekers are not safe as we have hundreds and hundreds on the streets and that’s not the way we want to treat people.”


On Dec. 15, the city of Denver also declared a state of emergency in an effort to prevent a local humanitarian crisis amid an influx of illegal aliens arriving mainly from El Paso.

Mayor Michael Hancock, a Democrat, said the increased number of illegal aliens arriving in the city, mostly from Central and South America, is placing extreme pressure on the city’s efforts to shelter them and leading to limited space. The situation is being further exacerbated by staffing issues and winter weather, according to Hancock.

“It is at a crisis point right now and cities all over this country are being forced to deal with something we’re not equipped to deal with,” Hancock said.

И што ќе се случи после ванлокче, чим влезат овие како што го викате, ванземаљци?


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Тенеќе абе овој Лукашенко навистина курнас испадна, врти сучи се наоружа до заби... Што ако се спрема да се сврти против Путин, гарант такво нешто спремаат заедно со западот а? Изгледа само шоу беше она кога демек западот сакаше да му направи државен удар, само се спремале за ова и сега ете го излажаа Путин да му даде нуклеарно оружје па дури успеал да го убеди и пилотите да му ги обучи за да го користат оружјето!

Ние го гледавме со син му како држат Калаши и се закануваат на западот, а овие цело време играле друга игра... Их каков шах мат може сега да му дадат на Путин. :unsure:

Russia is training Belarussian pilots to fly combat jets with “special warhead” capabilities, Belarusian state-controlled media announced during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to the country on Monday, his first in three years.

The meeting comes amid heightened concerns that Russia is planning a new assault on Ukraine, possibly from Belarusian territory, despite the fact that Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko late last week declared his country was not a puppet of Putin’s.

Late on Monday, Belarus’ official news agency BeITA, stated that an agreement had been reached over training for Belarussian army aircraft, “which have already been refitted to carry and possibly use air-launched ammunition with special warheads”.

To sweeten the deal, Putin has appointed Belarus head of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) beginning in January 2023.

“Taking into account the situation evolving along the border perimeter, we discussed some important details of cooperation in the sphere of military security. I thank you, Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] for our finding mutual understanding and support [...],” Lukashenko was quoted as saying.

What worries Ukraine and Western officials most, however, was Lukashenko’s statement that “Today we've commissioned an S-400 [air defense missile] complex that you have handed over to Belarus. And most importantly the Iskander complex, which you've also handed over to us after promising it half a year ago.”

Lukashenko continued: “You've just touched upon a very sensitive matter (we are not its authors) concerning the training of our crews [for the aircraft] capable of carrying special weapons and special ammunition. I have to tell you that we've prepared the aircraft. It turned out we've had such aircraft since the Soviet times. We tested them in the Russian Federation. We are now working with Russians to train the crews able to fly these aircraft that carry special ammunition.”
Автоматски споено мислење:

Meanwhile Ukrainian officials have accused Russia of trying to "steal" Christmas, on a day where drones continued to hit the national power grid:

Kyiv officials on Monday illuminated a Christmas tree in the city center, refusing to let Russia "steal" the festive season from Ukrainian children.
The day, which started with swarms of attacks on critical infrastructure in the Ukrainian capital, ended with the unveiling of the 12-meter (40-feet) high artificial tree decorated with white peace doves.
A few dozen residents braved the sub-zero temperatures to admire the tree located next to the Saint Sophia Cathedral and its emblematic golden domes — and take selfies.

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wanna BOMB?
Член од
11 април 2010
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Територијата што ја држеа под контрола САД во Авганистан беше еднаква на територијата на базите кои ги имаа.
Не е баш најточно ама блиску.
САД имаа стратегија која ја нарекоа light footprint. Тоа значи дека со малку војска ќе контролираат стратешки битни точки. Покрај големите градови, тоа вклучува воени бази и рути за снабдување. Main Supply Route (MSR) & Auxiliary Supply Route (ASR) е систем на коридори за интегрална контрола на огромна територија, не ја држат целата територија туку само точки и поврзаноста измеѓу.

Америка 100% успеа во целите на сопствената стратегија (целите се остваруваат тактички и оперативно, за што америте се неприкосновени). Проблемот за америте е дека стратегијата им беше идиотска и нефункционална. Па џабе е се. Истата грешка ја повторија во Авганистан и Ирак, претходно во Виетнам. Панама е пример на успех на таквата стратегија, ама тоа е исклучок а не правило.

Русија не успеа во целите на својата стратегија. Уште полошо, стратегијата им се смени драматично на два наврати. Со други зборови, не знаат кај тераат.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Територијата што ја држеа под контрола САД во Авганистан беше еднаква на територијата на базите кои ги имаа.
Само што ти ја објаснија амерканската верзија на „територијата што ја држеа под контрола САД во Авганистан беше еднаква на територијата на базите кои ги имаа“.

Тоа за воениот дел. Јас ќе додадам дека вистинската причина за нивното присуство таму беше финансирењето на нивните „неофицијални“ операции. Oд тој аспект колегата погоре има право, американската операција беше успешна - или барем додека племенските заедници не ги набркаа од Авганистан а Талибаните не ги уништија посевите со афион. За Талибаните што сакајте кажете, но дилери на дрога не се - за разлика од овие на фотографииве кои беа воено поразени/посрамотени, и набркани избегаа без обзир на милијардите техника и оружје што го оставија (на поклон на тие што ги поразија).

US/NATO Troops Patrolling Opium Poppy Fields in Afghanistan
May 21, 2010
These photos have been released by the Department of Defense and ISAF over the last few years. Some of the photos discuss instances of troops helping with the destruction of poppy fields. Many of the photos do not mention anything related to destruction or removal of poppies. Instead, they describe how troops “patrol” through and around the fields. In one instance, a US soldier even seems to be even helping with cultivation. In a recent report from Geraldo Rivera which aired in late April on Fox News, a USMC Lt. Col. indicated that US forces encourage the Aghans to grow different crops, however, out of fear of losing stability poppy cultivation is tolerated and even supported. In November 2009, the Afghan Minister of Counter Narcotics General Khodaidad Khodaidad stated that the majority of drugs are stockpiled in two provinces controlled by troops from the US, the UK, and Canada. He also said that NATO forces are taxing the production of opium in the regions under their control and that foreign troops are earning money from drug production in Afghanistan.

Captain Julian Hohnen, Officer Commanding a combined Australian and Afghan Army patrol base in the Baluchi Valley Region mentors Afghan National Army Officer, Lieutenant Farhad Habib. Mid Caption: All across the MTF1 area of operations partnered mentoring is being conducted on mounted and dismounted combined patrols with ever increasing security presence being experienced by local communities from the Southern Baluchi Valley to the Northern Chora reaches as well as east through the Mirabad. Ongoing combined ANA and MTF1 security operations involving infantry, combat engineer and reconnaissance capabilities in Oruzgan have achieved multiple layers of effects including an increased rate of IED find and render safe percentages, increased cache finds, and enhanced trust fostered within local communities. Deep Caption: Operation SLIPPER is Australia's military contribution to the international campaign against terrorism, piracy and improving maritime security. Under this operation our forces contribute to the efforts of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) - led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. ISAF seeks to bring security, stability and prosperity to Afghanistan and aims to prevent Afghanistan again becoming a safe haven for international terrorists. Operation SLIPPER also supports the United States led International Coalition Against Terrorism (ICAT) in the broader Middle East.

U.S. Marines assigned to the female engagement team (FET) of I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) conduct a patrol alongside a poppy field while visiting Afghan settlements in Boldak, Afghanistan, April 5, 2010. The FET, which is deployed in support of the International Security Assistance Force, is in the area to engage with local women in an effort to gain cultural awareness and ascertain family needs. (DoD photo by Cpl. Lindsay L. Sayres, U.S. Marine Corps/Released)

An Afghan poppy farmer watches an AH-1W Cobra helicopter fly over his field in Farah province, Afghanistan, March 8, 2009. The Cobras are providing overwatch protection for Afghan National Police officers and U.S. Marines with India Company, 3rd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment as they conduct a cordon and search in a small village. The Cobras are part of the Air Command Element for the Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force-Afghanistan which is rooting out Taliban and insurgent fighters and providing security for the Afghan people. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Chief Warrant Offficer Philippe Chasse/Released)

An Afghani farmer stands in the middle of his poppy field in Delaram, Afghanistan, watching U.S. Marines from 3rd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment Combat Train conduct a resupply convoy down Highway 515, from Delaram to Bakwa, Afghanistan, March 25, 2009. The Iraqi government is working to eradicate poppy cultivation throughout the country to improve the health, security and development of Afghanistan. Alternative livelihoods for farmers are being planned and implemented. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Chief Warrant Officer Philippe Chasse/Released)

DIZAK, Afghanistan - ARSIC-W’s Commander’s Emergency Response Program Manager U.S. Navy Lieutenant David Williams from San Diego, Calif., checks out a villager’s poppy crop after being informed the profit for poppy was 40% greater than the profit for growing wheat in the area. Williams visited Dizak to gather information on their needs the same day the Afghan National Police and ARSIC-W Civil Affairs Team delivered humanitarian aid to the village. He plans to use CERP funds to assist the villagers in the future. ISAF Photo by US Navy Mass Communications Specialist Petty Officer 1st Class Monica R. Nelson

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Burton Shields, commander of 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, and his interpreter Ali Mohamed discover a pile of dried poppy plants in Badula Qulp, Helmand province, Afghanistan, Feb. 12, 2010. The Soldiers are participating in Operation Helmand Spider. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Efren Lopez/Released)

Dried Poppy plants are photographed July 15, 2009, as Afghan National Army soldiers and U.S. Marines with 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment conduct a civil affairs patrol in the Nawa District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Marines with 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 3, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade - Afghanistan, are deployed in support of NATO's International Security Assistance Force. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. James Purschwitz/Released)

A U.S. Marine with the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, patrols a poppy field in the Garmsir District of Helmand province. (U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Mark O'Donald/Released)

A Police Mentoring Team and members of the Afghan national police patrol through a poppy field near Combat Outpost Castle, Helmand province, Afghanistan, March 29. PMT routinely patrol the area searching for improvised explosive devises, looking for Taliban influence, and interacting with the local populace while mentoring the ANP.

Afghan farmers grow poppies outside the Salaam Bazaar in Now Zad, Afghanistan, April 14, 2010. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Matthew P. Troyer/Released)

Afghan farmers walk the fields and check their poppy plants as poppy season nears in Now Zad, Afghanistan, April 14, 2010. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Matthew P. Troyer/Released)

Afghan children sit outside a poppy field in Now Zad, Afghanistan, April 14, 2010. The children played together while older family members worked the poppy fields. (U.S. Marine Corps Photo by Lance Cpl. Matthew P. Troyer/Released)
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1897 Fighter
Член од
29 декември 2007
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Талибан пружеше најжесток отпор од сите војни во кои САД учествуваа последниве 3-4 децении.
Впрочем Талибанците имаа под контрола многу повеќе територија од САД.
Секојдневно гинеа по десетици луѓе од безбедносните служби на страната на коалицијата.
Жртвите кај коалицијата беа поголеми од тие кај Талибанците.
Талибанците имаа добиено бројни битки против САД, редовно превземаа офанзиви со значителни успеси и во ниту еден момент не беа ни блиску до било каков пораз.
Пред да влезат САД во Авганистан Талибанците контролираа помалку територија отколку кога излегоа.
Патем, се пишува Авганистан, не Афганистан.
Не е се така црно - бело. Талибаните беа скоро уништени, и некоја „невидлива“ рака ги врати во живот и им поклони пак власт во Авганистан (патем, дека пишев на латиница го напишав како што се пишува на англиски). Тој истиот си ја повлече војската од земјата и им го отвори патот.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Маринци патролирале покрај полиња со афион и сами себе се сликале, а всушност операцијата во Авганистан била за афионот според кајганските вански експерти, а операцијата била тајна...Оххх мори мајкооооо......
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Член од
22 јуни 2022
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УСА ја користи војската со автомати и тенкови да произведува афион на другата страна на светот :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

човек да го има вашиот зирохеџ мозок барем на ден, какви пациенти човече


1897 Fighter
Член од
29 декември 2007
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УСА ја користи војската со автомати и тенкови да произведува афион на другата страна на светот :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

човек да го има вашиот зирохеџ мозок барем на ден, какви пациенти човече
И ќе праќа војски илјадници километри од дома, за да изведи, пази ТАЈНА операција на одгледување афион, па уште ќе ги слика и ќе ги објавува. :pos: :pos: :pos: Како не му е срам да се засрамат....
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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И ќе праќа војски илјадници километри од дома, за да изведи, пази ТАЈНА операција на одгледување афион, па уште ќе ги слика и ќе ги објавува. :pos: :pos: :pos:
па зошто ја водеа војната во Афганистан, која е целта што беа толку години таму? Бесполезно фрлаа десетици милијарди годишто. Тоа е или да си будала или да имаш некој ќар.


1897 Fighter
Член од
29 декември 2007
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па зошто ја водеа војната во Афганистан, која е целта што беа толку години таму?
Па за афионот де. Плус се шпекулира дека во Авганистан се закопани неколку лидери на илуминатите и по некој масон, па да им ја ослободат земјата.
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Па за афионот де. Плус се шпекулира дека во Авганистан се закопани неколку лидери на илуминатите и по некој масон, па да им ја ослободат земјата.
не знам некако нема логика некој да фрла милијарди годишно во дупка без дно како Афганистан толку години.
Член од
1 ноември 2005
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Megju drugoto....

Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican, weighed in on what he believes a NATO-Russia conflict would be like, responding to a tweet questioning why NATO hasn't defeated Russia yet.

"I'm hoping this is a joke. NATO vs Russia would be like a real three day operation," the GOP lawmaker wrote.

Ne da e nekoj faktor ama za vicevi go biva.


wanna BOMB?
Член од
11 април 2010
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не знам некако нема логика некој да фрла милијарди годишно во дупка без дно како Афганистан толку години.
Па не мора толку наивно да гледаш на работите.
Корумпирани олигарси од воено индустриски комплекс подмитуваат глупи политичари да иницираат војна. Профитот е огромен а штетата за невини жртви, бескорисна војна, ужасен излез е цената на тој профит, ама ја плаќа некој друг. Две реченици, не е комплексно

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