Woke и cancel култура, SJW, safe spaces, политичка коректност...


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Ви текнува на Џо Роган подкастот каде оваа долу се правеше паметна?
Не дека имам илузии дека социјалниве мрежи ќе станат помалку алатка за пропаганда, ама ова денес беше пријатно да се прочита.

Не го можам Елон, ама јако е што ликот го купи Твитер (не стриктно но во голема мера) за да ги отпушти умислениве фаци. :D

Just minutes after the world's richest man has reportedly closed the $44 billion deal, The NYTimes reports that, according to sources that declined to be identified, the Twitter executives who were fired include:

  • Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s chief executive,
  • Ned Segal, the chief financial officer,
  • Sean Edgett, the general counsel, and
  • Vijaya Gadde, the top legal and policy executive, (or censorship czar).

We suspect she was first on the list given this tweet from Musk earlier in the year...

As a reminder, having been with Twitter since 2011, Gadde was the key executive in charge of 'trust and safety, legal and public policy functions' - described by Politico as the company's "moral authority."

Gadde holds one of the most controversial positions at Twitter: Her teams decide how to moderate content. That’s made her a target of right-wing criticism, particularly when Twitter blocked the distribution of a New York Post article about President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in 2020. She faced a renewed wave of criticism after multiple reports confirmed she was behind the decision to ban Trump from Twitter. -Politico
In other words, Gadde is likely the exec who signed off on ZeroHedge's February 2020 ban for speculating that Covid-19 may have emerged from a Wuhan Lab, and President Trump's January 2021 ban in connection with the capitol riot.

And we are not surprised at the others...

At least one of the executives who was fired was escorted out of Twitter’s office, NYTimes reports.

Please do not feel too bad for these poor, dejected executives, as Insider reports, through "change in control" provisions in employment contracts for top leadership, they will receive a certain amount of severance and an automatic acceleration of their shares, so long as Musk fires them.

The provisions are disclosed in regulatory filings.

  • Agrawal is set to receive the largest payout of $38.7 million, due largely to the entirety of his shares vesting upon his firing.
  • Segal is set to receive a $25.4 million payout for getting fired.
  • Gadde will leave with $12.5 million.
As we detailed earlier, over 1,100 employees have left Twitter since Musk announced his intention to buy the company back in January, with almost a third going to Google or Meta.

The figures come from a new analysis of LinkedIn data, with the report noting that other workers have moved to the likes of Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snap, and TikTok.

We suspect, as Elon warned, it's sinking now for some...

Will we see this tomorrow?

Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Член од
16 ноември 2020
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Ќе живуркате вие вокерите уште малку...после нема никоj да зборува за вас, исто како никогаш да не сте постоиле. ;)


Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
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Маск веќе ги набркал шефоите.
Член од
14 август 2006
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Ви текнува на Џо Роган подкастот каде оваа долу се правеше паметна?
Не дека имам илузии дека социјалниве мрежи ќе станат помалку алатка за пропаганда, ама ова денес беше пријатно да се прочита.

Не го можам Елон, ама јако е што ликот го купи Твитер (не стриктно но во голема мера) за да ги отпушти умислениве фаци. :D

Just minutes after the world's richest man has reportedly closed the $44 billion deal, The NYTimes reports that, according to sources that declined to be identified, the Twitter executives who were fired include:

  • Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s chief executive,
  • Ned Segal, the chief financial officer,
  • Sean Edgett, the general counsel, and
  • Vijaya Gadde, the top legal and policy executive, (or censorship czar).

We suspect she was first on the list given this tweet from Musk earlier in the year...

As a reminder, having been with Twitter since 2011, Gadde was the key executive in charge of 'trust and safety, legal and public policy functions' - described by Politico as the company's "moral authority."

In other words, Gadde is likely the exec who signed off on ZeroHedge's February 2020 ban for speculating that Covid-19 may have emerged from a Wuhan Lab, and President Trump's January 2021 ban in connection with the capitol riot.

And we are not surprised at the others...

At least one of the executives who was fired was escorted out of Twitter’s office, NYTimes reports.

Please do not feel too bad for these poor, dejected executives, as Insider reports, through "change in control" provisions in employment contracts for top leadership, they will receive a certain amount of severance and an automatic acceleration of their shares, so long as Musk fires them.

The provisions are disclosed in regulatory filings.

  • Agrawal is set to receive the largest payout of $38.7 million, due largely to the entirety of his shares vesting upon his firing.
  • Segal is set to receive a $25.4 million payout for getting fired.
  • Gadde will leave with $12.5 million.
As we detailed earlier, over 1,100 employees have left Twitter since Musk announced his intention to buy the company back in January, with almost a third going to Google or Meta.

The figures come from a new analysis of LinkedIn data, with the report noting that other workers have moved to the likes of Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snap, and TikTok.

We suspect, as Elon warned, it's sinking now for some...

Will we see this tomorrow?

сакаш да каеш дека циганкана била главна у тоа Твитер?
Член од
12 декември 2007
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Индијците им се ко кец на десетка - не се бели, вечно опресирани поради колонизација (тоа што културата и општеството им се на база на касти кајшто оние подолните се подолу од ѓубре секако се заборава) па имаат исти политички идеали како оние што им ги даваат позициите, не се до тој степен неспособни како едно друго малцинство па им даваат високи позиции.


Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
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Индијците кои ќе успеат да дојдат до Америка заради прекуокеанската одалеченост и условите за виза се генерално од добростоечки семејства и образувани се.

Пошто се од повисока класа (и каста) не се подложни на криминал како обоените од Јужна Америка и Диндувците.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Шупрајме сега?
Овие од британското здравство се ненормални бе, не знаат ли дека родова дисфорија е лажна вест на лажната психологија. Нели знаат дека „вистинската“ психологија правилно кажува дека родот е состојба на умот и секој според сопствена желба си одбира што род ќе биде. :cautious:

NHS Warning: Many "Trans" Kids Merely Going Through A "Phase"

In what may be a watershed moment in Western society's approach to purportedly transgendered children, the UK's National Health Service is now warning that such feelings "may be a transient phase, particularly for pre-pubertal children."

The NHS points to "scarce and inconclusive evidence to support clinical decision making...and a lack of evidence to support families in making informed decisions about interventions that may have life-long consequences." The NHS says healthcare providers therefore shouldn't hastily push children into changing their names, pronouns or bodies -- and should consider mental health issues that are frequently present among this universe of children.

The NHS's cautionary tone is struck in a pair of new documents by which the agency is proposing changes to its delivery of "specialist gender dysphoria services for children and young people."
In a move seemingly intended to impose greater discipline, one such proposed change would require that the clinical lead for handling "gender incongruence" cases must be a medical doctor.
Currently, there's no specification for which type of professional can take that role. "Oversight of the service by a medical doctor is appropriate given that the service may provide medical interventions to some children and young people," says the NHS.
Similarly, the NHS seeks to significantly narrow the range of people with authority to make patient referrals: "The current service specification for [Gender Identity Development Service] states that referrals can be made by staff in health and social services, schools, colleges of further education and by voluntary organisations. The new interim service specification proposes that referrals may be made by GPs and NHS professionals."

The NHS notes an explosion of referrals into its Gender Identity Development Service, from under 250 in 2011-12 to over 5,000 in 2021-22. The enormous increase has been accompanied by a striking shift in the composition of the group, from predominantly "birth-registered males" a decade ago to predominantly "birth-registered females" today.

What's more, "a significant number of children are also presenting with neurodiversity and other mental health needs and risky behaviours, which requires careful consideration."
Perhaps most importantly, the NHS warns about the perils of hastily moving a child down the gender transition path: "The clinical approach has to be mindful of the risks of an inappropriate gender transition and the difficulties that the child may experience in returning to the original gender role upon entering puberty if the gender incongruence does not persist."
The NHS also issues a warning about "social transition" for pre-pubescent children -- a term that refers to children publicly proclaiming a new gender, changing their names, pronouns, clothing, haircuts, restrooms, etc.

Noting "evidence that in most cases gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence," the NHS says: "The current evidence base is insufficient to predict the long-term outcomes of complete gender-role transition during early childhood...it is important to acknowledge that it should not be viewed as a neutral act...it may have significant effects on the child or young person in terms of their psychological functioning."

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Need moar drugs
Член од
25 јули 2015
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Брат, родова дисфорија е прифатена и од транс заедницата. Немаш поима за што лупеташ.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Насловот исто така ти е комплетно неточен. Имплицира дека ова важи за повеќето од деца, но студиите покажуваат дека тоа тотално нема врска. Ова е препорака од NHS за оние кои одат низ фаза, да, ама тие деца се екстремно мал број, а не „повеќето“ како што пишува во насловот.
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