- Член од
- 28 март 2006
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- 17.822
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- 12.316
Тие периоди обично децата знаат се. Не е лошо да го види филмот за 14-годишно девојче Кристиане Ф, како влегува во "чудесниот свет" на дрогата и што станува од неа и нејзините пријатели.Имаш 14 годинки
Christiane F. (born Vera Christiane Felscherinow on May 20, 1962) is a former heroin addict famous for her contribution to the autobiographical book Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, and the film based on the book, which describes her struggle with various forms of drug addiction during her teens.
Christiane was born in Hamburg, but her family moved to West Berlin when she was a child. They settled in Gropiusstadt, a dreary neighborhood in Neukölln consisting mainly of high-rise concrete apartment blocks where social problems were prevalent. Christiane's father frequently had a violent temper, drank heavily and raged at his family, and her parents eventually divorced. When she was 12 years old, she began smoking hashish with a group of friends who were slightly older, at a local youth club. They gradually began experimenting with stronger drugs, such as LSD and various forms of pills, and she ended up trying heroin. By the time she was 14, she was a junkie and prostitute, mainly at the then-largest train station of West Berlin, Bahnhof Zoo. Here she became part of a notorious group of teen aged drug-users and prostitutes (of both sexes).
Многу лоша работаShe lived in the US and in Greece, before returning to Germany in 1993. Through adulthood, Christiane has continued to struggle with drug addiction on several occasions. In 1994, she enrolled in a methadone programme, a treatment she has subsequently returned to several times. At some point, she spent time in prison for drug-related offenses. She lived with her son (born 1996) in an apartment in the Potsdam-Mittelmark area. However in 2008 she moved to Amsterdam with her son and reportedly fell back into drug abuse. As a consequence she has temporarily lost custody of her son, who was taken from her by the authorities during a visit in Berlin in August 2008. Christiane still receives fan-mail and is occasionally contacted by the German media, wanting to know how she is doing after all these years.
Ваљда оваа реченица ќе им допре до умот да не пробаат воопшто
At 12 it was Angel Dust. At 13 it was heroin. Then she took to the streets