Бугарско државјанство (процедура и потребна документација) - СТАРА ТЕМА

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Затворена за нови мислења.
Член од
28 мај 2019
Поени од реакции
Zdravo. Intervjuto beše vo dekemvri 2017 godina vo Sofija, imam 1 mesec so status. Korespondencijata beše razgledana od strana na Sovetot za državjanstvo. Prezemeno za dopolnitelna verifikacija. Što znači toa, i što treba da napravam?


Член од
14 ноември 2016
Поени од реакции
Hi. Interview was in december 2017 in Sofia, I have 1 month with with status Преписката е разгледана от С'вета по гражданството. Извадена е за доп'лнителна проверка,. What does it mean, and what should i do ?
Can you please tell me what are your documents?
Do you bring the originals also as you bring in the Agency?
Because when we have the interview they didn't ask for us to bring the same documents again in the Ministry of justice, but since the scandal in the Agency, they said that thay cannot take our documentation to check out, so that we must bring them to Ministry of Justice again. If we don't bring tham thay will put us on waiting status, like yours unfortunately. Some of the agents knows, some don't and in the end we suffer.
This check usually takes almost one year, that is the period so far.... I hope it will last much sooner.....
The same documents that you send for the orgin in the Agency for Bulgarian in foreign countries.
Your birth certificate, your mother's or father's birth certificate, your grandmother or grandfather certificate of death and yours grand grandfather or grand grandmother certificate of death depending on which side you are connected with.
Also the duplicate of the certificate of origin from your country Agency All that translated on Bulgarian and notary stamped.You should send those documents in period of this several months, or the latest until your status will updated again on final decision.
Член од
16 април 2018
Поени од реакции
Zdravo ,
intervjuata se stignati do 17.04.2018 dali znaete mozebi za kolku vreme ke sitgnat do junskite aplikacii, i sto sledi ponatamu vi blagodaram.

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Koga mu se smeni na finalna zosto jas sum so intervju 18.04.2018. I prasaj go drugar ti koj broj na prepiska e
Член од
31 август 2012
Поени од реакции
1 mesec i 10 dena sum od intervjuto do denes i seuste samo obrazuvana prepiska mi stoe bez zadolzitelna, normalno li e ova.
Член од
11 мај 2017
Поени од реакции
Денес со нови потписи
Молбите од 2015/16/17год
2015 целосна без ред
2016 интервју до јули
2017 интервју до јули

2014 ja nema sto e rabotata.
Sakam da ve prasam kako mislite 2015 celosna bez red? jas sum 997*/2015 intervju mart 2016 bev i na dopolnitelna i sega sum na polozitelno
Затворена за нови мислења.

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