Тука баш интересно е напишано за Кејси и Атлантида.
These Atlantean thought-form 'beings' - projecting 'vibrations' of pure white light and energy - gradually began to take on a more material shape and density and began to engage upon acts of sheer self-indulgence. These physically-encased thought-form projections, through the passage of time, began to separate into two groups; those
who followed the Laws of One and those that chose
to follow the Sons of Belial.
Доколку земеш во обзир 99% од пророците, мистици, луѓе кои добиле некој вид на просветлување, зборат дека сите сме поврзани, дека сме едно со центарот на унивезумот т.е. "
The Universal One"
Walter Russell, па горното од Кејси држи вода
Лесно се наоѓа и во пдф бесплатно.
Целата поента на сите овие муабети е:
Ако јас ти и Ireal, сме тројца врвни светски археолози, кои својата врвност, своето реноме и кариера, деценијска, ја имаме изградено врз база на некои тврдења, зарем сега така лесно би прифатиле дека се тие неточни?
нема да ги прифатиме, плус ќе ги искористиме сите можни (нечесни) средства за даги спречиме другите. Дисквалификација како личност, исмејување за некоја сосема 5та лична работа, забрани, казни итн итн. Слично нешто на форумов имаме
Но затоа упорноста го краси човекот, а и плодовите после се повкусни. Имаш разни случеви/примери од разни бранши, нешто како овој:
Heinrich Schliemann (1822 – 1890) was a German businessman and the real man who pioneered of field archaeology. He believed in the
historical accuracy of Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid and that they told stories that reflected actual historical events. Of course,
all the academics pronounced Homer’s writing
was a story for children. Schliemann was an amateur archaeological excavator. He took Homer at face value and believed it was history. To this day people still diminish his contributions because
he dared to challenge the academics. They hate his guts for proving them all wrong since they pontificated Homer was a story for children when they
never set foot out to prove that statement was even correct. Schliemann not merely discovered Troy, he discovered much of ancient Greece including the Lions Gate the entrance to Mycenae......
Сличен случај ти е и со :
Тhe book
Historia Augusta. They attributed right down to a monk and cited his name claiming
he made it all up some 300 years after events. To this day, it will be cited and often noted as being unreliable. The
academics did exactly the same thing and trashed this book because it listed 30 tyrants of the 3rd century Rome which included names they never heard of in any other source.
In this case,
two names were verified by coins discovered. There were two gold aureii of Saturninus discovered in Egypt. They were found exactly where Historia Augusta described his attempt to seize the throne of Rome. Saturninus was a usurper hailed by the troops from Alexandria, Egypt.
Then more recently, there was yet another discovery further validating Historia Augusta. The identity of yet another extremely obscure Emperor of the 30 tyrants has been confirmed further demonstrating how wrong the academics have been. In the year 1901, a coin bearing the legend IMP C DOMITIANVS PF AVG was discovered in a rural area of France. Immediately, the
academics declared it was a forgery 
because it would have again proven them wrong. Then in 2003, an amateur metal detectorist discovered a clump of about 5,000 Gallic-era coins that were all stuck together. Early the following year, the British Museum announced the discovery that made headlines worldwide. This time there was no denying that the Emperor Gaius Domitianus (268/271AD)
did in fact exist and that the earlier coin discovered in France had been
genuine after all.